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Extreme hair loss solutions: Option 2

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  • Regular Member

I have been thinking about extreme solutions to deal with advanced hairloss.


I am a NW3-4, 25 yrs old, so there is a high chance I will become a 6 or 7 I believe. There are many in my shoes who would love to have a full illusion of hair regardless of how far they bald. A hair transplant alone will likely not achieve this in advanced hair loss sufferers given that donor hair is limited and often thins as we age.


Here is my second and most controversial extreme hair loss idea:


Transplant the maximum number of grafts available via strip and FUE. Then, use FUE to go beyond the typical suggested graft extraction and use extra grafts to further add density.



- More density in non-NW7 area



- Appearance of NW7 area would be severely compromised (strip scar plus extreme moth eaten look from FUE), would need to come up with extreme solutions to address this area.


Potential solutions to address the linear scar and moth eaten area are: Dermmatch, Toppik, tattoo dots or some combination of the three.


I realize that this is very controversial, but assuming the three potential donor area solutions could work, would it not be worth it to get great density in non NW7 area?


Would this work?

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I'm not sure where to begin with saying how bad an idea this is.


FUE is not scar-less so you will end up with lots of tiny dot scars in areas which are not in the safe zone.


I think the combined weird looking ness of the stripped out, FUE'd out area plus these dot scars will leave you very unhappy.


Additionally, it is a waste of money to transplant non-safe hairs. I would imagine that the attrition rate for these hairs could well be higher as well.


dermmatch and toppik are a big hassle to do all the time. tattoo dots fade to unnatural colours even if they do manage to make them look natural to begin with.


Plus God forbid you ever need chemo what will you do then with the scar, moth eaten look, dot scars out of the safe zone plus tattoo dots?

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- Appearance of NW7 area would be severely compromised (strip scar plus extreme moth eaten look from FUE), would need to come up with extreme solutions to address this area.


Believe me, this is something you don't want. I have this problem. If you're headed for NW 7, you'll be there a lot faster if you max out your donor area because then you've just taken all of the hair that would be remaining. Plus your scars will start to show and will not be able to be covered with the thin hair on top.


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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