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Posts posted by Its_Going_Fast

  1. Quick question for you all... I've decided to take the plunge and get my 3rd HT next week. However, since I keep my hair somewhat long, I'm considering buzzing it shorter so that all empty spots will be visible. My doc advised to make sure to keep 1/4 inch in the donor area to cover the stitches. So my question to you is, how short should I buzz it w/out the donor scar being exposed at all? Clipper number etc.


    A little advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


  2. Hey folks - I've got a huge dilemma and I need your help. I'm nearly 25 years old and losing hair badly and have been since I was in my teens. When I was 21, I was placing a Norwood II, and I had my first procedure with Dr Giannotto for nearly 1500 grafts. A year later when the hair had receded even more and the Dr. advised me that I needed a 2nd one to pack in the density, I went ahead and got another one - nearly 2500 grafts this time. It's now been 12 months post op and I have yet to see the results I expected after 4000 grafts. I'm currently a Norwood V.


    Now here's my problem. I spoke with Dr G. again and complained about the results and he said that he would perform another surgery (most likely at no charge to me) to correct the work and hopefully fill in the spots. My question to you all is, is that advisable? I've consulted other doctors as well and have considered getting work done from them, but my only incentive now is that the work will be done free as opposed to me dishing out another few grand.


    My surgery is tentatively scheduled for the end of this month, but I would love to hear back from some of you with pointers.


    Also, I was considering buzzing my hair before the surgery to prevent shock loss and so that all of the bald spots would be very visible? Is that advisable? How short should I buzz it so that it does not look awkward? Please take a look over some pix and let me know - I really need the advice. Thanks!

  3. Hey all,


    I recently just had my first hair trasplant of 1500 grafts.


    Some brief history about me: I'm 22 years old, and had noticed thinning of my hair for ages and just couldn't take it anymore. I tried everything; from Nioxin, to GLH! I had been using GLH (a colored hair spray) for a while, but it's temporary and must be washed out or it could damage hair. Well, it damaged a lot of my hair and accelerated the hair loss. I had the procedure done on 10-20-05 by Dr. Gionatto in Mc Lean, Virginia.


    It's been two weeks since my procedure and I've experienced quite a bit of shock-loss, and the scabs have all fallen out, and the sutures have been removed from the donor area. When I run my fingers through my hair, it feels like the grafts have begun growing? The same feeling I'd get when I'd shave my hair off and when the hair would be growing back. Is this normal, or am I lucking out and the hair started growing already?


    Also, I've started applying this hair oil at nights called "ayurveda". Anyone know anything good about that? Supposedly it stops hair loss, etc.


    I'm new to the neighborhood, would dearly appreciate any advice/pointers that you fellow brother's of mine could give me. What to do, what not to do? What chemicals could be applied to my hair, what shouldn't, etc.


    Thanks a lot.

  4. Hey all,


    I recently just had my first hair trasplant of 1500 grafts.


    Some brief history about me: I'm 22 years old, and had noticed thinning of my hair for ages and just couldn't take it anymore. I tried everything; from Nioxin, to GLH! I had been using GLH (a colored hair spray) for a while, but it's temporary and must be washed out or it could damage hair. Well, it damaged a lot of my hair and accelerated the hair loss. I had the procedure done on 10-20-05 by Dr. Gionatto in Mc Lean, Virginia.


    It's been two weeks since my procedure and I've experienced quite a bit of shock-loss, and the scabs have all fallen out, and the sutures have been removed from the donor area. When I run my fingers through my hair, it feels like the grafts have begun growing? The same feeling I'd get when I'd shave my hair off and when the hair would be growing back. Is this normal, or am I lucking out and the hair started growing already?


    Also, I've started applying this hair oil at nights called "ayurveda". Anyone know anything good about that? Supposedly it stops hair loss, etc.


    I'm new to the neighborhood, would dearly appreciate any advice/pointers that you fellow brother's of mine could give me. What to do, what not to do? What chemicals could be applied to my hair, what shouldn't, etc.


    Thanks a lot.

  5. Hey all,


    What do you all think about a spray called GLH? (Good Looking Hair). It's basically like a colored hair spray *for those who do not know*. I've been using it frequently for a while, and I've seen that it's accelerated the hair loss, and now recently, 14 days ago, I had my first hair TP. Should I stop using the spray?

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