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Dr. Robert Dorin

Elite Coalition Physician
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About Dr. Robert Dorin

Basic Information

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Hair Transplant Clinic Information

  • Hair Transplant Surgeon
    Dr. Robert Dorin
  • Hair Transplant Network Recommendation Profile
  • Hair Transplant Clinic Name
    True and Dorin Medical Group
  • Primary Clinic Address
    499 Seventh Ave. 24th Floor South Tower
  • Country
    United States
  • State
  • City
    New York
  • Zip Code
  • Phone Number
  • Website
  • Email Address
  • Provides
    Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation (FUT)
    Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
    Prescriptions for Propecia

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Dr. Robert Dorin's Achievements

New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Ian512017155- Thank you, I would have welcomed the opportunity, but I do understand unclejesse777's decision, and am glad he is happy. Bill- You are welcome, and I thank you for your input. Bonkerstonker- Yes, your point is well taken. Unclejesse777- of course , no offense taken. Thank you for your understanding- I wish you well. Multiplier- Thank you. I would have pursued a second procedure as previously proposed. I would have asked to be able to monitor unclejesse777 very frequently in the postop period to help insure proper healing more carefully than is typically required, and I would have done it at a substantially discounted price. TC17- Thank you, I agree with your comment regarding unclejesse777. Blake- Yes of course, you are welcome. Arron- Agreed. Salami- I thank you. Obviously by your description of when we met, I can place who you are. I look forward to seeing you next month.
  2. I have been asked to respond to a hair restoration result performed by me on an "Uncle Jesse777". To date I have not been given the patient's true identity, nor have I been contacted by the patient with the concerns posted on the hairtransplantnetwork's multiple threads. I learned of the patient's final result and concerns only after it was posted on the network. However, after seeing the pictures posted, I was able to go through my charts in an attempt to identify the patient, and I am now 99% certain of "Unclejesse777's" identity. First of all I would like to thank "Unclejesse777" for selecting me as his surgeon for his first procedure and to apologize to him for the poor result and any inconvenience his result may have caused him. What I can say about the case in an objective way is the resulted shape and density of the hair line did not develop as intended. Clearly the single hair grafts at the edge of the hair line did not produce growth. The nurses and technicians who worked with me on the case were and still are veterans- three with greater than fifteen years experience each at our clinic, and a fourth with 8+ years. Since the growth is lacking on both sides of the hair line and not just one localized side or spot, and I had four total people place, in a team of two at a time, I do not attribute this to a technician's technique or fatigue. Although the procedure itself was unremarkable, the patient did not come in for his postoperative check the Monday after his Friday procedure. At suture removal " unclejesse777" had more extensive scabbing than typical that had to removed in order to remove the sutures. Given the tenderness of the region and swelling, I started an oral antibiotic and continued the topical antibiotic ointment with follow up until resolution. As a consequence, although healed, the scar was larger than I typically produce. "unclejesse777 " returned at a scheduled 4 month follow up. At which time there was not much to see in terms of development except a few hairs had just started to grow and the donor scar remained wider where the scabs had been debrided in his suture removal 4 months earlier. "Unclejesse777" returned at his 8 month follow up at which time he inquired about a second treatment. We talked about potential treatment to the same area in the future of 1000+ grafts but I indicated we need to wait until complete development before I know how to proceed. "Unclejesse777" left and said he would call us in the future. He did not express any concerns and I was expecting to see him return in 3-4 months, for his final result, but he never did despite our reminder contacts. The next time I heard from "unclejesse777" was on the Hairtransplantnetwork. Again I am truly sorry for the disappointing result "unclejesie777" received at my hands. I am disappointed in the results too, as they are not up to my standards, but I am glad you found what you were looking for.
  3. RCWest, Robin and Taking The Plunge; Thank you for your input. RCWest, to address your question: Taking into acount the patient's coarse hair and the focus being restoration of the hairline zone, it was my intent to use a higher percentage of single and double FU's to ensure a soft natural appearance. All of the 113 triple FU'S were placed deep in the top and corners. The patient will need a good portion of his triple FU'S for the top and bridge region if he continues to lose more native hair.
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