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Maria Karla

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Everything posted by Maria Karla

  1. Hi, Telogen effluvium A major alopecia cause Telogen effluvium (TE) is one of the most prominent alopecia causes. But it is a poorly defined condition and very little research has been done to understand this major hair disease.Telogen Effluvium is an abnormal loss of hair which is due to the alteration of the normal hair growth cycle. The alteration of the normal hair cycle can be due to various factors. Alopecia Areata In this major hair loss cause, the affected hair follicles are mistakenly attacked by a person's own immune system (white blood cells). It leads to the arrest of the hair growth stage. Alopecia areata in the initial stage is evident as one or more small, round, smooth bald patches on the scalp. Slowly it can progress to the total scalp and result in major hair loss. When the alopecia covers the entire scalp it is called alopecia totalis and when it leads to hair loss over the complete body then it is called alopecia universalis.
  2. Hi Michle, These problems are basically related with hair and skin diseases. Telogen effluvium A major alopecia cause Telogen effluvium (TE) is one of the most prominent alopecia causes. But it is a poorly defined condition and very little research has been done to understand this major hair disease.Telogen Effluvium is an abnormal loss of hair which is due to the alteration of the normal hair growth cycle. The alteration of the normal hair cycle can be due to various factors. Alopecia areata This is the skin disease most often begins from childhood itself which can be psychologically devastating. if u want any other information visit please tell me.
  3. Hi All, Michel, i saw ur website and i did not find any produsct on your site . that is the good informational site. keep it up
  4. Hi Rahul, Thanks, for suggessting this good site. it is reaaly informative site. but it doesn,t contain much data.
  5. Hi, My name is Maria.I had same alopecia problem like you. that time a searched a site www.hairinformation.com it helped me a lot. today my alopecia problem is still control. try it..
  6. Hi Rahul, you have shown a website. I have seen this iste it is really good but not more than. michel have to consult with you doctor in ths matter.
  7. Hi Michel, I am waiting for your next posting. I was told to u that your problem is very different. you need to consult you doctor. keep in mind you can lose your hair.
  8. Hi Michel, I agree with Bill, firstly you consult from your doctor beacuse these kind of diseases are very cruel it can be destroyed your hair. hair transplantaion is also a good choice.if you need information on hair diseases view this site www.hairdiseases.com .
  9. Hi All, I am very tense about my hair. I have very thick, naturally curvy/wavy long hair. I want to know that where I can get useful information about various hair styling techniques and latest hair coloring, Hair Cleansing and Conditioning, Straightening And Waving techniques.
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