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pushing 40

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Posts posted by pushing 40

  1. Not rubbish!!! I was able to remove several of the internal components to use in my hyper-drive space-time continuum flex-mobile. This enabled me to skip a couple of parsecs on my journey across the Nexus zone of the Turillium empire's space property! icon_biggrin.gif

  2. Holy shit!! I remember thinking to myself "WOW, I just paid $15K for 4950 grafts. Damn, that's a lot of money". Now I feel like I got a bargain! Well hairme, as long as YOU feel it was money well spent, so be it. Its only money. Hey guys, remember my neighbor with the bad comb over who spent $50K on that new Lexus but thought I was silly spending $15K on my HT? Muuuwaaaa!! Guess who still has a bad comb over and a year old Lexus with a dent in the fender! icon_biggrin.gif

  3. Good point Bill. Let me put this out here: If there is ever anyone in the Md, Va, DC area that wants to meet and see Dr Hasson's work in real life, just let me know. I'd be glad to. I'm not shy and I'm tickled to death with it so far even though I'm only 3 months post-op. I've been walking around with a buzzed head and no hat since the surgery; surprisingly, no one has asked yet. Anyway, if anyone ever wants to meet in the middle somewhere to see it first hand, just let me know.

  4. I know, I know. icon_razz.gif I guess its my years as a drill sgt. I would brief the entire flight on some process, procedure, rule, etc. Clearly, thoroughly, and yet concisely brief them in formation when I was supposed to have their undivided attention. The next day when one of them would ask a dumb ass question or do something as if they had NEVER heard me in the first place, I would make them wish they'd paid attention the first time. I did not brief them in mass just so I could reiterate it individually because they didn't listen the first time, you know? Just annoys the piss out of me.

  5. Slow down fellas.....breath in....breath out..... icon_cool.gif First of all, I would like to say congrats to hairme for simply being an apparently well educated, emotionally well balanced, and well spoken young man. It seems to me he truly understood ALL of these things prior to surgery AND knew the bubbly cesspool of conflict his story might bring here; he was still willing to deal with that to get his story out and engage in dialog with us. Admirable, without exception.


    At 27, with so little hair loss, he may be in MUCH better shape than we think. Do some people rapidly accelerate later on? Sure, but NOT everyone. Again, he understood this.


    If you had looked at me at age 23 with my Jack Nicholson temples, you would have said "he'll be a N5 by age 30". But my hair loss slowed to a turtle's pace for the next almost 20 yrs and I only ended up barely touching the N4 scale, if that.


    In the end, it was his decision and he appears to have made it with all the needed forethought, judgment, information, and maturity with which it called for. Does that AUTOMATICALLY mean it was the right decision? Of course not. But its better than an uneducated, emotional, spur of the moment decision any day of the week.


    ALSO, it was FUE; no strip scar. Yes, tiny little eeny weeny scars, but over 10 or 15 yrs, they will be hardly noticeable.


    I was shocked however at the number of FUE. That's a lot in one day!

  6. Yeah, it might be a week or two before you're comfy laying on the donor area. For me it was at least 3 weeks before it didn't really hurt at all. Even then it still felt like I had a thin rope across the back of my head when I laid down on it.


    It is neat feeling that hair up there isn't it? they kind of stay stiff and bristly feeling until they shed. Enjoy it though!

  7. I agree, though a matter of perspective, crown balding with hair in the front sometimes looks worse. In fact, when I first starting fussing about this whole balding thing, my wife commented that "at least you're not balding in the back". I was surprised by this because I had thought to myself I'd rather have all in the front and none in the back . She said no, uh uh, absolutely not. Strange really. What is the difference?


    Btw, when I read "monkey ass", I thought this would be a thread about motorcycles; that's what we say we have after riding all day!

  8. All of what you describe is normal! I had the neck/head tightness for weeks; it will go away soon. One small area of the donor scar is still a little tender and I am at 3 months post ht. Its getting better and better as time goes by. Try your best to be patient. All normal and it WILL get better.

  9. I think sometimes communicating in English as a second language can be difficult in a rather technical forum such as this and must often lend itself to misunderstanding and frustration on both sides of the fence. But sometimes I also wonder "wtf?".

  10. The transplant work is looking fantastic, especially for 1 month. Just looks like you got pillow head hair in a couple of the pics! Reading thru your blog, it looks like MPB slammed you pretty hard and pretty fast. You had an almost unique pattern of loss with that frontal ring still hanging on. I have only ever seen maybe one or two other people with that pattern. Were those fully frontal hairs not suffering or were they destined to fall also?

  11. That's a good question! I for one did not want to get it done in the middle of summer; we travel ALL summer on all kinds of goofy trips with the kids plus beach, pools, etc. I wanted it done during the winter since we almost "hibernate" in the cold months. But, I waited too long to try to schedule so I ended up having a Mar 20 date; not bad actually because I'm all healed up and growing now and its just starting to get hot.

  12. Hmmm...okay maybe we're getting somewhere now! You were only having a small scar filled in on the side of your head? That's making a little more sense now. However, you said you have sutures/stiches? If it was FUE, you should not have those at all. Removing a strip for only 70 grafts is NOT the standard. Like follica said, try to get with a transplant surgeon asap to have him/her evaluate it.

  13. You know, Balody has a good point there! Can you imagine a couple of guys coming from Europe after having seen a Bosley commercial? They get one of the HUNDREDS of inexperienced doctors employed by that company, and return home scarred, angry, broke, and end up with terrible results six months later. Well, Bosley is HUGE in the US right, as is MHR? So as far as these guys and all their friends and family know, DO NOT go to the US for txplant; they are butchers. ??


    Also, badhairUK, you have more fortitude than I young man. Why? Because you are here writing instead of in prison for assault with intent to kill. I am very happy that you were able to overcome the emotional side effects of what they did and persevere to get it repaired. Congratulations!


    And with dazzauk, regardless of what his "before" pics look like, got screwed. Period. I hope he can also get that fixed. Good luck to you wherever you chose to have surgery.

  14. The transplanted grafts usually start shedding around 2 weeks to a month or so. All my shedding was pretty much done around 30 or 40 days I think. Then, new growth can start anywhere from 2 to 6 months later; it often varies from person to person.

  15. Wow, brass, you're one of those people with the skill to precisely diagnose someone's personality and character from a few sentences on a weblog. I've always admired people with your skill. All you had to do was post an abruptly toned, rude sounding, all caps statement, wait for the obvious and normal irritated response, and then make more assumptions in assailing the person again. Good work man. I bet all your friends and co-workers just love you to death. How about neighbors and family? icon_razz.gif

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