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Confidentiality of having the procedure

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Originally posted by the B spot:

Hey guys.....I am off for a HT this Tuesday. As I wear my hair almost shaved completely, I am wondering what type of hat you guys recomend I use to cover the sutures and implants? I could care less if anyone knows I had a HT, I just do not want to gross anyone out!!!!! icon_eek.gif


I wore a regular baseball cap post-op when I ventured outdoors. However, to do this successfully without ripping out precious grafts that stick to the ball cap you have to take some precautions.


Dr. Cooley advised this to me and it worked VERY well:


Cut a piece of saran wrap that will cover the recipient area. Using a spray bottle, mist this saran wrap with water and place over the recipient area. Put cap on and tuck any remainding plastic into the cap.


Make sure the cap is not so snug in the first few days post op as to disturb the angulation and placement of the grafts as they are still setting. After around 10 days post-op, you will be fine to go without the saran wrap. It is just there to keep the grafts from sticking to the cap and being pulled out when you take the cap off.


While you may feel a bit silly doing this the first couple of times, it does work well.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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You must get over that any one (besides youself or your significant other) cares or even notices what you look like. Get real with the fact that people are into their own thing 99.9 % of the time and if they look at your dome and give it a passing thought that will be the end of it. So in the end who cares what other people think, You can never do anything about that! so just get on with it, put a bold face to the world that says, I want hair on my head and I chose to do something about it. Let it all hang out, a year after your HT it will all be forgotten. I was one of the people whose forehead was really read, for a while I put a little of my wifes powder on it but really just to take the pink and red edge off it. It really did just make me aware that it was my own obsession and had nothing to do with anyone else.

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