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Posts posted by hairtech_

  1. "All posters promoting or advocating a particular physician, procedure or treatment on this forum are required to divulge any compensation, monetary or otherwise, that they may be receiving in their posting signature. "



    I absolutely give you my word that I am not compensated, monetarily or otherwise.


    Currently, I am at Dr. Rose's office in Tampa. However, I do not work with him on a fulltime basis.


    And again, I do not have an agenda for any one doctor.



  2. Under the direction of the physician, I can only slide the graft out and place it into a dish. The physician cuts, punches or excises the graft. If I observe a resistance while performing this act, then I leave the graft and go on. The physician then goes back anf re-cuts the graft. This is not typical of all physicians though. Procedures vary from office to office.

  3. Today I am in Tampa with Dr. Paul Rose. He is performing FIT/FUE on a patient and using his new tool called a "slot punch" at 1.0 mm. It was created to decrease transection rates by decreasing the cutting surface area. The tool was impressive and seemed easy to use. Minimal torsion was needed to cut each graft. Extraction by me was extremely easy to conduct. The case was small at 800 grafts. The case went quickly and had low transection rates around -3% total for the case. The patient was a Norwood class II, 33 year old and on propecia.


    Dr. Rose was delighted for his new tool being a success and will be presenting it at an upcoming conference.

  4. I stepped away from this site for a couple of days and low and behold the cockroaches came out and along with that their jaded stupid obvious propaganda filled comments came out.


    I came to this site as a friend of information. I don't need to market myself. I work full time without a need to market myself. I sent my resume to the people I would want to work with and did so privately. I currently work with many physicians... legally.


    I don't need to hide behind any site, to help any one doctor push any one technique and that is what most of you do. I came to this site not thinking I would be made fun of so I will leave to go back to other accepting sites.


    People who really know me, know that I care more about the patient than most of the dumbasses posting here or I would not have gotten such negativety. I never got this negativity at other sites, which leads me to believe that there are too many ghost posters here. I want to post where it is more honest for the people who are looking to have a transplant and looking for unbiased answers.

  5. I think this is good...I am aware that not everyone is a candidate for FUE, and it takes an ethical doctor to refuse surgery on someone who is not an FUE candidate...so this is good. I've read about too many doctors doing surgeries on patients that are not candidates and it turns out to be a nightmare..


    Mwamba performs FIT/FUE on everyone because he is skilled enough to change instrumentation to adjust to the differences in people. So I disagree with not everyone is a good candidate for FUE/FIT. Maybe everyone is not a candidate for strip... based on the countless scared up individuals... however now I see where docs are getting better at closures. So I like strips too.

  6. Exactly! And if am to remain unbiased, I cannot stat that more perfectly.


    One thing though Jessy,


    "...It can be a simple agreement, for example, we will not place multiple-hair units on the frontal hair line because it doesn't occur in nature that way and thus has an unnatural appearance."


    I agree with this statement, but that has nothing to do with FIT. And I have seen other docs, care about this like you and Mwamba. It is probably strange for you to hear this but even some of the larger corporations are now attempting to place grafts naturally.



    "...Also, keep in mind that lot of the standards of FIT are centered around what the surgeon WILL not do, rather than what he CANNOT do. Standards are developed by taking a critical analysis of results, even if the results are the best that can be achieved at the time. For example, in the early 90's the goal was to get hair to grow in a bald area. Now it is much more involved. It must have a certain percentage of yield, graft survival, natural pattern, appearance, elimination of the "pluggy" effect, good donor healing, concern for the patient's future loss, etc, etc. You've been on the forums, so you are aware of the many criteria that are involved in judging a transplant "good" or "bad"..."


    I know other doctors that are as dedicated to their procedure as you are stating. And I myself have been surprised about why there is not much talk about those docs.

    I am glad you bring this up because so many times people speak about the negativities and try to make certain doctors out to be selfish pigs who don't care about the patient, employees, and only care about making money for themselves, and never sharing to help others.

  7. No one has cut me... And proud of that. No one has dismissed me.


    I cut myself from one clinic.


    If these guys were being diplomatic then they would ask me information of my experiences.


    None of these guys really know what I know.


    And speculations is what is expected.


    Nevertheless, I stand by my name. I enjoy my work, got good at my work, and now want to share my work... unbiasedly.

  8. Dr Mwamba and I attend the same church from time to time. I do not work for Dr. John P Cole. I now work for several physicians.


    If anyone know me, "hairtech", I am not one to NOT say what I want to say. So if you try to corner me, it doesn't work for me. If you want the truth, then you will get the truth. If you think, FIT exists because someone is trying to derive financial means for themselves, then who is me to stop that? Look at the Woods technique.


    Check this out. What if some selfish slob brings an old technology to an industry that needs a change... Then let's say the same slob(and enslaved employees) becomes very good at that technique. Then why cannot that be who they are? Who cares? The technique of FIT is mentioned by not only the originating doctor but three other doctors that I know of.


    FUE was coined by no one in the U.S. FIT was coined in the US. The Woods technique was coined in Australia.


    What is your point? I don't care about marketing strategies... just care about helping patients for free. I don't care about you or whoever... making money or being paid to post. And I won't ask you.

  9. Again I am not compensated for my posts. What really strikes me as odd is how someone could become angered at someone who offers unbiased information based on visitation to different clinics? Instead... bashings occur. Check this out.


    FIT exists and have seen spectacular results.


    FUE Exists and have seen spectacular results.


    Strip Exists and have seen spectacular results.


    FIT exists and have seen questionable results.


    FUE Exists and have seen questionable results.


    Strip Exists and have seen questionable results.



    Hhmm, now how do we find the best technique? Well, you go on the internet... and read... and I feel lucky to be an outlet of information that has never been spoken of.

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