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Dr. Bernard Nusbaum - Miami

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I selected Dr. Nusbaum after seeing his video on the web. I already had 2 consults with the larger chain operations, but something just didn't feel right. I met with Dr. N. for a consult, and I felt comfortable with the decision to move forward with the procedure.


Procedure date: May 22,2007. Total follicular units: 2693.




835-3's and 4's


Dr. Nusbaum and his staff were wonderful. It was a very positive experience. My hair started growing after the 3rd month. It has now been approximately 6 1/2 months. I just had a follow-up appointment, wherein Dr. N. told me I could expect another 20-30% growth. I would certainly recommend Dr. Nusbaum.

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Satisfied Client,


Congratulations on your recent hair transplant experience and for selecting a first-rate hair transplant surgeon.


At 6.5 months, you are certainly not finished yet. More hair growth and maturation is yet to come.


Do you have any pictures you can post for us? I encourage you also to create a hair loss weblog to shaer your experience and hair transplant photos with us.


Best wishes,



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