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Posts posted by MikeTheDane

  1. well, heres an update about my procedure with dr devroye.


    As you may have read, i received almost 2.8k grafts.


    Started to scab and shed like a madman at day 13 or so, and right now i look slightly worse than before. There is also some shockloss on the sidearea of my donor.


    We all have to go through the ugly duckling phase.


    Now i am just looking forward to month 3 or whenever i will start to grow.


    Best of luck in a week man, may you be blessed with tons of grafts icon_biggrin.gif


    One more thing: the pics on your weblog are really small!

  2. woah.. 25 and 12...


    BeHappy - considering your limited donor supply, you may want to look into body hair transplant.


    I believe. Dr Umar is an expert on the field - i have seen him transplant over 20.000 BHT's into a mans devastated scalp and the results were very natural.



  3. eman: Haha yeah, problem is, i am already a 2 clip. i am 1 month post op and doctor devroye shaved my head with a 0 guard.


    At 1 mo post op, i am not concerned with damaging the grafts. In fact, i havent been for 3 weeks.


    I am certain that they are firmly anchored in my scalp, dwelling and waiting, with no more vulnerability than my existing ones.


    Will probably buzz to a 0 guard and keep it there for the next 2 months icon_biggrin.gif

  4. Surely i cannot be the only one in this position.


    I am just 1 month post op, and i'm considering shaving completely once a week, until around month 3-4, or whenever growth starts to sprout.


    I mean i hardly see any reason not to..


    1) The people i could see in social situations without a hat already know of my procedure


    2) I can wear a beanie at work and while working out.


    3) i need to wear a beanie/cap anyway since this is my 2nd op and my 1st does not look all that natural


    4) Wearing a beanie/cap when having hair, especially when working out makes my scalp sort of itchy


    so i guess this went from a ? to a !, maybe the old saying of putting things down in writing to better reflect on them is true.


    My only concern is that i limit myself from using a cap (since the scar is visible in the area in the back of the cap, i dont know the name for it) and in some cases, a beanie might not be appropriate.



  5. i would do it. 5 weeks Prior to my 2nd procedure i started doing them. I was told that my elasticity was great, i was originally deemed for around 2k grafts but it became obvious to the doc that he could extract more, leaving me with almost 2.8k.


    1st timer or not, just do it for the sake of it. It is only like 15 minutes every day for 3 weeks of your life.


    But 500 grafts is forever!

  6. Why are you so negative about propecia? Have you tried it?


    I've been on propecia+rogaine since i was 21, and i have no sexual sideeffects. While the semen does appear more thin, i have no problems with neither erection nor ejaculation..


    So unless you actually tried it and you have a bad experience from it, maybe you should reconsider.

  7. Originally posted by j25:

    Right on about Bruce Willis. I don't know why everyone thinks he's had a transplant when his head is shaved, completely shaved. The guy is bald, have you seen Unbreakable?

    The best celebrity transplant has got to be Dennis Miller. He's always talking about it but I wouldn't be afraid to admit it either if it looked like his. I'd love to know who did it if anyone knows the answer.


    Seen pulp fiction? There is a scene where he is lying on the bed with his girlfriend, turns to face the direct spotlight and you can easily spot his smiley face scar.

  8. Sup Cody


    HT at the age of 17 has to be a record on these forums.


    I think that your results are fairly decent considering MHR's repuration, although i do agree that you are still quiet thin.


    My guestimate would be somewhere around 1500 grafts placed by a skilled doctor should be enough to give you satisfactory coverage.


    Feel free to check out my pics in the pictures posted by patients subforum. I am 22 and have just received my 2nd op for 2800 grafts but i was thinner than you were (first was 1600)


    regards, mike.

  9. Hey man


    you are not alone. i too am a young fella, 22 to be exact and am 11 days post-op of my 2.nd procedure.


    Your loss looks a bit like mine - diffuse but centred around the front with recessed temples and sideburns.


    now that i re-read your post, you probably referred to me.


    A week might be enough to get over the initial swelling(if there is one) and if you grow your hair long in the back, the sutures shouldnt be visible either.


    so whats your next move?

  10. i can perfectly understand why you would want a transplant. Your front is pretty much gone.


    Ultimately, its up to you. There are several people here under 25 who have had a procedure done, myself included(twice, and im 22)


    Once you go down the road, deviation is not really possible and you may end up without not enough donor. But i suppose if they arent too aggressive on the hairline and the density you should be relatively safe although there are no guarantees in life.


    look for thanas, azzas and my own thread for inspiration.

  11. Also make sure you are eating lots of protein which makes hairs stronger (peanut butter sandwiches are good source)



    Say what? Hairs are made of ceratine, an amino acid, which is part of proteins.


    But peanutbuttersandwiches are like 90% fat and carbs man, the worst combination available, dont eat that shit.


    Good sources of protein: Milk, egg, lean meat, fish, cheese, youghurt.

  12. oh hey there adam, thanks for dropping by icon_wink.gif


    And you are right, its harder to relate to older people because you cant really identify yourself with them. I must have spent alot of time searching the web for results of patients<25 years old.


    I am definitely excited as we speak, and i cant wait for month 3..

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