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Posts posted by danny_m

  1. Hi Hunky,


    Growth looks great already! Hopefully you wont have any delayed shedding and it will jus continue to grow. Unfortunately i lack enough of experience of post-growth results to give you my advice on this, but im sure its nothing to worry about, and the results will continue to get better and better! icon_smile.gif


    Good work with the updating as well, has settled me a little before my HT on the 5th October!!



  2. I am slightly concerned now reading all about this, about my HT. I have booked my HT with Dr Melike for the 5th October, i specifically asked for her due to her reputation in this area.


    I really feel for Woody as the results are bad, and obviously i am concerned for my results.


    I am however having a FUT rather than a FUE, which seems to yield a lot better results, is this something that is agreed or have i misunderstood my research?



  3. Hi guys,


    After much research and deliberation, i have finally decided on having my HT (FUT) with Transmed in Turkey! I put the deposit down yesterday and have booked my flights and hotels!


    They have been really helpful up till now, and i am very excited about the prospect of having it done...if a little nervous!


    I will be writing a full description of my experience with them as well as updating you all with photos. I have asked for Dr Melike specifically to do the procedure, as she comes highly recommended!


    Looking forward to it icon_smile.gif

  4. Hi guys,


    After much research and deliberation, i have finally decided on having my HT (FUT) with Transmed in Turkey! I put the deposit down yesterday and have booked my flights and hotels!


    They have been really helpful up till now, and i am very excited about the prospect of having it done...if a little nervous!


    I will be writing a full description of my experience with them as well as updating you all with photos. I have asked for Dr Melike specifically to do the procedure, as she comes highly recommended!


    Looking forward to it icon_smile.gif

  5. Hi Woody,


    I am guessing you FUE by the sounds of things? I have heard that in general that a FUE has a substanially less yield than an FUT, witht he main benefit being the lack of an "obvious" scar.


    I had a look at your youtube link, and could see why you wer'nt happy, they arent good results, and especially if they aren't even getting back to you!!


    It has certainly given me more to think about, however i would definitely be using the FUT method if i have mine done!


    Thankyou very much for the feedback though!




    Do you have any other pics to go up yet? keen to see your progress!!


  6. HunkyMonkey,


    Cheers for all the info, did you have a consultation with them before you had the procedure e.g.


    Did you meet with them then go back at another time after deciding it was what you wanted?


    Or had you made your mind up and it was the first time you went there you had it done? I was wondering that if i decide i want it done, but when i get there after the consultation i change my mind if i would be liable for costs?


    Also how long does the redness last where the new hairs were placed?



  7. Hi,


    I have been reading up on this site, trying to get as much info as possible about Transmed in Turkey and Dr Kulahci. Everything i have read so far has been positive, except for 1 post.


    However i have only seen very few pics ( the 1's on their site and 2 peoples post-op staright after the operation). I am really keen to get peoples thoughts both pro's and con's to help make my decision.


    Does anyone have "the finished article" pictures of 6 months + post op?


    Thanks for your help.

  8. Dr Feller,


    Thank you for the information, as i mentioned the more people i speak to and the more i read about it, it seems as if the Choi implanter method is nowhere near as successful as the more capable hands of an experienced and respected surgeon.


    what is the fundamental difference between FUE and FUT? Is FUT also known as "strip" surgery?


    It seems after my research that the strep method without an automated implanter of some sort is the best way to move forwards?

  9. Hi to all taking the time to read this,


    I am a 21 year old, and have a receeding hair line at the temples and what i believe to be thinning on top. I believe this to have started at age 17 / 18, which as im sure after reading a lot of posts on here you all understand definitley has affected my confidence.


    I have been on Propecia now for around 9-12 months, and i have noticed a difference in the hair loss rate and believe it to be slowing substantially. About 5 months ago i made a decision i would go ahead with a HT, and found the site www.headofhair.com


    After extensive research on the Choi procedure they use and the surgeon DR santos in Athens i have read almost nothing but bad things about this type of procedure, definitley enough to put me off having it done.


    I wanted to get some advice of people that have been through similar experiences, have a knowledge / personal experience of Choi or reccomendations on sugeons or how i should move ahead with things if i should give it another year on propecia and another year of research before deciding whether or not to go ahead with a HT.


    All thoughts and ideas are welcome.


    thank you.

  10. Hi to all taking the time to read this,


    I am a 21 year old, and have a receeding hair line at the temples and what i believe to be thinning on top. I believe this to have started at age 17 / 18, which as im sure after reading a lot of posts on here you all understand definitley has affected my confidence.


    I have been on Propecia now for around 9-12 months, and i have noticed a difference in the hair loss rate and believe it to be slowing substantially. About 5 months ago i made a decision i would go ahead with a HT, and found the site www.headofhair.com


    After extensive research on the Choi procedure they use and the surgeon DR santos in Athens i have read almost nothing but bad things about this type of procedure, definitley enough to put me off having it done.


    I wanted to get some advice of people that have been through similar experiences, have a knowledge / personal experience of Choi or reccomendations on sugeons or how i should move ahead with things if i should give it another year on propecia and another year of research before deciding whether or not to go ahead with a HT.


    All thoughts and ideas are welcome.


    thank you.

  11. battler,


    I have been looking into the choi procedure extensively after seeing the head of hair website, have you got anymore feedback on your HT's?


    The more i read the less likely i am to go ahead with this procedure as most people seem to be slating it...


    any thought would be appreciated!!



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