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Posts posted by ReadyForChange

  1. Thanks DeDom. The goal was closer to 3500, but my donor area was a tricky case. Dr. Rahal took a 22 sq cm donor strip, but that also included my previous HT scar (see attached pic). I had pretty decent density and ended up with 4069 grafts instead. I'm not terribly concerned since I have about 7-8 K donor hair left which should provide decent coverage for future hairloss (though I am on propecia and rogaine, so fingers crossed).


  2. Thank you hairthere; appreciate the vote of confidence. I'm following the instructions down to a tee. The swelling has gone so I'm back to sleeping normally. Washing recepient and donor areas with baby shampoo twice a day, oiling twice a day. I'm applying polysporin once a day to the crusted areas to prevent infection. I've avoided all contact with the recepient area (other than gently applying the polysporin with a clean finger). I even quit smoking a few months back to prep for this and ensure that I would heal right. Am I missing anything?

  3. Hi all:


    To start off with, I want to sincerely thank the website and the forums. It's not easy making the decision to have a HT, but this site's feedback, testimonials and general support really helped me in making an informed choice.


    I chose Dr. Rahal after many months of deliberation and finally had my big day on Dec 11, 2008. I had a previous HT in 2004 for 500 grafts and some correction was required. My experience with Dr. Rahal was stellar; his staff was excellent and the man himself is one of the nicest and most sincere I've come across. Overall, my session was 12 hours long, but time flew by with 3 seasons of Seinfeld to watch. Preop, Adrian's follow up was ridiculously quick. Postop, Dr. Rahal has been very attentive and answered all my inane questions and put my mind at ease several times.


    Please visit my weblog: My Hair Restoration Weblog


    It is day 13 and the healing process is going well. I do have some of the following concerns though:

    1. Density seems to be low in my day 4 and day 7 pics in comparison to day 1. Is this normal? I only ask because the difference is considerable.

    2. Does the level of crusting in day 4 and day 7 pics seem a bit on the high side? I only ask because I don't see similar results with other postings or weblogs.


    There are 'valleys' and some clumping, but I'm told that its completely normal. Pease don't misunderstand me; I'm not unhappy, just concerned. I'm a worry wart by nature and I've been home the entire time and have nothing better to do than to obsess about my HT results. Time cannot fly soon enough and what's done is done. I only hope the results 6-8 months from now are worth the pain and efforts of today. Thanks in advance for your comments and advice.





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