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Everything posted by LUV2PLUG

  1. 1874 FU’s with Dr. Brandon Ross **1 year Post Op** 1’s-412 2+’s-1462 All FU’s placed in the fontal 1/3 emphasis on lowering the corners
  2. I apologize for the lack of communication. We would like to offer you a 1400 FU surgery to correct anything you think is uneven. We again apologize for any inconvenience. Hope to see you soon!
  3. 2611 FU’s with Dr. Brandon Ross **8 month Post-op** 1’s-573 2+’s-2038 All FU’s placed in the frontal 1/3. Created new hairline and filled in.
  4. 1546 FU’s with Dr. Brandon Ross **Female 11 months Post-op** 1’s-221 2+’s-1325 All FU’s were placed in the frontal 1/3 concentrated in the forelock area.
  5. 2881 FU’s with Dr. Brandon Ross **11 months Post-Op** All 2881 FU’s placed in the crown 1’s-498 2+’s-2383
  6. 2567 FU’s with Dr. Brandon Ross ** Female **8 month Post Op** All FU’s were left a bit bigger due to the patient’s ultra fine hair. The FU’s were placed in the frontal 1/2 weighted to the left side.
  7. 2167 FU’s with Dr. Brandon Ross **1 year Post Op** 1’s- 411 2+’s-1756 All FU’s placed in the frontal 1/3
  8. 3120 FU’S WITH DR. BRANDON ROSS **5 MONTH POST OP** 3120 FU’s 1’s-673 2’+-2447 Approx 2000 grafts placed in the frontal 1/3 and 1100 placed in the crown
  9. RECONSTRUCTION/REPAIR 1620 FU’S WITH DR. BRANDON ROSS 1620 FU’s PLACED IN SKIN GRAFTED AREA Patient had a cancerous lesion removed from his scalp and it was replaced with a skin graft. The patient was instructed to start 5% Minoxidil 1 month prior to procedure in the skin grafted area. He has had several previous 4mm plug hair transplants 20+ years ago. The donor area was scarred but very pliable. We started with a small case to be sure not to compromise the skin grafted area.
  10. 2081 FU’S with Dr. Brandon Ross **9 month Post op** 1’s-516 2+’s-1565 All FU’s placed in the frontal 1/3 and recessions
  11. 2936 FU’s with Dr. Brandon Ross**1 year Post Op** 1’s-602 2+’s-2334 All the grafts were placed in the frontal 1/3 but mainly the recession areas. The patient had a deformity arising from a congenital abnormality. Which caused his skull to grow lengthwise but not by width. We camouflaged some scarring and deformities. He will be returning for some work soon.
  12. 2557 FU’S WITH DR. BRANDON ROSS **1 YEAR POST OP** 2557 FU’s were distributed all over the top with emphasis on the frontal ?. Patient has had previous surgeries by another physician and wanted to camouflage his big grafts and add density throughout. He had a large donor scar that limited our graft number, but will return for another procedure in a year to continually refine his results.
  13. 2208 fu’s with dr. Brandon ross 1’s-472 2+’s 1736 all fu's placed in the frontal 1/3
  14. 2873 FU’S WITH DR. BRANDON ROSS **1 YEAR POST-OP** 1’s-503 2+’s-2370 All FU’s placed in frontal ? Trich closure Patient is on Finasteride The patient could have obviously used more FU’s, but we do our best to work within the patient budget and desires. He is coming back to fill in back half in the next few months.
  15. 1423 FU’s with Dr. Brandon Ross **1 year Post OP** All FU’s placed in crown Patient has had numerous previous surgeries and a scalp reduction, all by different doctors. His wish was to camouflage the scalp reduction scar in the crown. With his very limited donor we were able to get 1423 FU
  16. Yes, he is on Finasteride. We recommend Finasteride and Minoxidil to all of our patients.
  17. 3621 FU’s with Dr. Brandon Ross 1 year Post Op 1’s-836 2+’s 2785 All FU’s placed to the frontal 1/3 Patient is returning to for 2nd procedure for crown
  18. TC17 I certainly understand that this pt does not have a full head of hair. There are limitations, first and foremost a pt’s budget, donor hair, diameter of hair shaft, so on and so forth. Given the result thus far, we believe his transplant looks natural and has good growth. The patient is happy and is coming back to do more. He fully understood prior to his surgery that he would need more than one procedure to achieve good coverage. We do give suggestions on hair styles although our suggestions are not always taken! Sorry TC17 we didn’t impress you now, but hope to do so in the future!
  20. 3646 FU’s with Dr. Brandon Ross 1’s-698 2+’s-2948 The FU’s were placed in the frontal 2/3
  21. 2751 FU’S WITH DR. BRANDON ROSS 1’S-623 2+’S- 2128 ALL FU’S PLACED IN THE FRONTAL ? HALF. PT IS RETURNING IN 1 YEAR TO FILL IN BACK HALF. Pt’s DONOR density was not ideal for the amount of loss and cm? coverage he needed.
  22. 3631 fu’s with dr. Brandon ross **5 month post op** 3631 fu’s 1’s-736 2+’s-2895 all fu’s placed in the frontal 1/3 pt recently started finasteride
  23. TC17, We are ecstatic that we may have you on “Ross love train”. We hope to impress you again soon!! Thanks for the comment!
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