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Posts posted by MORE_HAIR

  1. Hey Bill.


    Great info on post-op showering !!!

    Just what i was looking for.

    I had my surgery on Wed.

    So being on day four i was wondering how to shampoo.

    On day two I experienced a little blood and oozing from one area on the donor site...freaked me out a bit.

    But from what i understand this is not uncommon.


    Day three (sat.)I showered but was real gentle around the donor site.

    Only problem there is some dried blood around parts of the donor area that I was afraid to "rough up" to much.

    I guess today (sun) I have to "man up" a bit and apply some pressure around that donor site to get that dried blood out of there.


    Any thoughts ??


    For you vets this is no big deal but us first timers it's a little heavy on the mind.


    Thanks Bill,


  2. Hey NN and mrjb,


    Thanks guys.

    At least you know where I'm coming from.

    I couldn't agree with you more.

    The "raw raw my surgeon" as you put it gets a little boring sometimes.


    Secondly,a persons class comes into play when bashing other doctors results....it shouldn't be done unless a doctor is a butcher...in that case it's open season.

    We are here to protect each other...not bs about how beautiful we are.


    But anyway it's always better to take the high road and let the screamers scream...lol.


    Thanks for the help/support.

    You guys like alot of the others are very helpful and class acts....keep you posted on my results.



  3. Hairthere,


    Thanks...i know it's just the beginning but as alot of the guys mention...you just have to put it on the back burner and see.

    I'm only two days out so still in a bit of a fog...sleeping afjustments,shower changes and all that fun crap...lol.

    Dr. Epstein took alot of pre-op pics.

    I'll get them from him eventually and i'll take some from home.




    Pics look great...i can't wait till I have a month under my belt !!!

    I have a little swelling..looks a little strange...kind've like an oblong face.

    Guess It's all a part of the game.


    Good luck pal.



  4. Hey guys.


    That's cool.

    We all have our opinions.

    Certain things bother people more then others.

    I see you point mlnyc.

    I see your a real Feller fan...i've been reading you mentioning him almost daily on this site....being happy about your result is a great thing.

    If you don't like Epsteins work that's your opinion...we can agree to disagree...peace.



    What's interesting to me is if a doc what's to grab your cash he going to get it either way.

    As i mentioned...or at least I pm'd Bill about a few weeks back...I didn't want to use Bernstein because he was a bit conservative for my taste.

    I went to a few other docs and one wanted to put(only my opinion) a hugh amout of graphs in.

    After a brief mention i thought it was a large amount of graphs he instantly backed his # off 1000 graphs !!! yikes.


    We all have gut feelings and we should all respect each other...isn't that why we are here.


    In my opinion all these top docs to great work.

    And yes mlnyc Feller is one of them...I see his albums on here all the time.


    As I always mention thanks to all you guys I'll keep you posted on my progress.



  5. Hey guys.


    About the $175 Dr.Epstein charges for a consult.. he does...and I gotta tell ya guys...worth every penny !!!!


    I just arrived home today from Miami after having a HT with Dr.Epstein

    2800+ graphs..he told me today he will have the exact # of graphs/hair count this week.


    I'm sure some of you guys have answered some of my silly questions in the last months...thanks so much to all of you...you guys are awesome !!

    The insight on the forum is unmatched.


    Not going to bore you with every single detail of the day because thay all kind of mimic each other with all the TOP coalition docs on this site....and the last thing Dr. Epstein needs is anyone pumping up his name.

    The guy is top notch...no sales BS...period.


    Call me strange but the $175 consult perked my interest...trust me it wasn't a deciding factor..but it caught my attention....and anyway if you use him...it's knocked off the price.

    There must be thousands of guys going to docs on there free time and having fun exciting talks with doctors...and never return.

    You can call it what you want but if you plunk down 175 to see a doc....you must be serious...I was.

    I'm not at ALL saying guys not wanting to pay the 175 are not serious that would be outright stupidity...i just felt it wasn't going to stop me....i'm glad it didn't.

    I only felt that if I'm about to spend between 9-12 thousand(in my case) on surgery....that 175 dollars is peanuts.

    When the last time you had a $85 dinner and it sucked and your crying wife/girlfriend asked you why you took her there...think about it.




    As I mentioned the experience was not only handled on a professional level from beginning to end...it was kind of fun.

    Knowing your in great hands and about to fill up your balding scalp with hair...uhhh...cmon guys...this is a good day....lol.


    I can type for hours but i wont....here goes.


    Dr.Epstein spends the start of the day drawing out your new hairline and keeps looking and looking and looking at how it fits your face and at the same time keeps handing you the mirror waiting for your ok.

    His suggestions for my hairline were right on...but it was a big decision...i needed that time with him.


    The staff(techs)are awesome !!!

    Everyone is friendly and polite...and know what there doing.

    No-one is standing around waiting to be told what to do...they have a job...they do it.


    The removal of the strip area was totally painless...i mean at the start of the surgery i asked the doc when he was going to cut the site..."it's already done" was his response...I knew this was going to be a good day...lol.

    NO PAIN !!

    You feel minor pinching during any injections they have to give you before the procedure begins..plus any they have to give you during the day.

    And that's coming from me,someone who has the pain threshold of a six year old girlscout.


    Epstein while making the experience fun with

    a "regular guy" attitude...is real serious about the work on hand.

    Nothing gets buy him.


    After all is finished i received a bag with all that i needed (pain meds,antibiotic,ect.)


    That night Dr.Epstein called me in my hotel to my surprise.

    He just wanted to know if all was cool...it was...he's a true gentlemen.


    I'm only writing this because i'm home, VERY happy and relieved it's over and now comes the patience period.

    I now consider Dr.Epstein a friend but believe me when i tell you he has no idea i'm writing this.

    I own my own business and deserve to get paid when a job is done.

    Dr.Epstein and staff earned every cent and now i really understand why he is a coalition doctor.


    I guess I typed longer then I wanted and probably left stuff out but i did the best i could.

    Any questions I'll be glad to answer.

    If you don't mind i have to go and look in the mirror again....kidding...kind've.


    Keep you all posted.





    PS....36 hours post-op...donor area slighly numb(you can actually press on it firmly and no pain)

    transplanted area little crusts forming...zero blood/no pain

    I think I took three of four painkillers since the surgery...I thought i'd be popping these babies...i'm surprised.


    Bedtime guys,

    Thanks again all,



  6. Thanks Bill.


    I'll keep you informed...pics/ect.

    I realize it's only the beginning...but i figure the winter is here...not a bad time to hide for a bit.

    Although I hope it doesn't take to long for me to look like my old self again.

    I don't mind hiding for a little...but will get cabin fever after awhile.


    I work for myself so being around people is not an issue....it's the social thing that scares me a bit.

    I've heard guys look great in 20 days...then guys say it's BS...it takes months.

    Guess we'll see.




  7. Hey guys.


    Thanks for all the input/suggestions.

    The big day is Wednesday with Dr.Epstein.


    As most of you know the nervous energy is kicking in...but here goes.

    I've been on this forum for awhile now...It's a great tool and helps alot.


    I used the Private message and even spoke with two guys who had used Epstein in the past....Thanks to you guys...you know who you are.


    Also thanks to the guys running this forum....it's a great service and VERY informative.



  8. HairBank,


    Thanks again for the feedback.


    I've discovered this forum a little over a year ago...but have been REALLY reading almost daily for three months.

    Not only are the guys running this thing seem real informed and nice guys but most of the regulars on here seem cool.



    I'm also not to concerned about a second procedure since the healing process doesn't seem to be hell.

    In other words if the healing was long,bloody,ect....I'd go for the one bigger shot and get it over with...not the case.


    I've seen some of the guys that went for the mega-sessions...the results are great.

    Alot of these guys were NW6...flat out bald.

    In that case I would go for the BIG job.

    I assume they figured not only would 3000 graphs give them nothing in terms of density...but they know from the get go a second procedure would be needed.





  9. HairBank,


    The doc thought 2600+ graphs...which from what he tells me will end up up around 2800 was a good number.


    I see where you're coming from when you talk about the frontal 1/3 and graph count in my case....couldn't agree more.


    I have no reason to defend my docs approach but I will tell you I myself like going a little conservative the first time(not saying 2800 graphs is chicken feed either).


    I went on four consults (all coalition docs) Epstein was the third highest in graph count.


    But once again from what I read/see on this forum there's a chance I may need a second pass.


    Ya know it could just be me and my own fears....but I feel by doing two jobs you have more control over the total outcome.

    After the first job you learn about your own hair recovery and growth and then add density if needed later.

    Too some that could sound like total rubbish...just how I feel.




    Thanks for the info....I agree on the big three.

    I figure if the shampoos can't hurt....what the heck.


    Thanks alot guys,

    Your feedback means alot.



  10. Hey guys.

    I just read MRJB's review on Revita shampoo...thanks for that.


    I'm getting my HT at the end of this month with Dr.Epstein.


    Any suggestions on when it's all over what little extras will help with the healing/growth.


    I'm currently taking finasteride 1.25 every day for the past year.

    I've been using Nizoral 1% for about the last two months 4x/week.


    I heard a little about MSM and of course rogaine foam.

    Any thoughts/feedback would be great.

    I like the rest of you want to maximize healing/growth post HT....and get on a solid regimen and stick with it.




  11. Hey guys.

    I just read MRJB's review on Revita shampoo...thanks for that.


    I'm getting my HT at the end of this month with Dr.Epstein.


    Any suggestions on when it's all over what little extras will help with the healing/growth.


    I'm currently taking finasteride 1.25 every day for the past year.

    I've been using Nizoral 1% for about the last two months 4x/week.


    I heard a little about MSM and of course rogaine foam.

    Any thoughts/feedback would be great.

    I like the rest of you want to maximize healing/growth post HT....and get on a solid regimen and stick with it.




  12. Originally posted by NervousNelly:

    Hey guys--Thanks for all the kind words. I really am very pleased so far. It is unbelievable that at the 3 month mark I already notice a pretty remarkable change and the old work is camouflaged. It almost seems like I am already starting to have slightly different styling options. This is way too cool.


    The scar is obviously still red but Dr. Ron pointed out that with the Tricho sometimes the hairs growing thru keep the area aggravated. That would make sense as you can definitely see hair growing thru it. Also I play a variety of sports and likely the goalie mask in hockey or the inversion table is not exactly kind to the scar.


    I will likely post again at the 6 month mark at minimum and I am sure that there will be some pretty drastic changes.


    Take care,




    Hey NervousNelly,


    Looking good !!

    How many graphs did you get ?




  13. Hey thanks guys.


    So what you're saying is that first 1/2" in should be strickly singles for best result.


    From what i remember the doc mentioned only singles upfront.

    Makes sense...packing singles upfront as tight as possible will pack it up nicely.

    Maybe simple to you guys...I'm still learning and want to be prepared the day of.



  14. Hey guys.


    Reading alot about graphs per square cm.

    How many graphs per/cm are needed in the hairline(roughly first 1/2 ince give or take)to give good coverage and not just look like a guy who has a lowered hairline that's thinning.


    What i mean when i say "lowered" hairline is the new hairline area where hair hasn't existed in let's say 15 years.

    Also when i say "good" coverage i mean when you're standing under a light inside or direct sunlight i don't want it to be real easy to see through....but i'm also not looking for a hairline of a 17 year old either.


    Thanks guys,


  15. Hey guys.


    Reading alot about graphs per square cm.

    How many graphs per/cm are needed in the hairline(roughly first 1/2 ince give or take)to give good coverage and not just look like a guy who has a lowered hairline that's thinning.


    What i mean when i say "lowered" hairline is the new hairline area where hair hasn't existed in let's say 15 years.

    Also when i say "good" coverage i mean when you're standing under a light inside or direct sunlight i don't want it to be real easy to see through....but i'm also not looking for a hairline of a 17 year old either.


    Thanks guys,


  16. Hey Bill,


    Pretty funny about the shouting...man that would have to be an angry guy to be shouting that much...lol...i'll keep that in mind though.

    Thanks for the links.



    also thanks for the link.


    Yes,Dr. Epstein was real clear on the plan of attack.

    Our plan has most of the graphs hitting the frontal 1/3...I have more hair then the Norwood scale lets me show you.

    In other words I've seen nw4/5 guys with almost NOTHING up front/on top...that is not the case with me.

    I have "decent" coverage up there...so yes we are hitting the frontal 1/3...but stretching some up a little...maybe sprinkle the crown to shade it abit.


    Dr.Epstein during my consult was real helpful and a good listener.

    When i spoke with him on the phone he had mentioned that the day of the surgury we would spend as much time as needed to "draw" up the master plan.

    I'm a little concerned about how to construct the part of the hairline that's going to be new...Dr.E said not to sweat it...we will nail it down the morning of.

    I've seen a few different hairlines here and it's a bit confusing what's best for who.


    I've seen Gorpys hairline on this forum...and sent him a couple of emails about it.

    I like the way gorps hairline turns (left or right depending on which side you're looking)

    as it travels up his head.

    In other words when his new hairline hits his existing hair(on the side) it doesn't create a 90 degree angle.

    Anyone know what i mean ??


    Thanks all,


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