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Repair Guy

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Posts posted by Repair Guy

  1. Nobuzz4me,


    Yeh, i can definitely say its an expensive project to undertake but i know in the long run it will make me happy. I have been wearing a hairpiece for about 10 years now which made me absolutely miserable. Once I clean up my front and get about one or two megasessions, I will be able to breathe again.

  2. I will do my best to answer your questions nobuzz4me .


    1. I believe he used hole punches to match the original used when i got them implanted in the first place different sizes for different transplants, not sure exact sizes though. He sutures the holes closed and gives you about nine days of healing time before you come back and remove the sutures.


    2. He tells you you must have 2 months between repair sessions.

    Cost for me was $75 per plug relocation


    3. Most extractions survived and were reimplanted in single or double follicles


    4. I would say somewhere around 1000 or a little more


    5. Yes he assured me that my scars would be addressed and that I would be very pleased.



    Basically, Dr. Bernstein is a great guy and extemely skilled in his craft. I will post my next pic sometime this week after I get the sutures removed from my latest procedure (#3).

  3. I have been working with Dr. Bernstein which I must say is doing a wonderful job in my opinion. He extracts the bad transplants and cuts them into single and double hair units and relocates them much further up on my head. I am definitely going to get a transplant or two once everything is done.

  4. Thanks. I think its looking better also. I will post an entire chronological set of pics once I am done. I just got my third procedure done a week ago and still have the stitches in which get removed on wednesday. I will have one procedure left to clean my entire front. I will post more pics after all is done. I may even post additional pics after a month or so from now to show the difference from before procedure one to after procedure 3.

  5. Here are two pics of my hair repair. I had about 280 hair transplants done about 12 years ago that looked really bad. I have been getting them repaired. I just had my third procedure done a week ago and am still healing. One left before I clean the entire front. I have a picture of before my first procedure and 4 months after my second procedure.


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  6. Here are two pics of my hair repair. I had about 280 hair transplants done about 12 years ago that looked really bad. I have been getting them repaired. I just had my third procedure done a week ago and am still healing. One left before I clean the entire front. I have a picture of before my first procedure and 4 months after my second procedure.


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  7. I think when you go into something like a hair trasplant you really need to think about things long term. I am 36 years old so I can tell you that I made a bad decision to have transplants when I was around 25. Because technology was pretty bad at the time I had about 250 corn stalk transplants around my hairline and my hair eventually started to recede beyond the transplants making it look really bad. The only thing I could think of at the time was to get a hairpiece to cover the mess up. I have been wearing a hairpiece for the past 10 years now and can honestly say I hate it but it definitely helped me cover the bad transplant job. I am currently working with Dr. Bernstein who I might add is fantastic! I just had my third session of removing and relocating my bad hair transplants about a week ago. I still have one more to go before my whole hairline is clean. Can't wait! After that I will get about two mega sessions and hopefully have a normal life again.


    I know I kind of went on and on about my situation and its not the same these days because technology is much better but the moral of the story is you have to think about the long term when you make a big decision like this. My advice would be to be conservative with the hairline and worry more about the density on top because as you get older your hair will most likely recede more and more. Best of luck to you on your hair endeavors.

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