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First post- seeking guidance


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Good day gentlemen,


I've been visiting the website for the past few weeks because I've noticed that my hair is really starting to thin on the front of my head, with slight thinning on the crown as well. I'm 24 years old and am lucky to have a bald dad and some bald relatives on my mothers side of the family, so I realize that I'm genetically screwed in that regard. It's really starting to affect my confidence and I am now ready to fight this. After reading hours of differents posts on the site, I'm looking for some guidance from you all. I found a website called 4RX.com (I swear I'm not pushing this site) that sells Finasteride at $22 for 30 pills. To me this sounds way too good to be true, and I'm hesitant to buy from them. I've also considered taking Rogaine coupled with a shampoo that could possibly regrow or strengthen my hair. Lastly, I've considered buying the Hairmax LaserComb, but have heard mixed reviews on it. If any of you could let me know which of these is legitimate I would be greatly appreciative. I'm deploying to the Horn of Africa in about two weeks so I'm hoping to get some answers before I leave.


I realize this is along post (it's my first- go easy on me), but I thank anyone who took the time to read it and is willing to provide guidance. Thanks guys.


Semper Fi,


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Good day gentlemen,


I've been visiting the website for the past few weeks because I've noticed that my hair is really starting to thin on the front of my head, with slight thinning on the crown as well. I'm 24 years old and am lucky to have a bald dad and some bald relatives on my mothers side of the family, so I realize that I'm genetically screwed in that regard. It's really starting to affect my confidence and I am now ready to fight this. After reading hours of differents posts on the site, I'm looking for some guidance from you all. I found a website called 4RX.com (I swear I'm not pushing this site) that sells Finasteride at $22 for 30 pills. To me this sounds way too good to be true, and I'm hesitant to buy from them. I've also considered taking Rogaine coupled with a shampoo that could possibly regrow or strengthen my hair. Lastly, I've considered buying the Hairmax LaserComb, but have heard mixed reviews on it. If any of you could let me know which of these is legitimate I would be greatly appreciative. I'm deploying to the Horn of Africa in about two weeks so I'm hoping to get some answers before I leave.


I realize this is along post (it's my first- go easy on me), but I thank anyone who took the time to read it and is willing to provide guidance. Thanks guys.


Semper Fi,


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I heard the laser comb is a bunch of bull shit, and I read (although I dont know if its true) that some guy paid 4K for one!!! Thats nuts! Ive never tried meds, with the exception of rogaine which I just started and have little or no expectations with it. Alot of guys say they get great results from propecia as far as halting loss, but Ive never trid it.


Im considering a hair transplant as it is the only thing that (I believe) will significantly alter ones' appearance and is permanent. I think most docs want to wait until the age of 25 before doing surgery though.


..."deploying to the Horn of Africa"...god, you have a much more colorful life than mine. Im watching James Bond tie up some octopussy in HD and eating soggy fries from Mceedees on my couch...oh well, you and bond get to have all the fun.

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Welcome to the site. Yes, if you want to go the medical route, Propecia and Minoxidil are the only 2 drugs proven to regrow hair and stop loss. Lazercomb is a bunch of BS in many people's eyes ( like me) . Just not enough data proving it's worth.


My strategy was to stabilize my loss with Propecia ( don't use minoxidil too messy) and then I had 3 Ht's of 5017. It worked! 2.5 years later my hair is back & I am very happy!!



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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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Thanks for the quick reply gents. Mrjb, if you don't mind me asking, about how much did your hair transplants cost? I'm not near the point where this is even an option but I know in the future it will be a necessity. Also, any guidance on generic drugs or buying from sites like 4RX.com? I'm on a budget what with the military pay and all, and as I said before their offer seems a little too good to be true. Thanks again for the help.

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Well mine would be a bit more due to the 3 procedures. Most docs give a discount for any grafts over 2000 or so .. Total I spent about 18K total .. Well worth it I might add.



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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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Hi Mrjb,


Why do feel minioxidil is messy..I think applying a 1 ml solution is not that messy at all...its not sticky, does not smell bad...and finally u guys know better than me that it works...Also I think in USA, u get minioxidil sprays (I may be wrong..seen the stuff on Discovery)..

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Hi San


Well, I used Dermatch and concealers for a LONG time. Applying Minoxidil, which was greasy didnt work for me or was too much trouble.. Back then they only said it worked in the crown so I didnt think it was worth it but I have thought about it ..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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I bought Propecia from a local pharmacy, but I decided to give 4RX.com a shot. I haven't received my order yet, but I'll let you know how the generic works.

The 4RX web site is impressive, and I looked up the manufacturers of their medication. It all looks good, but "the proof of the pudding..."

Hang in there!


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Hi S


You can use them together but it seems too much trouble for me personally. Just never started using it .. I preferred only one drug to take and that was Propecia.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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Hi Mrjb,


I am planning to try Nanogen first...and then go for Dermmatch..Any Suggestions...I think u guys are gonna be my mentors when it comes to using such products...I am planning to start to use these products and i think u guys must have mastered the art of applying it...

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I like Dermatch the best. It is easy to apply ( less messy), waterproof, and a disc lasts a very long time.. As long as you have some hair to cover with, it is the best I believe.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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I know how you feel bro...I started losing my hair at 22. The males in my mothers side of the family are bold or have extremely thin hair.


That price for propecia is too good to be true. The cheapest I found it was at 60 dollars for 30 tabs and that was across the border in Mexico. you wrote Semper Fi...are you a Marine?


semper fi brother


Im just your average teenager...just that I'm 31!


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Sure am bro. I was set on getting out this November but I was offered a spot as a combat correspondent in Djibouti for six months and I could not pass it up. I'm still considering reenlisting in Africa because the re-up bonus for my MOS is $40,000 tax-free, which would help towards a future HT or two. Are you a Marine?

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sounds like a good deal bro. Yeah...th eres some good bonuses now, especially for Recon. I was with 5th Marines(3/5). I got out and I was going to get a job with Blackwater as a designated marksman back in 05, but I decided not to do it. My mother is having health problems and I didnt want to put her thru the extra stress.

when you get your HT, your doc can prescribe some Proscar for you. I have 4 HT's under my belt,so feel free to hit me up with any questions.


Be safe...kick ass and take some names


Im just your average teenager...just that I'm 31!


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Originally posted by sandip:

Hi Mrjb,


Why do feel minioxidil is messy..I think applying a 1 ml solution is not that messy at all...its not sticky, does not smell bad...and finally u guys know better than me that it works...Also I think in USA, u get minioxidil sprays (I may be wrong..seen the stuff on Discovery)..


I agree. I personally haven't had any problems with applying minioxidil (though I use the Rogaine foam). After I put the foam on in the morning I just blowdry my hair and it acts exactly like an awesome mousse (I also apply mousse to the back/sides of my head at the same time for styling purposes). Haven't experienced any problems with itching, greasiness, or odors either.


Also, FYI, I'm 24 too.

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