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pushing 40

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Posts posted by pushing 40

  1. Michael, no shit, your over all transformation is fantastic. You went from looking like a middle aged sad sack to a younger, healthier, energetic appearance. I would be very happy if I were you! The weight loss I believe is the most dramatic of all although the hair looks great!

  2. Grace, I'm sorry but reading your posts was like masturbating with a cheese grader; slightly amusing but mostly painful. This was a huge waste of time and effort. Unless, that is, this "clinic" has decided to refund his deposit. Grace had an opportunity here to truly assist and educate; not only her own clinic and doctor but the forum members and future patients who may be doing research. That opportunity has very obviously been squandered away. Who in their right mind would want to do business with anyone who has as their "representative" someone only capable of such pathetic, poorly written, ridiculous posts provided as so called "responses" to this situation? This is a professional? Representing a doctor? That's embarrassing. Remember that sinking feeling you used to get when watching Barney Fife make a fool of himself on the Andy Griffith Show? Guys, when was the last time you argued with an adult and were able to actually change their mind or get them to see another point of view? And I'm talking about a reasonable, mature, intelligent adult, let alone someone of Grace's obvious emotional and educational level? It just doesn't happen very often. So let's just quit here and hope Power Ranger is able to get them to behave like professionals long enough to settle this issue as professionals should. Good luck buddy.

  3. I didn't have to bring it up; my son asked about it last year at 16 yrs old. He simply asked if he would lose his hair like I did. I explained as much about the nuances of hair loss as I could, my particular pattern, inheritance, etc. He is a VERY mature and rationale young man. He wasn't too concerned about it really. And, now that he sees how my transplant is turning out, he doesn't worry at all. Although I'm one of the lucky ones: my baldness hardly seemed like baldness until I was in my late 30's and still wasn't dramatic. If it had been early N6 or 7 like some 20 something guys I've seen, then maybe it would have concerned him more I guess.


    We also lucked out on the genetics: great skin, naturally lean muscular bodies, and of course good looks icon_biggrin.gif Just luck in a manner of speaking. My mother got a little frisky while my dad was in Vietnam and here I am. My brother and sister however have the same dad. My sister is terribly obese with horrible skin and my brother is a N7 at 34 yrs old.

  4. It is my understanding they will not interfere with each other in any way; one doesn't even know the other is there. It has to do with the structural chemical composition of each and how they interact with the body. This is from my reading and web research of Propecia since I started taking it. However, it is BEST to research it some more AND ask your physician AND pharmacist to be safe and sure.

  5. Really? That's kind of scary. Have you had your blood pressure checked recently? What were you drinking? I know when I drink red whine, I get flushed in the face for hours on end but it is usually gone the next day. Maybe an allergic reaction?

  6. Ringo, I edited the original post as follows. Again, I am so very sorry.


    Edited post QUOTE: My original post referencing Ringo's blog (linked below) was critical of the work, the company MHR and Doctor. But my over zealous attempt to spew my opinion was offensive and hurtful to Ringo himself. My comments hurt Ringo and undermined my own credibility on this forum. Anyone with half a brain would have recognized this as he was writing it; I however have little space left for a brain considering how much room my foot usually takes up in my mouth. Let us all learn from my mistake. Behind every critique, every opinion, and every good intention is a human being just like us; wanting to be our best, look our best, and feel our best. When our attempts at such endeavors are thwarted by unscrupulous doctors or thoughtless people with critical opinions, it can sting mightily. Again, my sincerest apologies to Ringo for my careless actions and my thanks to him for his humbling forgiveness.

  7. Ringo, you have my sincerest apologies for my lack of sensitivity. I am genuinely sorry to have offended you. Upon viewing your blog, I was very much angered by the fact your work is so recent yet is something one would expect to have been done 10 yrs ago. I allowed this to blind me to the fact my comments, while solely a critique of a Doctor and company, would be offensive to the individual. Again, my sincerest apologies.

  8. With that number of grafts and a surgeon like Dr. Rahal, you'll most assuredly come out of this VERY happy. Your wavy, thick looking hair characteristics should prove really beneficial. As stated, its pretty obvious you had sub par work performed previously; sorry about that. But, again, I think you're going to end up looking fantastic. Good luck and thanks for sharing; it really helps folks out when you share!

  9. Originally posted by AndrewYoung:

    " I wish this board would get off who is affiliated with what and just focus in on what docs are good and which ones people should avoid.


    RESP: How do you propose this be done? The chain clinics employ HUNDREDS of physicians who work under the name "Dr. MHR". The MILLIONS in advertising costs must be covered by LOTS of money. It is a corporation, not a private practice. They say "We've performed thousands of transplants". Really? Who is we? We is MHR or Bosley; the company. Those statements mean NOTHING about the experience and skill of the individual dr you might get on any given day. Are there some good ones? Sure, probably are. Lots of Top docs who continuously meet and exceed the highest standards of HT surgery to provide the absolute optimal out come? Uhhh.....no.



    "How can you tell from a few photos at five months that it's all done yet? Give it some time."


    RESP: Have you looked at the photos? Its not hard to tell the level of "expertise" of this doctor. "Coverage"? Please. There is a HUGE difference in a good doc properly planning out coverage on someone with this level and pattern of balding while working within the patients desires and limits. And why they didn't go for more you ask? Most likely because of the doctors inability to do advanced ultra refined transplants. These guys have to do 2 or 3 a day to make any money, that's why. These docs tell you what the "best approach for you is" ONLY as it conforms to THEIR inabilities. Your "game plan" is actually often a cookie cutter game plan because they can't do more/better.

  10. NOTE: POST EDITED to hide my moronic insensitivity to a fellow HT patient. My original post referencing Ringo's blog (linked below) was critical of the work, the company MHR and Doctor. But my over zealous attempt to spew my opinion was offensive and hurtful to Ringo himself. My comments hurt Ringo and undermined my own credibility on this forum. Anyone with half a brain would have recognized this as he was writing it; I however have little space left for a brain considering how much room my foot usually takes up in my mouth. Let us all learn from my mistake. Behind every critique, every opinion, and every good intention is a human being just like us; wanting to be our best, look our best, and feel our best. When our attempts at such endeavors are thwarted by unscrupulous doctors or thoughtless people with critical opinions, it can sting mightily. Again, my sincerest apologies to Ringo for my careless actions and my thanks to him for his humbling forgiveness.



  11. NOTE: POST EDITED to hide my moronic insensitivity to a fellow HT patient. My original post referencing Ringo's blog (linked below) was critical of the work, the company MHR and Doctor. But my over zealous attempt to spew my opinion was offensive and hurtful to Ringo himself. My comments hurt Ringo and undermined my own credibility on this forum. Anyone with half a brain would have recognized this as he was writing it; I however have little space left for a brain considering how much room my foot usually takes up in my mouth. Let us all learn from my mistake. Behind every critique, every opinion, and every good intention is a human being just like us; wanting to be our best, look our best, and feel our best. When our attempts at such endeavors are thwarted by unscrupulous doctors or thoughtless people with critical opinions, it can sting mightily. Again, my sincerest apologies to Ringo for my careless actions and my thanks to him for his humbling forgiveness.



  12. Search this site for all the threads, old and new, on the chain clinics. Read them. You're chances of getting an excellent doctor and result at one of the chains is very very slim. You might, but most likely not. When you want really good food, as in a nice dinner out, do you go to McDonalds? They serve thousands every day and therefor must "mass produce"; hence, quality suffers. Same with the chain clinics. Please study and research. You're nervous about the medications side effects but are considering going to a chain clinic for surgery on a part of your body eveyone will look directly at for the rest of your life? Think about it, seriously.

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