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Posts posted by Joecifus

  1. The transplanted hair should be just beginning to grow - maybe 10% of them at 1/4" (a good way to see that is get out of the shower without drying your hair - the short ones will stick up)


    If typical, you would have had 90% of your transplanted hairs fall out at 2-3 weeks. You would have also lost native hairs due to shock loss- maybe a number about 20% of what you had transplanted into the native area.


    I'd say at 6 months, 70% of the transpmnted hairs will be growing and virtually all of the shockloss natives.


    1 year - near 100%.


    Many may disagree with these exact #'s but they are a good ballpark.


    For better feedback in the future - post this in the discussion forum instead of pix.


    My Pix and Hair Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling and healing advice

  2. I hope you're lucky enough to see this commercial. See it yourself and there are two glowing examples of the hairmills sales tactics.


    1 - The star is in a voice interview for proabably a minute or two. He's shown speaking with the interviewer for about 5 seconds. In this video portion, his HT is thin as heck and shows lots of scalp. BUT, they fill the other 98% of the voice time with a bunch of cheesy still shots with lighting that makes it appear 10X thicker.


    2 - In what's supposed to be an audience interview, a guy asks something like "How long does it take for the hair to grow in and how long does it take to heal?" The answer ---- something like "...We've actually had people report going in to work the very next day...." Then the interviewer's voice is cut off while there's another voice-over. To the newbie this comes across as - wow no scar, no healing period, and instantaneous growth.


    Isn't there someone regulating this stuff?


    My Pix and Hair Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling and healing advice

  3. JacobS -


    Thanks for the kind words. It does seem to be a dramatic change from the pictures I posted. But, it's nothing near as dramatic as what actually happened.


    First, I regretably started wearing a hairpiece about 8 years ago. Talk about an overnight change at work. And, I fell for the - maybe they won't even notice - thing.


    It's pretty easy to con yourself really. Anyhow, the next most obvious switch was tossing out the wig after about 4-5 months post op.


    Believe me - those two things make growth after surgery on your regular scalp seem like a rash on Custer's butt compared to Little Big Horn.


    The gigantic realization for me - and should be for everyone out there is that NO ONE CARES! Really -- after the first recognition, if any, that you have anything done -- you are close enough to tell them, or you leave it alone. The result's the same, everyone seems to forget about it within days of ever noticing the change.


    Try to picture someone at work losing a bunch of weight quickly, or something similar. You might jump out with 'Wow! you look great'. But, a week later and it's mostly forgotten.


    So, don't even give it a second thought. No matter how dramatic the shift, just tough it out for a week and enjoy.


    My Pix and Hair Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling and healing advice

  4. Tiki-


    In response to your quex about pre and post op, I have a few things you might want to look into on the link below:


    My Pix and Hair Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling and healing advice


    Considerations for things to help with swelling, healing, and appearance:


    Grow your hair pre-op to avoid hat-head after.

    Vitamin C up to and through the surgery.

    Bromalin pineapple extract from GNC 3-4 days before.

    Headband around the forehead for 4 days after.

    Graftcyte(sp?) spray every awake HOUR for 4-5 days.

    Prednezone(sp?) for 3 days after.

    Rogaine on days 10 - 60+.

    Toppik powder and Dermamatch on days 10-30 for concealing. ***These are things I have gathered. Some have consequences. Get your Dr.'s advice before using any

  5. I was a NW 6 and had a total of 4,400. I'm only 6 weeks off of my 2nd and 7 months off of my first. I have fine, dark hair, and think that I'll be very pleased with the results.


    I could have been borderline OK with the first 2,200, but am very glad I did the full 4,400. Look at my link below, along with those of others and you can get a good idea.


    There's a guy at my doc's site foundhair.com who is a full NW 7 and looks pretty darn good considering.


    My Pix and Hair Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling and healing advice

  6. I met Bill in an airport restaurant once. I was about to have an interview for an important job with my prospective boss. Bill was kind enough to help me impress him by agreeing to stop by our table on the way out and say "Joe! - great to see you, thanks for the help on that project."


    I was a shoe-in when I replied "Not now Gates, can't you see I've got an important meeting?"


    My Pix and Hair Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling and healing advice

  7. Uncle Jim!!


    WOW!!! I just now got a chance to see your updated site. You look fantastic!


    Thanks so much for posting your progress and keeping us informed. If it wasn't for you and the other guys, there would have been a bunch of mistakes made.


    BTW - for the red birthmark you referred to - my doc took off a ~3-4 mm one in front of my part by just scraping it away (no scar or anything now). He did about 5 more under my hair, near the donor area, on the second one since they kind of got irritated with the first HT.


    My Pix and Hair Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling and healing advice

  8. Try not to reinvent the wheel. Convenient location is the last thing to consider in choosing a good doctor.


    Spend at least a few days reading through old posts on this site to see what others have done.


    A good starting point might be a checklist I developed to narrow down the choices of doctors to the few who should be right for you. It's on the link below.


    Good luck.


    My Pix and Hair Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling and healing advice

  9. Oscar-


    Again, sorry to be the bearer, but you really shouldn't do it.


    If you read through past posts, like jenn-24. She had other problems going on, and just jumped into a HT by a hairmill that probably never should have done it. She had further complications, and from her posts, I think she wished she wouldn't have done it. (If anyone's heard from her, lemme know I'd love to hear she's doing well).


    Your complications seem even worse than hers and it could really mess you up, and you might end up regretting it.


    Again - sorry.


    Further, take it from someone who wore a hairpiece for 8 years or so. They suck.


    At first it's traumatic because everyone knows you got one and you feel like an idiot. But, you're trapped and can't just toss it.


    Then, you always assume that you are the one person who can pull it off, and it looks fine, and no one notices. But, you only see it in the mirror, and believe me, with sun bleaching wind, etc. etc. it will be noticable at some time.


    You can also give up on swimming (pool water bleaches it), heavy excersize (sweat can push the adhesive right off), and pretty much ever feeling like other's aren't thinking about it - it instills paranoia like nothing else.


    Sorry for rambling - just don't do the wig either - it sucks.



    Like Maverick said - shave it all and work out.


    My Pix and Hair Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling and healing advice

  10. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Unless you happen to live near an EXCELLENT surgeon, plan on traveling. If you are traveling - go to one of the very few top docs out there. Their rates are similar to other private practices and well under hair mill rates.


    I'd suggest not picking someone who was convenient and asking around about how they are... instead, start from the top 10 docs and narrow from there.


    You can find the top ones easily by looking at posts on this site, or by using my checlist below.


    My Pix and Hair Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling and healing advice

  11. PD Solid Ted ...


    Hey, I feel for you guys with the layoff thing and all. I remember it sucking too.


    One thing I noticed about all three of you though, is your diligent posts, exploration and helpfulness.


    I'd say, don't just automatically put yourself into the position of always being an employee. Use your free time and effort to explore doing something on your own.


    If you ramp it up in your off hours while you are working, especially knowing that the axe is coming, then it's possible to be independent when the time comes.


    It's hard work to get started, but nothing beats the feeling of not having to answer to some dill-rod at work.


    My Pix and Hair Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling and healing advice

  12. Griff-


    Sorry it happened to you man. I've refined a checklist of things to look for in a good doc.


    Click the link below, follow the procedures, and it'll take you to a handful of doctors who are right for you.


    A number of them specialized in repairs. I know mine did (Epstein Miami), and he's got a lot of before and after pix of repair patients.


    My Pix and Hair Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling and healing advice

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