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  1. Hi all, First off, just wanted to say I have been "lurking here" for over a year and I have decided who I will see for my HT after very much research and agonizing so thanks, especially to the veterans here like arfy, etc. Just my 2 cents on Dr Katz: I was there for a consult and felt very pressure by his salesman, Gerry. He seemed like he had his hand in my pocket the whole time trying to get me to put a deposit down by staying stuff like "girls don't like bald men." I wasn't impressed with the doc's manner either, he seemed really rushed and told me he was trained by Dr Bosley which I can't really look at as a positive. He also worked for MHR and now has his own place with few photos or references. I did not "sign up" that day and decided to research a little more. I ran them both through Google to see what might pop up and I found that the salesman Gerald Olkus, has soon kind of shady background, is banned from doing business with the Dept of Defense, and was convicted of a felony in NJ, something to do with heating oil. I had a friend of mine (paralegal) check it out further and he turned up an indightment for racketeering and fraud and money laundering. Needless to say, I can't imagine what he's doing in a position of trust in a doc's office selling hair transplants with no background in the field. I also have to wonder why this doc would hired a convicted felon and why he didn't do a background check. I asked and was never called back. So watch your back in that office and check it out for yourself before you make a decision. Good luck.
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