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Posts posted by wantego

  1. Did your doctor give you any instructions? Many doctors have different instructions so you might want to contact your doctor.

    If you are to wash your hair consider using baby shampoo mixed in a cup. Do not use a shower. Just drizzle gently via the cup. Rinse by dripping slowly via a cup also. Do not rub the transplanted grafts. Let dry naturaly. No blow drying, towel, etc.

  2. Canada has a few very highly regarded HT doctors that are competitively priced but a HT at $1500-$3000 would probably be a very small amount of transplanted grafts. I would guess that would be around 200-1000 grafts. With that said a HT at your age is a huge step. Can you post some pictures? Have you considered a tight clipper cut instead? Do you know if you are considering strip or fue? How long have you been researching? I'm sorry you had to face this at such a young age. I wish you the best of luck. icon_smile.gif

  3. Originally posted by Eman:

    Want- thanks for all your support and answering my questions and concerns pre and post op, I appreciate it!! Lets see those pics...



    You are very welcome. Like I told you many months ago. I felt like we were in this together in a way since our HT's were so close together and by the same doctor. I remember you were one of the first people I ever spoke to from this board. I'm really glad you are happy! icon_smile.gif

  4. Originally posted by FacelessMan:
    I don't think anyone on meds ran in the bathroom crying after reading that Faceless. Some people are far too sensitive anyways, even on an anonymous board.


    That's an interesting perspective. So who gets to decide who's "too sensitive?" Flippant comments about "going off meds" don't make YOU "run to the bathroom crying," or the equivalent, perhaps because YOU may not have any idea what it's actually like to live with someone who's depressed, or live with it yourself. For others, it's not that fucking funny.

    As for me, a friend of mine would have been killed had he not been arrested after an incredibly scary "going off his meds."


    The point wasn't that one internet comment is going to wound someone, it's about an attitude. The whole "moderation" of boards like this is supposedly about creating a "community" of respect and openness....so being highly sensitive to others' feelings about their bald and balding heads, and being cavalier about "meds," is bullshit.


    My $.02, nothing more.





    You made a very fair point. To Bill's credit he already apologized. icon_smile.gif

  5. Welcome to the board. I think you will find a lot of knowledgeable people here.


    Hts range from around $4-$8 per graft. $5000 would only be around 1000 grafts. That will not cover your head. There are some mathematical calculations a doctor can do to guesstimate how many grafts you will need.


    I wish you the best of luck if you decide to move forward. icon_smile.gif

  6. Originally posted by biscuit:

    There are a lot of people who've had great results. But since they're satisfied with their results they don't usually hang out on HT forums.


    I had one HT almost 4 years ago with Dr Wong and I'm still happy with my results. I have no plans to have another HT, 4411 grafts has given me a nice head of hair. I pop in to forums just to check my PMs, see what's new, and help out when I can.


    I took lots of photos throughout the process, they really help me remember where I started and I recommend that everyone document their HT and share it with others. Photo documentation helps the patient and other potential HT candidates.


    My sig has a link to my gallery.


    Nice to see such an experienced poster around. What is great about Biscuit's results is he did it with 1 ht and no drugs if my memory is correct. icon_smile.gif

  7. Pats,

    I'm not looking to bash you or Dr Armani. Some people might have that as an agenda but I do not. I'd honestly just like the truth good or bad to come out. If this is all a misunderstanding of your own personal contract I would actually be happy because when I heard about this contract it really shook my belief in the whole industry. Now with that said I do have a few questions. If you can please answer them via number so there is no question of what you are answering.


    1. Bill said it was another persons name was on the contract. Are there other people in patient care? Could it have been a patient that gave the contract to Bill?

    2. Does all the non employee stuff in the contract make any sense for a person working as Dr Armanis patient care representative?

    3. Does the no compensation in cash but only via fue sound much like a person working as Dr Armanis patient care representative? Do you work for free other than getting a free FUE transplant?

  8. Originally posted by BANDIDO:

    Hey guys I am 29 years old and in the same boat as a many of you as I have noticed my hair starting to thin during the last year. I have researched the top forums and have started using proscar, minoxidil along with Nizoral. Threads like this leave me with more questions than I started out with months ago. I really don't know who to turn to or trust any more. I have run my own land scapeing and snow removal business for the last six years and I can tell you my business is very competitive. I understand how businesses work. I see Armani getting blitzed in here because of contracts, paid posters and sub par work. I believe that all the top clinics are probably doing the same things and are not being held accountable for them. When I visit the these forums I see the same guys cheer leading the same doctors. Armani H&W and Rahal have the same guys showing the same results over and over. H&W have guys that are talking about their HT's three and four years after they have had them. I personally feel there has got to be some type of compensation going on there. We need to have every clinic accountable for the way they do business.


    I cant speak for anyone else but I can say for 1000000000000000% fact I have never been compensated in any way shape or form for my posts. I do not cheer lead for any doctor nor do I look to bash any doctor. I have always said these are peoples real lives on the line so I value the truth greatly. Welcome to the board. icon_smile.gif

  9. Originally posted by NotQuiteButNearly:

    I actually work in advertising, I agree, Armani does some powerful marketing. But I still think that, ultimately, if 100s of people had really bad HTs from the clinic, you would only get away with that for a year or so. Surely? People aren't stupid and if the results were regularly bad - we'd know about it. The guys on this forum and others would certainly know about it! But I have not found many in my own research.



    Have you seen how many people have had bad results from Bosley over the last 30 years? When I was looking to get a HT I told a friend that I hope my doctor is very good. She told me Bosley was the best. I do not think she actually knew much about Bosley. I think she just saw all his advertising.


    Also you bring up a good point about knowing about bad results. There have been people that spoke out disappointed about their results on another board. Their threads have been deleted or they have been gagged and no longer are allowed to speak freely. I think that is the kind of thing that really can become a concern for some people. icon_smile.gif

  10. Getting a hair transplant is a huge decision. Some transplants can be life changing for the good. Some can be life changing for the bad. I have received several pm's from people who feel their life was hurt by a HT, so I think it is very important that the truth be posted on these boards to help people make good educated choices. Would it be possible to discuss things in an straight forward honest manner without name calling, insults, or evading fair questions? I think if we could do that many people would benefit. Most people do not want to engage in fights and only seek to separate truth from fiction. Thanks in advance. icon_smile.gif

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