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Posts posted by MikeTheDane

  1. Hello


    I too am a 21 year old, moderately balding male (NW 2-3 diffuse) and i know just how depressing it is, watching your precious hair fall off, making you look like a 45 year old.


    I had a 1650 graft transplant done last months, and so far i have no regrets. Having an intact, albeit diffuse hairline, is going to make it easier to achieve a full, lasting look.


    As time goes, its likely that i will need another transplant, but its going to look more gradual than someone with a receeded hairline, and a full head of hair behind it. I did not touch my moderately receding temples, due to this reason.


    I am currently on finasteride and minoxidil, and im going to use revita soon, and im hoping to grow some of my native hair back too, especially in my crown, which was left untouched from the procedure.


    Hopefully this example is helpful to you and your son.


    I would not advice something like hairsystem/dermatch, i wouldnt be comfortable as a young man, with something artificial as this.

  2. Looks like im going for revita then. I've heard several reports on its healthy feeling it gives the hair and scalp, while several claims that nizoral would dry out their scalp.


    Thanks. I will soon be using 1.25 mg fina once daily / 5% mino twice daily / revita 3 times a week. That ought to do the trick.


    So far, just using fina/mino for a month, im starting to feel its effect especially in the crown region.

  3. Hello


    I believe that it is very likely the use of prohormones being the cause of your hairloss. I would quit them immediately - being a powerlifter/bodybuilder myself, i can understand why this might be hard, but i believe that the male physique is about more than muscle - its about fullness of appearence.


    Are you still shedding? Get on rogaine and propecia asap, they might be able to stop/reverse it, though theres no guarantee.

  4. Bill, your article on procerin was most helpful. It would seem, that IF it works, the main ingredient is the saw palmetto, in which case buying it generic is a better idea.


    Where would be a good place to buy nizoral and saw palmetto? Remember, im european.

  5. Just wondering, do people have any experience with the above products?


    Nizoral as i understand it, is a shampoo used for anti-fungus, and also has some DHT inhibition as well as keeping the scalp healthy, as long as you dont overdose


    Procerin is a non-prescreptive drug, which inhibits DHT. Contains Saw Palmetto Berry Extract, Zinc Sulfate, Vitamin B6, Nettles, Muira Puma Root, and Uwa Ursi.


    I've read several positive reviews on the product on other (non commercial) websites.


    Both are inexpensive, so if the effect is somewhat moderate i might just give it a go. I am currently already on 1.25 mg finasteride and 5 mg minoxidil.


    Any experience with the above products?

  6. Hi.


    First of all, your hairloss is very extensive for your age. I do not think i've seen others with this much.


    I myself am 21, and have recently had a transplant. My loss of hair is far from as extensive as yours, though it was definitely showing.


    I suggest that you try propecia, i've yet to read about someone on these boards getting any side effects from that, yet more than half have noticable results with in half a year.


    A transplant, not only at your age but also with your loss, is risky.


    If there is a doctor who will perform it, make sure that you spread out the grafts all over the head, and not just the hairline, or you may regret by the time you reach 25.

  7. Somearmyguy


    I am 21 years old, and have recently have had a 1650 graft surgery. My hair looks alot like yours, but since you havent a posted a frontal/top view, its hard to say. Feel free to look in my thread "any reputed scaandinavian docs?" with pre- and post- (3 weeks) pictures.


    Like you, my loss started in my mid/late teens, though mine slowed down significantly since i turned 20.


    When TheHairLossCure is referring to your (our) low age, he is referring to the fact that future loss is very hard to predict, thus placing the grafts defensively is a very good idea. Dont lower your temples like they looked when you were a preteen, spread most of it on the diffuse areas. Additionally, you "will" dedicate yourself to using anti-hairloss medicine for the rest of your life (or until you no longer care)


    Thus far, i have no regrets, but time will tell. My grafts did not cover my thinning crown (which is noticably, but definitely lower priority compared to the scalp) I am hoping to cover it using proscar+regaine (also known as finestaride and rogaine/minioxidil), and growing my hair longer, AND dyeing my hair blond (less contrast to scalp)


    Weigh your desition wisely. Is it worth it? Do i have the dicipline to continue taking medications? Will i risk not having enough donor hair at old age?


    For me, all questions was answered by a yes, maybe yours won't.

  8. Thanks Bill. You are right, unfortunately i only have a shitty webcam. But judging by other peoples transplants, the work does not appear sub-par.


    On the picture of my back of my head, i am tilting my head forward, which is why it appears so high. I've peaked a bit into your own hairloss journal, and the scar is placed the exact same place as your first one.


    Did you notice any improvement with finestaride+regaine (regaine - rogaine, same thing?) I was informed that regaine on areas with existing hair (i.e my crown) might cause irritation and mucus, and actually contributing to a hairloss, but on places with no hair (temples) was fine, since there would be better ventilation of the area.

  9. As you can tell, i did not have my temples lowered much, due to my age and the uncertainty of the future.


    I received 1650 grafts, and 3987 hairs, most of them where focussed on thickening my frontal scalp, and the rest either planted behind my existing temples (to help with a fuller look, if i in the future should lose more) or diffusely thickening some of the upper/rear scalp. I was given about 30-35 g/cm2, thats fairly nice, considering i had some there already. The little the temples were lowered(which might have been a centimeter tops), were done at about 45-50 g/cm2, and the upper/rear scalp at about 20.


    At the moment i am shedding quiet a bit, and the scar is still a bit sore. I've started proscar 5mg, which i divide into 4 seperate parts, making it 1.25mg. Funny how 200 proscar pills cost 30$(enough for 800 days), but 30 propecia pills(30 days) would cost 50$. I am also using regaine on my temples, and doing quiet alot of massage on them.


    So i guess theres nothing left to do but keep rubbing and wait icon_smile.gif

  10. Hello again.


    As you can no doubt guess, i had the HT done. I am quiet satisfied so far, though its hard to tell before 9 months, i've still got a pretty good assumption of how it's going to look.


    Its been about 22 days since i had it done.


    The first 3 days i barely slept, as i was unable to find a proper position that didnt either hurt, or i was risking lying on newly transplanted hair. My forehead also swell quiet a bit. But enough about that. I've taken a few pictures on my 20'th day of surgery, as well as one on the first day.




    Day 1




    Day 20, back+scar





    Day 20, top

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