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Posts posted by Its_Going_Fast

  1. I needed some feedback from you pros on how many grafts would it take to cover the balding area(s) on my head? I've had three procedures (FUT's) performed towards the front of my scalp, thus the hair you see in that region is transplanted. However, I need to fill in the surrounding areas and the crown so that I may burn all my damn caps!


    I'm not sure if this is a possibility, but can Doctor's perform both a Strip and a FUE procedure simultaneously to achieve a greater number of grafts?


    I'm flying out next week to meet Dr. Wong and hoping he'll be able to work his magic on this pathetic head.


    Any pointers?

  2. I needed some feedback from you pros on how many grafts would it take to cover the balding area(s) on my head? I've had three procedures (FUT's) performed towards the front of my scalp, thus the hair you see in that region is transplanted. However, I need to fill in the surrounding areas and the crown so that I may burn all my damn caps!


    I'm not sure if this is a possibility, but can Doctor's perform both a Strip and a FUE procedure simultaneously to achieve a greater number of grafts?


    I'm flying out next week to meet Dr. Wong and hoping he'll be able to work his magic on this pathetic head.


    Any pointers?


  3. With a tight scalp, I'm left with no choice but to religiously conduct scalp exercises in hopes of improving the laxity of my scalp for future procedures. However, now I'm beginning to slack and was wondering if you all can provide some pointers on how to effectively exercise a scalp to yield great results. I had read online that there is some sort of device/tool that one can purchase which will essentially massage your scalp for you? Any insight on such a tool?


    Are there any vitamins/medication that one can take to loosen the scalp?


    I've watched the video from H & W on Youtube to learn how to exercise my scalp. However, if anyone has figured out a better method - please do share.



  4. After 3 unsuccessfull Surgeries from a particular surgeon, I have now decided to file a lawsuit against him. We met earlier today and I warned him of my intentions and in response, he said that he would refund the amount for one of the surgeries. I paid for two of the three, and according to him, the third surgery (free of charge) was to replace the 2nd one which I paid for.


    I have suffered severe emotional trauma due to this jackass's work and now have a huge scar (2mm wide). In addition, due to his poor/unrefined work, I have been told that my scalp is too tight and there is not potentially enough laxity there for a procedure larger than 1500 grafts, whereas I require atleast 5k grafts.


    Should I settle for the refund for one of the surgeries? Or continue with the lawsuit and try to get $ for the pain and suffering, loss of potential donor area, and overall decrease in the quality of my image?



  5. I've avoided Propecia up until now, since it seems like I'd have to take it forever if I wanted to keep the hair from falling out and I didn't want to even risk the possible side effects. (I'd rather be bald and functioning, rather than have a head full of hair and risk ED)

  6. I am trying to figure out a way to improve the mobility/laxity of my scalp. (Btw, what in the world is scalp mobility/scalp laxity?)


    After having three surgeries performed, I need to go back for another one, but unfortunately - I was told by a Coalition Doctor that my scalp isn't loose enough to get a significant number of grafts.


    Is there any medication/vitamin that I can take to loosen my scalp?


    Do scalp exercises work?


    Any advice on what to do if donor area is insufficient? I need close to 3k+ grafts, but according to the Doc, he can only pull out 1300 grafts (roughly) He claims that if he tries to cut a strip large enough to extract 2500 grafts, he might not be able to close my scalp. Does that really happen?


    Advice from senior members would be appreciated. I'm just SO fed up and don't know what the F to do anymore.


    Thanks! (in advance)

  7. I am trying to figure out a way to improve the mobility/laxity of my scalp. (Btw, what in the world is scalp mobility/scalp laxity?)


    After having three surgeries performed, I need to go back for another one, but unfortunately - I was told by a Coalition Doctor that my scalp isn't loose enough to get a significant number of grafts.


    Is there any medication/vitamin that I can take to loosen my scalp?


    Do scalp exercises work?


    Any advice on what to do if donor area is insufficient? I need close to 3k+ grafts, but according to the Doc, he can only pull out 1300 grafts (roughly) He claims that if he tries to cut a strip large enough to extract 2500 grafts, he might not be able to close my scalp. Does that really happen?


    Advice from senior members would be appreciated. I'm just SO fed up and don't know what the F to do anymore.


    Thanks! (in advance)

  8. What medication will yield regrowth results in the crown region? Apparently I don't have enough donor area left to get another transplant to fill the crown and now, at 25, post 3 surgeries, I have to look into other ways of somehow patching up the crown. Any suggestions? And if possible, I'd love if I can see some results.



  9. If that time line can produce the results that you've posted Dr. M, then I salute you for being able to multi-task so well.


    Having said that, would you be able to provide us with some background about the technicians that are employed in your clinic (since they perform a majority of the nitty gritty work)? Cutting the grafts might be relatively easy (with enough practice and skill), but planting the grafts probably requires surgical skill. Correct? I guess what I am asking is: do your technicians (the ones that plant the 3000 grafts ) have the requisite knowledge and expertise to adequately plant the grafts? Granted the answer to that might be obvious - but suppose if a patient prefers to have you plant the grafts as opposed to your technicians. Would you allow that?


    Thanks for the insight Dr. M. Glad to see that there are wise and skillful doctors like yourself in that region.

  10. I am a bit concerned by Dr. Mohmand expressing that he can complete 4 surgeries (FUT) of 3000 grafts each in 5 hours. I might not be an expert, but isn't that a bit abnormal? If a surgery is done properly by any of the surgeons on this website, I'm assuming that they will ensure that they are the ones doing most of the work (as opposed to techs who are less skilled).


    IMO, the Dr's who divide their attention between multiple patients and have their techs do majority of the work should not be recommended by this forum. It's because of a doctor who decided to think of multiple patients and $$$ that I became a victim of poor hair transplantation.


    I hope I haven't offended anyone by saying this, but all of you Dr's should realize that as patients - we entrust you with a very significant part of appearance, and we would hope that you would apply the same amount of effort, precision, and perfection to our heads as you would want someone to apply to say, your own head or maybe your brothers/childs/etc.


    Just my two cents.

  11. I'm curious, I've read and heard that at best, a HT can only give you 50-60% of the fullness that a man once had at their peak. What I'm wondering is: If a person has always had thin hair (even at their peak) but it was fuller - [yet not thick, just lots of thin hair follicles bunched together to give a dense image] is it likely that even after several HTs, that they will never have the thick hair that others do? Or is the hair in the donor area naturally programmed to be thicker?

  12. I'm curious, I've read and heard that at best, a HT can only give you 50-60% of the fullness that a man once had at their peak. What I'm wondering is: If a person has always had thin hair (even at their peak) but it was fuller - [yet not thick, just lots of thin hair follicles bunched together to give a dense image] is it likely that even after several HTs, that they will never have the thick hair that others do? Or is the hair in the donor area naturally programmed to be thicker?

  13. Hairthere: The doc did recommend meds, but I chose not to since I needed my sex drive to be peaking at that time. (stupid mistake). As for the aggressive hair loss, I'm guessing that whatever is towards the front region of my head is not going to fall out (since it's been transplanted an re-transplanted). You really think I shouldn't focus on the crown? I think if I drop roughly 2k grafts in the crown and another 1500 or so in the front, I'll hopefully have the results that I'm looking for.


    MMhce: I'm not sure if he's ABHRS certified, but he sure as hell has a ton of degrees and certifications all over his office as soon as you walk in, so I'm assuming maybe he is?


    Dewayne: Thanks for the words of wisdom, but it's just one of those things that can't be forgotten/overlooked. However, I'm not letting it get the best of me just yet - concealers work wonders, and to them I owe tons of gratitude.


    So I have a finite number of grafts on the back of my head? Even if I'm 25? I'm clearly clueless about all of this and don't understand how the number of grafts on the back of my head would be limited even if the hair in that area is pretty darn thick? Could you please explain?


    At present - I'm leaning towards Dr. Mohmand since he's rec'd. by the forum and will fit the budget. Any pointers? I'd love to be able to get one here in the US from Shapiro/Cooley or check out H&W, but realistically - if I'm shooting for 35-- grafts, none of these docs will do it for any less than 10-15k, which isn't something I can afford at the moment. (and waiting isn't an option since I've decided that til I can fill this damn head up with hair, I refuse to get married, lol)


    Thanks again for the pointers guys. If some of you can relook at the pics and tell me in your opinion how many grafts would suffice, I would greatly appreciate it.


    God bless.

  14. Gents,


    I needed some pointers from some of you who seem to have more knowledge than I do about transplants.


    Some background: I am an unfortunate victim of a butcher named Dr. Richard Gionnatto. He performed three surgeries on me. The first was in October '05 (Approx 1500 grafts). At the time, I was 21 and had no knowledge what-so-ever about this website and thus I chose whichever doc that I had heard of on the radio. After about 15 months of not seeing the results that I was expecting, I went back to see the same Dr and he advised that due to my young age, my hair loss had progressed and said that another surgery is required. So in Jan '07, I shelled out another 7k and had a second (filler) surgery performed approximating 1800 grafts. To my luck, a year later- the results were still no where close to what I was initially promised, and after complaining the Dr offered to perform a third surgery to compensate me for my disappointment. (Stupid idea) I took him up on this offer, and had an additional 2000 grafts placed on my head. These grafts were probably applied using the punch method (I assume)and were spaced out drastically. I compared the pictures from my surgery(ies) to the pictures on this website and found that my surgery was bloodier and far more unprofessional than all of the results found here. I visited the Dr in early January '09 and asked him why the results aren't close to what we anticipated, and his response was that whatever hair I have on my head right now, is the result of all of the transplants. However, I find that highly. The Dr. claims that the hair came out of the dormant phase only 4 months ago (even though the Surgery was in Feb '08) and that I should continue to see results within the next few months.


    At this point, I'm confused and somewhat hopeless. My hair loss has affected my life dramatically and I just want a solution to this problem. I have been applying concealers for the last 4 years (and that too only when I go out). I've cut back on socializing only bc I don't want to apply the concealers on a regular basis and damage what's left of the hair. I am contemplating another surgery to fill my crown and add density to the top/front, however, I'm not sure how many grafts that would require, but I assume that I'm in the 2500-3000 graft range to get the results that I want. But, another prob is that my hair is very very fine and thin, so I'm not quite sure how to add fullness/density to the hair? It seems like I've got a lot of individual hair(s), but the quality/thickness of them sucks. Any pointers?


    Due to financial constraints, I doubt that I can afford to pay $10k for Dr. Hasson/Wong/Shapiro, so I'm opting to fly abroad to one of the Dr's on this website's recommended list.


    Do you all advise that I should wait? Or simply get on with the show and get another surgery? If so, please advise on how many grafts would suffice.


    I have yet to take a pill of Finasteride or Propecia. Would that reverse the hairloss or help in any way?


    Please see the attached pics and offer any advice that you possibly can to a fellow member of this excellent and sacred community! Thanks


    I wanted to get some insight from you all on what I should do next? Shoul




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