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Posts posted by T.C

  1. Cant do any permanent harm to try it.My view before was against having to take a pill for ever and as it turned out I got sides and take a quarter of the recommended dose with decent results so far.Rogaine is not as good as Propecia.

  2. If I was you I would research alot longer before coming to any conclusions because their are extremes in the results of HT and the U.K has a well earned reputation for bad HT apart from 1 clinic already mentioned.You are correct in saying every doc must build a portfolio of work and get their reputation (good or bad) but why "risk" it if you can get a doc with a good reputation and proven work where the odds are then in your favour.Personally I dont care how nice and polite a doc is because that dosent mean a good result and there is no recourse after it is done.Online reputation is everything these days.If it is about money you should wait until its not a problem.

  3. That is a very good question brent,when i even took .5 ED the sides started but EOD it is not so bad.Just glad I can take it in some form and get benefit.I read an answer on another forum about this question and someone said your liver metabolises the amount of fin it needs to do the job its designed for and the left over is what floats around the body f****** you up.There seem lots of questions that dont have absolute answers about fin yet and this is another.

  4. I have taken .5mg propecia EOD for 9 months with decent improvements and dont think it would make any difference taking a bigger dose except I would get sides!!. strong stuff

  5. oromirra, There are no clinics in the U.K doing FUE to a proven standard (i believe fARJO dont do FUE).Havent seen any of harley streets doctors work but be very wary as HT results are very different.You should only go to doctors who are well known and have good reputations with online prescence of their results on forums like this and others.Belgium is the place to go in Europe with a handful of doctors with good results.Also clinics that advertise alot obviously need more custom so that is a red flag. Research doctors like Bisanga,feriduni,mwamba.

  6. When I first took it as prescribed 1mg a day by 14 days I had to stop for a week and played around with the dose. At first .5 ed for 3 weeks but this gave me problems like before so I stopped until pain went away which took 4 weeks at this stage(longer than I thought) which demonstartes maybe what a strong effect it has on your physiology. then I got to where I am now. You should give it plenty of time to work,12 months!!.My hairline did shed a bit in the beginning but is back to normal after a few months.If you can stick with it at least you will know if it is working or not at the end.

  7. Hi Prozak, I did lots of research on various forums,DHT STUDY charts and other peoples experiences and came to the conclusion that .5mg every 48 hours would do almost the same as 1mg ed but with much less sides which were my problem on 1mg (groin ache was agony).My hairloss was mainly in the front (which I have had 2 HT,NEED A THIRD FOR DENSITY) at first and then the top has gone a bit diffused in a maybe NW5 pattern but with a strong crown. I have alot of hair left still though.The thinning has stopped now I think and I have a slight improvement going towards back the crown area where the hairs have more colour and thickness.If I keep it how it is I will be happy.Sides,still get a bit of odd feeling in groin but comes and goes and can live with it at moment.Sex drive is o.k but takes more thought to get going!!!.My hairloss on top has been slowly kreeping up on me for 6 years which can lull you into a false sense of security to not to do anything which happened to me."PGP" wrote on the PRP thread yesterday that he switched to .5mg on mon wed fri and he had blood tests done and they showed same DHT levels as when on 1mg.Have been on this dose for 6 months now and intent to stick with it for now.

  8. bash77 'unfortunately not' was in answer to 'spuds question. I went to DHI before I realised what a crap reputation they had.I wont let them touch my head again though.I need another fue to increase the density and alter the hairline they gave me.Information is power and after a year on forums I am em-owered with lots of good info luckily. I like Feriduni and BHR also. when are you having work done ?or r u just sounding out a few docs for advice.

  9. Didnt get any pics of g1 and not sure on size of tool used as wasnt clued up back then but dots are quite small individually.Had about 2000.The dots are the loss of pigmenatation in the skin due to the small scar and not so much the lack of hair so everyone will get them to different levels.No surgery is scarless despite what some clinics say.I remember reading Dr Feller said in a topic at grade 1 you can see the dots but at 2 he has never seen any obvious scarring on anyone which I agree with.No one has ever noticed anything with me.

  10. You can but it is likely you will have small white dots where hair was taken and at grade one will be visble to a degree,they are on me, however people wont recognise them necessarily as you having a HT.A grade 2 or 3 is the best.Much depends on the skill and planning of the doctor.

  11. Sharpy,I have the same problem as you with the aches,however after doing much research on Fin I discovered even small doses lower DHT as much as larger ones and over many days.So I take .5mg every 48 hours and for 5 months the aches have dissappeared virtually and sex drive while maybe a little lower but is still acceptable.When I started on 1mg everyday my nuts were getting severe aching after 2 weeks but as this drug works in smaller doses its worth trying.Merck dont have any interest in testing Propecia in samller doses because they would loses money.

  12. i think you are talking about Dr Mwamba who does something called donor restocking according to his website where as he takes a graft out of the head he replaces it with a BH.I dont know how successful this is though and their are no photos or evidence posted of any transformations using this method but would be great solution if it worked and would like to hear from anyone who had this done.

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