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Posts posted by GuitarPlayer

  1. Robert,


    Can you tell me more about Trans-D Tropin? Is it a bodybuilding supplement or is it something you need a prescription for? In the book I'm reading, Dr. Katz states that he sees HGH injections possibly coming down as low as $200-$300 per month in the next couple of years. This is because Eli Lilly's patent will run out, and then other companies will be manufacturing HGH.



  2. Robert,


    I copied the above article for your reading pleasure. In short, I think the best way to describe GABA is that it is a precursor to growth hormone. GABA is taken orally. It is a powder that you mix with water or juice about a half hour to an hour before you go to bed. It makes you sleep great, although you will wake up groggy the first few times you take it. As you probably already know, pure HGH must be injected to be effective. There has been a lot of buzz about HGH lately. I wonder how effective the injections are for hair loss (not that I'm going to go to this extreme). I've read that pure HGH can reverse the aging process up to fifteen years. I'm reading an anti-aging book right now by a Dr. Klatz, who raves about HGH. Supposedly, he's one of the leading anti-aging physicians in the United States.



  3. GABA, Gamma Aminobutyric Acid, is an amino acid classified as a neurotransmitter (A neurotransmitter is a substance that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse. A synapse is a region where nerve impulses are transmitted across axon terminals.)


    GABA's high concentration in the hypothalamus suggests this amino acid plays a significant role in hypothalamic-pituitary function. The hypothalamus is a region of the posterior section of the brain and is the regulating center for visceral (instinctive) functions such as sleep cycles, body temperature, and the activity of the pituitary gland.


    The pituitary gland is the master endocrine gland effecting all hormonal functions of the body. One primary hormone of concern to the athlete is growth hormone (GH) and its various hormonal constituents.


    The amino acid GABA has been shown in numerous studies to promote significant increases in plasma growth hormone levels.


    There have been literally hundreds of clinical studies on GABA and numerous studies on GABA's ability to elevate growth hormone levels. As with most nutritional studies, GABA research has come directly from the medical community. One noted study from the First Medical Clinic at the University of Milan in Milan, Italy titled, "Effect of acute and repeated administration of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) on growth hormone and prolactin secretion in man", shows just how effective GABA is.


    Quoted results from this study showed "In all of the 19 subjects studied, compared with 18 controls, plasma growth hormone levels were significantly increased (above 5 ng/ml) by acute oral administration of 5 g of GABA."


    This study showed over a 5 1/2 fold increase in plasma growth hormone levels 90 minutes after GABA administration. That is a significant increase unmatched by any other nutritional means.


    Most cited studies on amino acids and growth hormone elevation utilize intravenous delivery means. This is unrealistic and doesn't reflect real world results. Studies on GABA have been performed with both oral and intravenous administration with the oral route showing remarkable effectiveness.


    GABA's growth hormone elevating effects rival that of potent pharmaceutical compounds.

  4. HairHope,


    Most doctors and patients alike say that it takes a full year to assess the results from a hair transplant. I would wait until the one year mark. You have nothing to lose. Even after a year, the transplanted hair thickens up a bit.



  5. Has anyone ever used GABA? I have read in articles on bodybuilding websites that it can boost your growth hormone levels by up to 500% by boosting your GABA levels. I have been using it for a couple of weeks and have found that it has a relaxing valium-like effect and that it helps me sleep better. As for the effects on HGH, I really don't know. I don't really feel any stronger or leaner.

  6. Currently there are only a few doctors who do body hair transplants. You can literally count them on one hand. The body hair seems to take a bit longer to grow and is not as thick as scalp donor hair, but overall I think it is a viable source of donor hair. I wish more doctors would start practicing body hair transplantation, especially since hair multiplication doesn't seem to be getting here any time soon.

  7. I have never heard of anyone experiencing increased hairloss from Head and Shoulders. Some anti-dandruff shampoos such as Nizoral and Neutrogena T-Sal can actually help with hairloss.


    I'm not quite sure about canadian insurance companies, but I don't know of any U.S. insurance companies that cover Propecia, as it is deemed "cosmetic." When will they realize that paying for Propecia will be cheaper over the long run than having to pay for Prozac down the road?

  8. Jonesy,


    Good luck with your results. I had a procedure done with Dr. Epstein last year that I am very pleased with. If you don't mind me asking, who else did you consult with? I consulted with all of the top docs in Florida that are recommended on this board, and ended up choosing Dr. Epstein as I felt he was the best doctor for my needs.



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