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Posts posted by Its_Going_Fast

  1. I needed some advice from some of you, I just had a procedure a few weeks ago and prior to the procedure I buzzed my hair down to a 1 guard. However, the doctor shaved the donor area and now under the scar all the way around the head that area has no (or very minimal) hair whereas the rest has grown out around it. I was thinking of having my barber buzz the surrounding hair around the scar (below it) and then use a concealer just to cover the actual scar. Would this be advisable? Or is that skin under the scar damaged and will look weird if I was to cut the hair short beneath it?


    Hopefully I can get some answers by the end of today so I can get the cut tomorrow. Thanks!

  2. I needed some advice from some of you, I just had a procedure a few weeks ago and prior to the procedure I buzzed my hair down to a 1 guard. However, the doctor shaved the donor area and now under the scar all the way around the head that area has no (or very minimal) hair whereas the rest has grown out around it. I was thinking of having my barber buzz the surrounding hair around the scar (below it) and then use a concealer just to cover the actual scar. Would this be advisable? Or is that skin under the scar damaged and will look weird if I was to cut the hair short beneath it?


    Hopefully I can get some answers by the end of today so I can get the cut tomorrow. Thanks!

  3. Thanks guys. I appreciate the "constructive criticism". Oh well, I guess I'll have to suck it up and hope that it turns out well. However, I think a lot of the spacing in the front could be due to the existing grafts from previous surgeries and the Doctor having to go around them? Either way, after looking over some other pictures it's quite obvious that this wasn't a dense packing, new technology type of procedure - but hey, it's the best that I could do at this point. By the looks of it, it seems like I still have sufficient Donor area left, so if I go through with it again - I will definitely go with one of the coalition recommended Doctors. Again, thanks.

  4. Sorry for the confusion guys, the pictures posted in order from the first to the sixth are all from my 3rd (and most recent) procedure with Dr. Gianatto. I know there have been several articles regarding his work (mostly against) so that's why I wanted to get some feedback. All three of my procedures have been performed by him, and since I'm only 24, one must factor in the progressive hair loss due to typical patterns of Male Balding. However, the 2nd Surgery (see pix 7 & 8) seemed to be somewhat decently successful. However since I was still young an unaware that my existing hair could be lost due to Shock etc, and since the Doctor's associate failed to explicitly inform me of such , I was under the impression that my hair would be very full etc, and after several meetings with the Dr. (Who, I might add is a very very friendly fellow and kinda understanding), he took the liberty of doing a third surgery absolutely free. Personally, I felt that the work looked decent after I had showered the blood off and it seemed like a lot of scabs, but my only concern was that they're spaced out. Is that normal? The Doctor and his staff all explained that that was the maximum number of grafts that they could fit in w/out damaging the existing surrounding hair etc.


    As for the blood, that picture was taken from my cell phone literally minutes after they put in the final graft and they hadn't had the opportunity to clean it off. However, if that seems like way too much blood then I don't know what to say. I usually don't bleed much, but then again, I usually don't get my head cut open too often - so I'm not quite sure what to expect.


    Either way, your *helpful* comments would be appreciated. Any other questions, please feel free to send me a message in private.


    Bill: Thanks for the positive words!

  5. I was just looking to get some feedback about what you all thought about how my most recent transplant looks. I'm not 14 days post-op and will take some more pix at the one month mark and post them later. But below, you will find a few pictures Pre-op (post two surgeries of 1500 and 2500 grafts) and then my most recent one of close to another 2500 grafts. I'd appreciate all feedback, thanks!

  6. I was just looking to get some feedback about what you all thought about how my most recent transplant looks. I'm not 14 days post-op and will take some more pix at the one month mark and post them later. But below, you will find a few pictures Pre-op (post two surgeries of 1500 and 2500 grafts) and then my most recent one of close to another 2500 grafts. I'd appreciate all feedback, thanks!


  7. Can anyone tell me what a MSM pill typically looks like? I think I might have purchased the wrong one perhaps... I bought a green bottle by PharmAssure and it says MSM 1000 across the front. It's this creme-ish color capsule. Did i get the right one? Is it advisable to take 4000 mg's a day?

  8. Can anyone tell me what a MSM pill typically looks like? I think I might have purchased the wrong one perhaps... I bought a green bottle by PharmAssure and it says MSM 1000 across the front. It's this creme-ish color capsule. Did i get the right one? Is it advisable to take 4000 mg's a day?

  9. Is that a good combination? 3 days post Op and looking to change up the routine. Buzzed the hair down to a 2 guard and now hoping to re-grow a lot of it soon so that the scar will cover asap.


    Recently heard about Nisim? Any suggestions? Is that a good shampoo or is Nizoral better? Currently using Nioxin system V but it's not doing much.


    MSM? I just heard about this today and after reading up on it, it seems like a good bet. What do you guys think?


    Rogaine foam: Will definitely apply this to the crown once I past the 10 day mark.


    Centrum: Is this a good Multi-Vitamin to take? Or should I opt for the Mega Men vitamin from GNC?


    Is it a bad idea to take a Multi-Vitamin AND MSM at the same time? Wouldn't that be a surplus of something in my system? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  10. Is that a good combination? 3 days post Op and looking to change up the routine. Buzzed the hair down to a 2 guard and now hoping to re-grow a lot of it soon so that the scar will cover asap.


    Recently heard about Nisim? Any suggestions? Is that a good shampoo or is Nizoral better? Currently using Nioxin system V but it's not doing much.


    MSM? I just heard about this today and after reading up on it, it seems like a good bet. What do you guys think?


    Rogaine foam: Will definitely apply this to the crown once I past the 10 day mark.


    Centrum: Is this a good Multi-Vitamin to take? Or should I opt for the Mega Men vitamin from GNC?


    Is it a bad idea to take a Multi-Vitamin AND MSM at the same time? Wouldn't that be a surplus of something in my system? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  11. Hey guys,


    Even though I've been through a few TP's before, I wanted to get some feedback from you all on what I should do immediately post-surgery? According to a check list I received in the mail, it says to apply saline solution several times a day to the graft sites, and vitamin E oil to the sutures and ice down the donor area.


    Aside from these basic things, is there anything else that you all will recommend that I do?


    When can I start wearing a cap?


    When the grafts begin to turn scabby, could I scratch my head and kinda peal the scabs off? (Stupid questions, but I've found my self doing that in the past and perhaps maybe that's why I wasn't happy with the results)


    Currently NOT on propecia, nor do I want to start taking any medication by mouth due to side effects that I have read about, so any other alternative?


    Which multi-vitamins are good? Should I buy into those Hair & Nail vitamins at GNC?


    Ok, the key question - What shampoo should I switch to? I am currently using Nioxin System V (the one for thin color treated hair [i used to dye it dark very often so that it would look fuller and that damaged the hell out of it])

    I am considering Nisin? Any other pointers?


    ... I clipped my head down to a # 2 all around, it looks kinda nice but the scar is clearly visible. I'll take some pix and maybe post them later. I know some people are reading this post and comparing my old posts and thinking that I'm crazy for going through with another surgery etc... message to those, folks - I gotta do what I gotta do. The only thing I ask is for some friendly advice, not more words to scare the balls outta me, so any good pointers that could help - please please send em my way.


    Surgery's in less than 12 hours and counting, wish me luck!

  12. Notgoing: Bro, pray for me - I'm pulling the trigger and going through with it. I'm tired of spending my life wearing a cap or using concealers, and frankly speaking, can't afford to pay another doctor at this point. I figured I'd rather play some RR and see if lady luck's on my side or not. I suppose if this doesn't work, there might be a nice bridge out there that I can go jump off of =) (jk) Let's see how it goes... Wednesday's the big day. I plan on buzzing it short on my own on Monday and then letting the Doc do what he does. He's obviously doing something right that he's staying that busy, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.


    Any other pointers guys?

  13. NG: *sigh*, yes, it's the same Doc. I'm keeping my fingers crossed this time though - I saw some results last time but not as much as I expected. But then again, I realize I was young and that my hairloss was going to continue. According to the DOC, whatever hair I now have on my head, is transplanted and I suppose judging by the pattern of the hair loss, he could be right. I'll give it another shot and if it doesn't work out this time, I guess I'll look into laser scar removal surgery and stick with the shaved head look forever. Wish me luck buddy!

  14. Bill: Thanks for the pointers. I just wanted to make all of the bald spots very prominent, that's why I'm considering buzzing it. However, my doctor does not require it - but then again, in previous procedures, he'd have to comb the hair frequently and transplant around it. So you say 1/2 inch is recommendable - what # cut is that? Also, what is the best advice at this point, luckily for me, I've taken a few weeks off post op, so I have room to do different things with my hair. Thanks again.

  15. Quick question for you all... I've decided to take the plunge and get my 3rd HT next week. However, since I keep my hair somewhat long, I'm considering buzzing it shorter so that all empty spots will be visible. My doc advised to make sure to keep 1/4 inch in the donor area to cover the stitches. So my question to you is, how short should I buzz it w/out the donor scar being exposed at all? Clipper number etc.


    A little advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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