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  1. Yeah, you're right I can be lucky to be thinning in 07.. lol. Well I just got a job (after not having one for like ever) so hopefully I can get medical insurance and all that good stuff soon ha. Thanks for the help
  2. That's probably the best sounding news that I've ever heard. that it might not be too late. How much do you think stuff like that would cost? Going to the doctors and a specialist and the propecia? I have to pay everything my self so I'd need to save up before I can do anything haha.
  3. Thanks to all those helping me out and trying to keep my spirits high about the situation. Goes to prove there still are some good people left on this Earth lol
  4. Ok this guy has pretty much the SAME EXACT issue I do. His is just a little wider than mine
  5. Yeah the camera doesn't have a timer. The hair line BARELY shows any loss. Just that top part shown in the picture is what I have... Maybe I can find a picture online of someone else that is close to what I have.
  6. Sorry for taking so long. I've been extremely busy this past week. Here is a picture or two of my lovely baldness. Even my CAT is amazed at the rapid loss. Bottom was with flash off to prevent the flash glare off my spot... :'(... So whats everyones opinion on Bosley Medical Center? I've always thought they were good but recently just heard some bashing on it.
  7. Wow all these words that I have no idea what they mean. MPB, and that other one. ha. Would it be helpful if I took a picture of the balding area just to show everyone what I'm dealing with?
  8. I wonder how many grafts I'd need. I'm thinning. But it's not extremely bad, just noticeable. I'd probably only need 2000 at most. Thanks for the response I probably will try the meds.
  9. Thank you Maria. I'll be sure to read up on this site.
  10. Thanks for the reply Phil. I'll be sure to start on Propecia and Rogaine. Do you have any idea how much hair restoration cost these days and which would be the best to go to? I figure I can start saving now cause I'm sure it's expensive.
  11. Ok first off I have NO idea where I should be posting. I'm more looking for advice because I am only 20 and do not have the money to spend on surgical hair restoration. With that said, I am currently 20 years of age and have been going bald (thinning) since I was 17. It's getting worse and I fear that by the time I'm 25 I'll look like my dad. (he also started thinning around 17 he said) Now I'm sure everyone knows that for someone my age LOOKS are IMPORTANT and I'm one of the good looking people I can't lose my HAIR!!! I'm lucky to be rather tall (average at 6') so not many girls will notice the bald spot lol. Point being this is just another problem in my life that I shouldn't be facing. And we know people my age already have enough problems between, work, girls and all that good stuff.. Can anyone point me in the right direction here? I WANT MY HAIR BACK :'( lol. I was reading around on sites and got directed to this forum which supposedly has great people with great advice, from what I read. Well, I'll stop rambling now, I'm sure everyones got the point. Home remedies, Shampoos ANYTHING would be greatly appreciated. And thank you to all who help in advance.
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