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Posts posted by hairbgoin

  1. you should be banned due to the reason a majority of public internet forums have moderators and rules against trolling/spamming. Whether your thoughts are sincere or not, you repeat an exact thought in a periodic rant. You are the hair forums one and only TROLL. Sometimes you start a new thread and sometimes I find random babblings in a perfectly great thread completely off the subject matter, hi-jacking. Can you maybe limit yourself to once a month?


    Have some online etiquette!

  2. We all hear you, but I have to ask if you are on a schedule for ranting? Most people search here and will find the MANY negative posts from your experience. The repetitive nature of your posts become tiring to read.


    I wish you the best on the road to recovery, but please be aware that we hear you, heard you, or will eventually hear you upon using the search.

  3. I have thought about starting propecia, but I'm a bit reluctant after reading many horrible shedding experiences. Have started shedding recently and to possibly further the progress seems like self mutilation at this point. It is Saturday night, I'm home researching about my hair instead of having the will power to go out and enjoy myself. I need something to be a sure shot strategy, need it to be gauranteed in filling in my frontal hairline, not something that may or may not work. I can not bare with waiting on a drug, Propecia, for another 9 months, to see if the possibility of succes is there. My carrer, social well being, and self esteem have been overly effected to the point that I feel I'll need depression medication if this persists even the slightest bit further.


    I am set on getting a HT... after the HT I plan on continuing Rogaine and adding Propecia.


    What other docs should I consider?...the reason for FUE is because I use to cut my hair short on the sides...like a police officer cut if you know what I mean(blade nummber 1 -0). Having the hair shorter on sides and and back give the illusion of thicker hair on top. So having a high profile scar in the back of my head would reverse the possiblities of creating this illusion. Therefore FUE seems like the safest choice. However, I have not completely ruled out strip surgery.

  4. After browsing through this site for about 6 months. I thought it was time to register and post.


    A breif description about me: I am 24 yrs old, goin on 25 in a few weeks. Have been experiencing hair loss since the age of 19. Increasingly it worsened, bothering me more and more as the years passed. Recently, within the past year it has effected my social well being and I've been reluctant to go out and have a good time to avoid the possible embarrasment of "it" getting noticed. I have now come to a decision something must be done. I can not continue to torment myself every day in the mirror or avoid mirrors all together. Have been on Rogaine for over a year and I will say it helped thicken the minor thinning I had on the crown of my head. However, as it states on the bottle it does nothing for the frontal hairline. My mind is definitely made up that hair transplant surgery is in my very near future. Have been researching all different types of techniques, doctors, been to a few docs for consulations. Though none of them were practicing FUE. FUE seems like the right treatment for me. I have been intriged by the forum, and others on the net, by Dr Fellers positive results in FUE treatment sworn by his patients. I plan on emailing Dr Feller w/i the next few days. I do not have a ton of cash as I'm still in college, but have enough disposable income saved that sugery is now within reach.



    My questions are

    - is there anyone out there who has a loss problem very similar to mine that is around the same age bracket? If so, I would like a moment of your time via email


    -what other docs should I consider that are within driving distance from the NY/NJ/PA area?


    -has anyone heard of a Dr Feller's patient that was dissatisfied with his FUE treatment?



    Thanks for your time and I hope we can reach our goals together!



    Take a moment to view and comment on my pics


  5. After browsing through this site for about 6 months. I thought it was time to register and post.


    A breif description about me: I am 24 yrs old, goin on 25 in a few weeks. Have been experiencing hair loss since the age of 19. Increasingly it worsened, bothering me more and more as the years passed. Recently, within the past year it has effected my social well being and I've been reluctant to go out and have a good time to avoid the possible embarrasment of "it" getting noticed. I have now come to a decision something must be done. I can not continue to torment myself every day in the mirror or avoid mirrors all together. Have been on Rogaine for over a year and I will say it helped thicken the minor thinning I had on the crown of my head. However, as it states on the bottle it does nothing for the frontal hairline. My mind is definitely made up that hair transplant surgery is in my very near future. Have been researching all different types of techniques, doctors, been to a few docs for consulations. Though none of them were practicing FUE. FUE seems like the right treatment for me. I have been intriged by the forum, and others on the net, by Dr Fellers positive results in FUE treatment sworn by his patients. I plan on emailing Dr Feller w/i the next few days. I do not have a ton of cash as I'm still in college, but have enough disposable income saved that sugery is now within reach.



    My questions are

    - is there anyone out there who has a loss problem very similar to mine that is around the same age bracket? If so, I would like a moment of your time via email


    -what other docs should I consider that are within driving distance from the NY/NJ/PA area?


    -has anyone heard of a Dr Feller's patient that was dissatisfied with his FUE treatment?



    Thanks for your time and I hope we can reach our goals together!



    Take a moment to view and comment on my pics


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