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A backwards hair transplant??

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Does anybody know of / has any pics of people who opted for a HT to replace the entire front half (filled in with decent density) knowing that they're unlikely to have enough donor hair to replace crown?


The reason I ask is because the thought of having a bald spot at back seems quite acceptable however the thought of having full on recession sends shivers down my spine!


Perhaps people don't do this type of HT because it looks unnatural?????


Any comments? Links to pics would be greatly appreciated!!!!





p.s. apologies if the subject title was misleading!




PhD (Experimental and Clinical medicine)


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  • Regular Member

Does anybody know of / has any pics of people who opted for a HT to replace the entire front half (filled in with decent density) knowing that they're unlikely to have enough donor hair to replace crown?


The reason I ask is because the thought of having a bald spot at back seems quite acceptable however the thought of having full on recession sends shivers down my spine!


Perhaps people don't do this type of HT because it looks unnatural?????


Any comments? Links to pics would be greatly appreciated!!!!





p.s. apologies if the subject title was misleading!




PhD (Experimental and Clinical medicine)


1.25mg Finasteride

Minoxidil 5% (EOD)

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Yes, people do this all the time.


Having a bald spot in the back of one's head is still natural (though often not preferred). Often, one has to choose between coverage verses density since the donor supply is finite.


What you choose is totally between you and the clinic you choose. I just suggest that you think long and hard about your goals and expectations before taking the plunge. A qualified clinic should be able to give you an estimate of how many overall grafts you will have.



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  • Regular Member

Thanks for your reply Bill.


I have another hypothetical question...and I think this one is quite difficult to answer due to patient variation etc. Let's say that a patient has lost most (if not all of his 'DHT sensitive' hair) and wants to replace as much as he can in the frontal zones. What likely density can be achieved?? Is it likely to be similar to that of normal density or is that completely unrealistic? Considering they wouldn't want to look like a monk lol!






PhD (Experimental and Clinical medicine)


1.25mg Finasteride

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Perhaps this will help with the discussion??





PhD (Experimental and Clinical medicine)


1.25mg Finasteride

Minoxidil 5% (EOD)

Nizoral 1% (x3/week)


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You are right...too many variables.


Basically, it depends on many factors:


1. Level of hairloss - norwood level

2. The number of donor grafts available

3. Size of are to be covered (aka: size of head)


Though I don't answer you specifically here...here is a good thread to read:


Will I be able to obtain a full head of hair?




Patients with lower norwood levels of older age are ideal candidates for higher levels of density in transplanted areas. Those with more hair loss or more anticipated hair loss have to consider coverage verses density...one or the other will be sacrificed.


However, the illusion of density can be achieved by 50% of the original hair density. Original hair density is typically between 70-100 FU/sq cm. Therefore 50% is between 35-50 grafts/FU. Obviously the greater the density of the transplant, the less see-through effect in certain lighting.


I hope this helps answer your questions generally speaking.



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For all intents & purposes, the best HT docs can re-create "original density." They might not technically do the number you had at 15 years old, but they can usually get 70-90% of the way there these days if you give them two or three surgeries to accomplish it. It wouldn't look "see-thru" at all, and it wouldn't feel noticeably different from how it originally was either.


The lack of donor hair is the entire holdup. They can give you all the hair back in the lost areas, but virtually nobody has the donor hair to do it unless they've only lost a VERY small amount of hair to begin with.




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