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why oh why

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Posts posted by why oh why

  1. they have a place on their homepage (united) that you can click for dutas, its where i got my first order from... but then inhouse was cheaper, so i switched... anyway... if i find cheaper and it seems legit i'll think about switchin again

  2. Originally posted by dafuzz:

    Anyone remember Tiger's first knee surgery?Guess what he was really getting done during that couple of months off the radar?


    i remember hearing sports talk shows talk about him being quoted saying something to the effect of that he was "doing crazy things with his hair while he still had it"


    horrible run on but either way bottom line is this doesn't surprise me at all

  3. yeah minoxidil is a product mainly marketed as rogaine... i just use the generic kind since i personally feel its easier to get to the scalp than the foam fighting through hair... i put it on after the shower, damp hair, dries up well enough

  4. i'm 24, been on propecia for a year and haven't had any sides...


    my opinion (which i'm sure is shared widely) is that the internet blows things out of proportion. seriously don't worry about it, if you feel something wrong then stop em.


    lots of people react differently to everything. rogaine may have done nothing for him, but for you it could be the saving grace...


    as for ordering off the internet BE CAREFUL ... its way more advisable to just go to your doctor and get the rx for it (i got mine from my family doc)... its a bit pricier but its the peace of mind way to go

  5. did any of ya'll experience a lot of "dundruffish" stuff after starting rogaine... i recently switched to the liquid (i feel its easier to get to the scalp since i still have some hair up there... thin or not) and after a couple of weeks (along with what i pray is shedding) i got intense dandruff coming up... which i can comb out easily enough but still...


    thoughts? good sign/bad sign? eh?

  6. did any of ya'll experience a lot of "dundruffish" stuff after starting rogaine... i recently switched to the liquid (i feel its easier to get to the scalp since i still have some hair up there... thin or not) and after a couple of weeks (along with what i pray is shedding) i got intense dandruff coming up... which i can comb out easily enough but still...


    thoughts? good sign/bad sign? eh?

  7. haha hugging.... yeah boxing has gone the way of the polaroid... Its still around but not too many use it...


    i look all right with the head shaved... i've been told i look good with it out of the blue by random people before (down to the 1 that is... i've never gone all the way.... with the head shaving............) its just that i DONT want to HAVE to shave it... as none of us do, and when i DO shave it, i don't wanna see an outline of where i can't grow anything


    i would like to see myself with a full ass head of hair sometime before i die... if only right?

  8. this forum is definitely a great place for us all


    i am 24 (as i've said a few times) and a very thin up top fairly diffuse pattern (which i think the meds is helping keep me from a bald sport already... its weird)


    i will say that i would advise shaving pretty much completely buzzed for a few months and start the meds... it makes it easier to spread the gaine around the head... try out the propecia. then after a few months when the results are supposed to maybe start showing, try and grow it back out. if not, then people will know you for the shave. i had quite a few girls tell me just out of nowhere that i looked good with my head shaved, i've even heard girls say they love the shaved/cue ball look. Billy corgan even said on stern one time that despite his rock star status he got even MORE chicks when he shaved it.


    as far as books go, i've never heard of the jason alexander book but i'll give it a look... sounds interesting. however, the game (i haven't read it so i can't really tell you who wrote it) i have heard is basically a "do this and you're guaranteed to get some" guide to women. They did a thing about it on myspace one time that was hilarious and great.


    there ARE tons of fit badass sex symbol BALD men out there... from bruce willis (can you beat john mcclane?) to jason statham to THE bald icon LEX LUTHOR (the comic or smallville version with michael rosenbaum)


    here's a good comic jpg that should be our new motto: comic1.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/alb...ing_Tralk/comic1.jpg


    i don't know how to embed it

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