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Rogaine and Nizoral ?s


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  • Regular Member

Can you guys for once solve the dilemma as to which is better, the rogain liquid or foam. I am about to go out and buy some rogain and I have heard different opinions as to which is better. I would have to say from most of what I read, the liquid is better. I don't even know if there's really that much of a difference if they both deliver the minoxidil 5% solution. I don't care if the liquid form is more tedious to apply, it would be worth the effort if it works better.


Also, where is the best place to get this stuff from. I see they sell it at most places like CVC for $50. By the way I checked the rogaine site and they discontinued the $15 off coupon which yeah sucks.


Another questin I have is do you think the generics or other brand name companys differ from the pfizer company which makes Rogaine. I mean there's such a huge price difference. The name brand Rogaine is $50 for 3 months but this generic 5% minoxidil that I found is only $32 for 6 MONTHS. Here's the site to it.




I noticed that most stores like target also make their own which are very cheap. Do you think these are just as good to take as the name brand Rogaine? Any help would be great.


Also where is the best place to buy Nizoral 2% shampoo and how much does it normally cost. Ok thanks.

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In my opinion, there's evidence to suggest that the foam is a superior delivery system to the scalp while other evidence suggests that the propylene glycol found in the liquid may assist the liquid in penetrating the scalp.


In my opinion, as long as the minoxidil is getting into the scalp and penetrating the hair follicles, whether you use the liquid or the foam doesn't matter. Both appear to deliver the minoxidil to the follicles.


In my opinoin, the foam is a superior product because it's easy to apply and doesn't irritate the scalp. However, if you feel more comfortable with the liquid, by all means, use it.


Generic minoxidil is just as good as brand name Rogaine.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

i would try looking into some canadian pharmacy sites for the nizoral (thats where i get mine... canadamedicineshop i think is the name of the site)

my reg is:


propecia 1mg EVERYDAY

minox 5% twice daily (f the foam)

nizoral 1%


say la V old buddies .... i'm tryin to keep you

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  • Regular Member

thanks Bill and why for the responses.

so yeah i have seen some of these canadian sites and other online sites.....besides really cheap minoxidil, i have also seen some generic propecia on these sites that are extremely cheap.....upto 3 or 4 times even cheaper then the name brand propecia.....do you guys think that the cheap generic propecia on the online sites are good to take or they probbaly dont work as good as the name brand merck.....im really interested in knowing because i think i might buy some.


as far as rogaine goes, im gonna stick with the foam......but do they also make any cheap generic foam of rogaine as well?

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  • Regular Member

I don't think there is a generic form of the foam Rogaine, I use the liquid version by Kirkland (minoxidil 5%). Although one of the HT doctors I saw today said one of the ingredients in the foam make the solution better to absorb into the scalp.

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  • Regular Member

yeah i found out that the rogaine company has exclusive rights to make the foam.....man i hate that.....generic foam would have been nice haha.....i think im gonna go to sams.....i heard they got a 4 month supply for $50.

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