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Everything posted by Grizzlybare

  1. A guy can now get a very good HT, there is no need to walk around bald or shaved. I am so pleased with mine now, I am considering more and more. After 26 years of self pity, I am now elated about having more done! That is the difference in the techniques now. My questions were based on the need for information and I got those answered. Which is why I logged on here in the first place. My comments to you JAG, were for your benefit, not mine. It looked as though no one else here has had a bad HT and I wanted to assure you that it can be fixed and you can shed the real anquish that you now have. Good luck
  2. This is my first post on this web site, but I couldn't sit back and take it anymore. I am 53 years old trial attorney and had my first "plug" HT at age 27 (1980). My hair continued to fall out and I was left with frontal hair and certainly had that "doll head" look. I want to tell you a story of my first experience. In its infancy, HT was an experiment and many were skeptical. I went to see Dr Constantine Chambers from Florida in 1980. Chambers was a leading transplant Dr at the time. While waiting in the reception area a young man came in who had apparently had a TERRIBLE HT. His air was growing, but his plugs were turned in all directions, thereby causing the pluggy hair to just stick up in all directions. I hadn't had the first graft yet and he scared the crap out of me. Later that morning I heard the guy literally crying when he spoke to the Dr. "I hope I'm not too late." After three session and many graphs, I was somewhat pleased, but was concerned about the plug look after the rest of my hair fell out. Without any transplants I would be the poster boy for MPB. Now, 26 years later, I have made my first repair visit to Dr Ray Konier in Chicago and am very pleased with the results. I only wish I had waited until now to begin the procedures. That would have meant 26 years of total baldness. No thanks! The difference in the technique, and what early on was terrible pain is now just some discomfort and the results are fantastic. To address some of Just a guy's pens, I can only say this. You can still have a good head of hair if your early Dr did not screw up your donor area too much. If you feel he has, it won't cost anything to go to a reputable Dr to find out. You really sound as though you are frustrated and/or out of money, or are afraid of further disappointment. Believe me, live with a bad HT for 26 years (great for its time) and you WILL do something about it. As for the head shaving, I really don't see the attraction of anyone shaving their head. But then again, I believe the young girls with the "tramp stamps" all over their bodies will in time regret that too! Head shaving to me is the equivalent to the "Emperor's New Clothes." They tell themselves that it looks better, and no one else is gonna tell them any differently. I still have a 4" diameter bald crown that I am seriously considering HT for. I believe after all that I have gone through, I still have about 3200-3500 grafts left in my donor area without compromising. How many grafts does it take to cover a totally bald area that size. How many grafts does it take to cover a bald spot per square inch? Is 200 enough? 300? 400? Not many professionals or 50 year old men are gonna shave their heads. All that I know that have tried it have gone back to au natural very soon.
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