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MMA fighter

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Everything posted by MMA fighter

  1. Landen vs. The Lawyer............ landen wins by tko in the 3rd round Just kidding guys
  2. John, Thanks for the reply. I think they would be good at this point but just wanted to know for sure at what point you could do just about anything except go in cut them out like u said. Anybody , HT veterans, doctors, care to tell me for sure. I don't want to damage anything.
  3. After 4 weeks is it possible to damage grafts? I mean by like towel drying too hard or washing to agressively. What affect will contact sport such as wrestling have on them like if your head rubs or hits the mat. Are they sealed in for good at like 30 days? Is there anything I can do at this point to hurt them? Healing went real well by the way and I only had a small FUE procedure. Hope you guys can answer this for me.
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