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3 Weeks Post Op and Hair with Thick Tips

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I had a HT done by Dr. Feller 3 weeks ago and everything has gone perfectly thus far. I'm very excited for what is yet to come!


I'm done shedding and am now noticing a few "teaser" hairs pushing through the scalp (good name given to these hairs by the community BTW).


These new hairs have very interesting characteristics though. The tips are very thick and the base is very thin. It almost looks like the hair is burnt on the ends.


I'm sure more natural and even growth will occur, but am wondering if anyone else has experienced this or has a more scientific explanation. Perhaps the saline injections may cause thick tips on new growth?


I've attached a photo (zoomed). Thanks for any feedback.




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  • Regular Member

I had a HT done by Dr. Feller 3 weeks ago and everything has gone perfectly thus far. I'm very excited for what is yet to come!


I'm done shedding and am now noticing a few "teaser" hairs pushing through the scalp (good name given to these hairs by the community BTW).


These new hairs have very interesting characteristics though. The tips are very thick and the base is very thin. It almost looks like the hair is burnt on the ends.


I'm sure more natural and even growth will occur, but am wondering if anyone else has experienced this or has a more scientific explanation. Perhaps the saline injections may cause thick tips on new growth?


I've attached a photo (zoomed). Thanks for any feedback.



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You may look a bit like a Chia pet the first month of so. they should fall out but some may stay. It will happen again in about 6 months as the hair generally grows in rather coarse. Eventually it will all smoothen out over the course of 12-16 months



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Thank you for your feedback. After doing some research, I've come up with the following theory:


These hairs should have shed and entered the telogen phase as normal.


However, they experienced strong and thick growth immediately after the transplant, then weak and thinner growth for the weeks to follow. I think they may skip the telogen phase all together.


In other words, it took more time for these hairs to realize "Hey fellas, something weird just happened, lets slow down now".


Make sense?

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Pilot Ron,


Given that you're only 3 weeks out, it's possible that these hairs just didn't shed yet. They could also be "shocked" hair growing back, transplanted hair that survived the telogen phase, or transplanted hair that's dislodged from the root but will remain in your scalp at the same length until the new hair starts to grow and pushes it out.


But since you're only at 3 weeks, don't expect much. You still have a long way to go before seeing your results. Hang in there :-)



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