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Everything posted by GetFuzzy

  1. hair guy, How you look on Monday after having surgery on a Friday will vary on a number of factors...primarily where you are having the transplants placed, how large of a procedure you are having, and if you have existing hair that can "cover up" the transplant area. For me, I had a rather large transplant session that spanned the entire top of my head...with no existing hair that could cover up the transplanted area. Tomorrow is my two-month transplant surgery anniversary and it has only been over the past week where I feel comfortable seeing people without a hat on. I also have very light colored skin...so there is still a lot of redness in the surgical area that can be visibly seen in bright lighting. This is normal for me for if I get a pimple or a cut, it can take many months before the "redness" goes away. However, if you have a darker complextion, this may be a non issue for you. Also, I have been getting a lot of acne it the transplant area. Again, I would assume that this is because of my skin "characteristics". As a teen ager, I had really bad acne and, although I have out-grown it, the top of my head...which has been used to being hair free for so long...seems to be adjusting the nature "oils" the new transplanted hair produces. I'm hoping the acne will gradually reside...or at least not be as visible as the transplanted hair continues to grow. Best of luck with your procedure!
  2. Today is day 14 for me...and, finally, most of my scabs are gone. However, the front hairline where the 1's and 2's grafts were implanted are still there while the others behind them have fallen out. Thus, I have this goofy looking mini-hairline "floating" on my forehead. Like you, I'm anxious for them to fall out so I can "lose my hat". If they haven't fallen out by this weekend, I am at least thinking about shaving them down...unless others have recomendations...
  3. htnerves...Two weeks ago, I was in the same boat as you are in now...very nervous...confused as to which surgeon to pick...wondering how "goofy" I would look afterwards...feeling guilty about spending so much money on a transplant...wondering how much pain would there be and when I would be able to return to an "active" life...etc. However, I finally took the ht "plunge" two weeks ago today (Tuesday) and had my first ht. Thus, to answer a few of your questions: 1. For me, it has been very obvious that I had a ht. Thus, for the past two weeks after surgery...I have either been "hiding" from everyone or wearing a hat. I do look really goofy. However, as of today, almost all of my scabs are gone...so I hope that within the next week...I will begin to look "pre-ht" and be able to "lose the hat". Then the "excitment" begins of, hopefully, watching my "new" hair grow! 2. After two weeks, most of the donor area pain is gone. There is still a little tenderness and numbness. I still have to sleep on my side because sleeping on my back still puts too much pressure on the donor area. 3. Twelves days after sugery...I went for my first run (3 miles). Not being a musician, I'm not sure how the effort you may experience on stage would relate to the effort to run 3 miles. However, I would say that after nine days, you could at least be on stage and, at least, stand there and play. My surgeon restricted my return to "normal" activities (including running and washing my hair under the shower head)) until after my donor area stitches were removed (10 days). Even then, I waited a couple of more days...just to be "safe" that the donor area was good and healed. Feel free to contact me with any additional questions you may have. I fully understand your fear for I went through my procedure "alone" (i.e. no support group/contacts)...which no one should have to endure.
  4. FYI -- I received a letter from Tessler & Aronovitz's office yesterday (Monday) stating that Dr. James Aronovitz has left the practice (returning to ENT practice) while Dr. Tessler is returning to "active duty" after being on R&R.
  5. I'm a "newbie" to all of these hairloss sites and am in the process of now checking out the HLH site (thanks for the above reference) for the first time tonight. Although I have found this forum/web site contains a lot of good information, in my opinion, it also seems to be very biased. As a new member, I posted an innocent inquiry about other's experiences with a particular surgeon (out of "the surgeon network" this forum "advertises") I was researching and received nothing but nasty messages and threats of being banned. Like you "Byehair", after this honest post, I will probably be banned now too. Thus, I plan on investigating the other forums to see if they are helpful to a person such as me seeking information/input on a potential first hair transplant and the best surgeons to perform such as procedure. As "the B spot" stated above, it appears that the best amount of research will come from a combination of these sites/forums in order to get as much honest and unbiased information as possible. The thing I have noticed in both forums thus far is that there are a lot of posts that are a number of years old. I think this is a strong indication to the quality of information these sites have provided folks over the years. However, since I'm assuming that hair transplant technology changes quite rapidly (and that not all surgeons nececssarily keep up with teh latest techniques), it appears that paying particular attention to how old the post is critical in trying to determine if the information is still valid today...or if it is worthwhile to inquire an "update" from the various resident experts on these forums. So far, I haven't determined which of the forums is "more active"...implying that one may have more recent information on techniques, surgeons, success/failure stories, etc. than the other. Good luck "nm315". As a "newbie" to these forums, I'm quickly getting "information overload" from all of the great information on these two forums. Thus, it appears that it is going to take me a while to "digest" everything in order to determine if I have the courage to proceed with getting a transplant...or if I end up "chickening out" and instead spend the money I have allocated for a potential transplant on a baseball cap collection.
  6. Although I have seen other posts that say "don't let geography dictate which doctor one selects"...I personally don't have the ability (work responsibilities/family responsibilities/finances/etc.) to travel to far off places to visit some of the doctors (who I'm sure are very good) promoted on this site. Thus, I'm forced to either find someone within a few hours of where I live...or continue to put off having a procedure done. Again, I'm new to this whole process...and this forum. Do the doctors who are listed on this forum somehow sponser/support this site...which is why if someone inquires about a doctor outside of the "network"...they are "blasted"? I'm just a common guy who wishes to improve my appearance via the possibility of a hair transplant. For me, it is a very scarey (and expensive) process to undertake...so I'm not trying to be a wise-guy. But if this forum is restrcited to only discuss those specific doctors who are listed in the "network", please let me know and I'll discontinuing posting. Again, after spending considerable amount of time reading other posts on this forum...and seeing requests for information from other posters about doctors outside of the "network", I was innocently asking a question about a doctor I know nothing about....for there seemed to be a precedence many times over that this was a forum where people could ask others about their own experiences.
  7. Sorry...I'm not trying to promote Dr. Kelsey...I don't even know who he is and have no affiliation with him. I'm thinking about getting my very first transplant and am trying to investigate doctors as well as learn as much as I can about the hair transplant process. I'm very nervous about "taking the plunge" and am trying my best to do research and find out the "goods/bads" about particular doctors. Based on other posts by people asking for input on their experiences about a particular doctor, I don't understand why my similar question about people's experiences about a particular doctor is being questioned. Dr. Kelsey ran an ad in my local newspaper and I searched this site to see if anyone had posted anything good or bad about him...and found the initial thread from a few years ago...but nothing more. Which is why I asked if anyone had any "new" experiences with him since he has apparently moved his practice (is that a "red flag" I should be concerned with?) since the posting from a few years ago. If asking for input/past experiences about a particular doctor isn't appropriate for this forum, can anyone recommend other hair transplant forums/web sites that can give objective/neutral opions about hair transplant doctors? This whole process, for me, is very overwhelming and scarey. There are just so many doctors out there and from what I've read on this forum...it is very advantageous for one to do their research. I did a "google" search on Dr. Kelsey (and other doctors I'm researching) and only found this forum with any references for any of them. It seems like there are a lot of people on this forum who are willing to share their past hair transplant experiences (ggod and bad) with specific doctors (I see specific doctor names mentioned in many of the posts). So, here's another generic question if I can't ask about other's experiences with a specific doctor...how does one go about researching the goods/bads of a particular doctor? Are there other web sites/forums which can be visited? I've met with a couple of hair transplant doctors so far and, of course, they all lead one to believe that they are the greatest hair transplant doctor. How does one find out for sure? One doctor (whose name I won't mention since that seems to be taboo) I really liked when I met with him for an initial consultation and was ready to "sign up" with him. Then I found this site and read a lot of negative experiences people had with that same doctor. So, now I'm "scared off" to that particular doctor and am researching others. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a lot of information on these other doctors I'm researching...which is why I asked the specific question above. I was hoping that this site would also provide me with some support and encouragement for a potential hair-transplant "first-timer"...who has already dragged his feet for over a year in having the procedure done and is trying really hard to gain the courage to proceed...but that doesn't seem to be the case based on some of the nasty responses to an innocent question for help/information. Thanks!
  8. I see that Dr. David P. Kelsey now is running the "Kelsey Clinic" in New Buffalo, MI. The URL is (link removed) Anyone have any experience with Dr. Kelsey since this initial posts back in 2004? <span class="ev_code_red">Important Moderator Note:</span> Blatant Promotions and Solicitations are not allowed here. See our terms of service for more information. Failure to comply to these rules will result in suspension of posting privileges. Thank you. Bill - Moderator
  9. I see that Dr. David P. Kelsey now is running the "Kelsey Clinic" in New Buffalo, MI. The URL is (link removed) Anyone have any experience with Dr. Kelsey since these initial posts back in 2004? <span class="ev_code_red">Important Moderator Note:</span> Blatant Promotions and Solicitations are not allowed here. See our terms of service for more information. Failure to comply to these rules will result in suspension of posting privileges. Thank you. Bill - Moderator
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