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Posts posted by Frdtrtnv8

  1. Well I am 2 days from being 6 weeks post op, 1600 grafts. I suffered serious shock loss on the top of my head. My problem is, I feel so depressed... I look in the mirror everyday waiting for all of that new hair to sprout, but I know I am weeks/months away from seeing a drastic change. Some of the smaller hair grafts on my hairline never shed and just kept growing. The larger 3 or 4 hair grafts on the top of my head, some havent shed and they feel like a crew cut. I am just going nuts, one minute I feel stressed wondering when these new hairs will grow, the next minute I feel depressed because I look horrible. Even though my doctor told me I can continue with my life just as I did before my HT, I am scared to exert myself 100% at the gym, I am paranoid when I go outside, I always make sure I wear a hat so my scalp isnt exposed to the sun. But when I wear a hat, I think I am doing harm to my grafts. Most of the pimples/cysts I had on my head have subsided for now, I called my doc last week freaking out, he told me to relax and they will go away on there own, which they did. I thought something was horribly wrong. I am looking forward to the day when I can get a haircut and not feel so paranoid. I know its only 1600 grafts, but my doc said it will give me better coverage than I had. I guess I am thinking waaaay toooo much and I just need to relax and think positive.

  2. When I had my sutures removed at 13 days, the doctor told me I did not have to curtail anything. He said there was nothing I could do to harm the grafts. He did say however to wait atleast another week to do any heavy weight lifting. That being said I waited another few days and lifted very light, worked my way up to moderate and have stayed there. I am now at 4 weeks and continue to do moderate lifting and running.

  3. Yes finasteride... Been on it for almost 1 month now. Also I havent combed my hair in a while, so its all clumped together making it look like I have a lot less hair. My hairline was restored with 300 1 or 2 hair grafts. I also think I have experienced some shock loss in the 1st month already, I dont think i was this thin before my surgery.

  4. Would like everyones opinion on the results I could expect with 1600 grafts. I had 1300 3 or 4 hair grafts and 300 1 or 2 hair grafts. I have attached a picture of me at 4 weeks post op. All of the transplanted hair hasnt shed as of today. All of the grafts were spread out over the top of my head. What kind of coverage should I expect?


  5. I am now 24 days post op. I have a few lingering scabs. Last night after I got out of the shower, while dabbing my head with the towel, I noticed a small amount of blood. Dabbed it the towel again on my head and nothing. Pretty sure its from the one remaining scab towards the side of my head. If thats not it, I cant feel any pimples anywhere. Could I have lost a graft this late?

  6. Ya post op jitters is right. I followed my doctors post-op instructions to a T. I just used the pad of my fingers in a slow circular motion to remove the scabs, they came off very easily, didnt force anything off. I have found myself losing sleep lately. O boy did i do this wrong, Did I do this wrong. Its beginning to be an endless parade of worries.

  7. I am exactly 18 days post op, 1500 grafts strip. I have followed the doctors post op instructions to a T. I had my sutures removed on Thursday and was told I could start rubbing the recipient area to get rid of the crust/scabs. I have been using warm water with conditioner. Since Thursday just a couple scabs had fallen off, though as the days went on they seeem to get looser. Well last night, using the pads of my fingers, i gently rubbed the scabs as i have been doing, and handfuls of scabs/crust came off. Didnt force anything off. Most of the scabs had hairs in them, some did not. Some the scabs were at the bottom of the hairs and some were in the middle. Some had a little piece of something at the end, didnt look like a graft or anything. Is what happened to me last night normal, I am ok? Is it possible to lose a graft at 18 days and if i did would i know it?

  8. Oh yes I do understand the hairs will shed, I have seen some scabs fall off in the last few days with a small hair attached to them, no bulb or anything or graft. Picture drawing a straight line on a piece of paper, thats what the hairs look like. Hopefully this is normal. I assume when I start to shower normally, these scabs will fall of with no effect on the grafts?

  9. Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and I am hoping to find some useful information in here. I had a hairtransplant exactly 13 days ago (Strip procedure-1500 grafts). This morning I had my sutures removed and asked the doctor a few questions. I asked him about physical activity and he said its ok for light workouts, nothing heavy for atleast another week. He told me I could start to shower normally. I am scared to let the water from the shower head hit my head, I dont want to lose any grafts. I am right now covered with scabs on my head. I am also scared to do anything physical, I am a gym rat so the last few weeks have been tough sitting around my house. Any thoughts and input would be greatly appreciated.

  10. I had a hair transplant done in November of 2007. It is now 10 months later and i see no

    new hair on the top of my head. According to the surgeon, he thinks that the new hair grew in and phased out the existing (non transplanted hair. I know i did shed alot of hair around the 5-7 months after the procedure. I also had a bad case of dandruff, which tons of hair came off of my head in chunks of the dandruff. Is this possible that the new hair grew in and phased out the old hair. Also how can i tell if the hair on top of my head is transplanted, or the non transplanted hair?

  11. I had a hair transplant done in November of 2007. It is now 10 months later and i see no

    new hair on the top of my head. According to the surgeon, he thinks that the new hair grew in and phased out the existing (non transplanted hair. I know i did shed alot of hair around the 5-7 months after the procedure. I also had a bad case of dandruff, which tons of hair came off of my head in chunks of the dandruff. Is this possible that the new hair grew in and phased out the old hair. Also how can i tell if the hair on top of my head is transplanted, or the non transplanted hair?

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