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Posts posted by dtrojanz

  1. FastEddie...


    In my opinion, you should always work on the front first, since it frames the face...If you are a NW 6, you will likely need more than 2000 just up front, not to mention the middle portion and the crown. The crown tends to be a "black hole" for consuming precious donor hair.


    The grafts do not fall out after surgery..they are well secured by day 8-10 postop. What falls is the hairs that grow from the grafts(up to 80-100% may fall out, but some lose as little as 30-50%)...these will grow back usually 2-4 months postop.

  2. Agree with Arfy...dont let distance be your deciding factor...you may end up getting a "B" or "C" transplant locally but miss out on the "A" results by limiting your choices.


    Ive not heard of many postop complications (infection, bleeding and pain are the only complications that I can think of). If these were to happen, it would generally be within the first 1-2 days after the surgery.


    I know some guys stay in a hotel close by for a couple of days. ShedHarris stayed in Vancouver a few days until staples removed... you may want to ask his take on doing this. Its all about comfort level on this one.


    Even if you were to fly back the same day as your procedure, you can always see a local doc to take care of the above issues if by chance they were to occur.

  3. Smooth...


    the # of grafts that can be extracted depends on the laxity of the scalp...some guys have tight scalps which can only yield 3-5k grafts, others have the sharpei laxity and can get 7-8k grafts.


    After exhausting strip, then you probably have about 3-5k grafts from scalp FUE, and if you are a hairy SOB, then lots of body hair FUE grafts available

  4. Hi diapo...


    If you are a NW 2 have you considered getting on finasteride, continuing the minox, and seeing what happens? If not happy after doing the medication thing, since you are a low NW level, are you even considering FUE?


    I live in socal, and I've never heard of Dr. Ross..does he do all FU procedure or the mini/micrografts that many times leave crappy results? Be very careful man..there are alot of sharks in this part of the Pacific Ocean.

  5. I agree with arfy on this one...I would stay on finasteride, also consider starting Rogaine on the crown to try to stablilize your hairloss which does not seem bad at this point. Consider giving the meds about 1 year to stabilize your hairloss. In the meantime learn as much as possible about options (surgical/non-surgical).


    About the crown, it tends to be a "black hole" for consuming your precious donor supply. If in the future you do chose hair restoration surgery, definitely concentrate on the front before anything else.


    Norwood 5 sucks...but 7 swallows


    HT Dr. Hassan 1/5/04


  6. I dont think we should be talking about strip VS. FUE, but strip + FUE for the advanced NW patient.


    A NW 5-6 may get decent results with just 1 method, but superior results with the marriage of the 2 methods.


    If we are talking about a low NW scale patient, or someone hell bent on buzzing, then yes, FUE, if it continues to show positive results, would be the way to go.


    I'm seeing more and more people "joining" camps (FUE vs. strip) and encouraging people to get one procedure over another essentially "convincing" a person to eliminate a potentially important option from the arsenal...and this is just a shame.


    We should, instead be concentrating our energies in "convincing" people to avoid the hair mills, hacks and quacks, whether they do strip or FUE


    Norwood 5 sucks...but 7 swallows


    HT Dr. Hassan 1/5/04


  7. El Guapo,


    I disagree with your comments about strip for a couple of reasons...


    Being a NW 5, I like having the option of having 2 strip megasessions to get 5-7k grafts at a reasonable price, with solid, proven, timetested results and without mortgaging the house.


    Given a good doc, clinic, technique, the risk of bad scarring, nerve damage, complications are MUCH less.


    In addition, after having 2 megasessions and exhausting my strip "supply" (calculate avg 5-7k grafts obtained for 2 strip megasessions) you still have the FUE option in the future (perhaps an additional 4-5k grafts which you can use for refinements, adding density, touchups, etc That gives me a total option of 9-12k grafts.


    Now if you are planning on shaving down, then obviously strip is not for you, but why get HT in the first place if you want to shave it all off? Seems counterproductive to me.


    My main point that for the person with advanced balding, it is nice to have both as options, initial megasession(s) of strip with a great doc, then refinements/adding density with FUE if necessary.


    If a NW 6 wants complete coverage and good density, can it be achieved with just FUE? Likely not (unless bodyhair is involved, and this is a separate beast). Can he achieve it with strip + FUE....yes!


    For a person lower on the NW scale, I would continue my meds and consider FUE more strongly as a first option.


    Norwood 5 sucks...but 7 swallows


    HT Dr. Hassan 1/5/04


  8. Pastor,


    It usually takes 8-10 days post transplant for the grafts to be firmly seated, sealed, and secure in your scalp...you literally have to dig them out with a scalpel after they become secure.


    As for hair falling, its very normal...you may see 80-100% of your grafts fall off within the first few weeks following your procedure (usually first 3-4 weeks). Regrowth usually seen starting at about 3-4 months after procedure done.


    Norwood 5 sucks...but 7 swallows


    HT Dr. Hassan 1/5/04


  9. Man, my heart goes out to you. Im sorry that you've had to go thru some really bad experiences. I think that these forums provide a great means for exchanging information. A certain camaraderie is formed since we can all relate to hair loss and our greatest fear is to be further disfigured by someone we should supposedly trust. We all cringe when we hear or see a bad HT, because we know that could have easily been us. Hang in there, bud..we are with you!




    Norwood 5 sucks...but 7 swallows

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