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Posts posted by charlieb

  1. Guys,


    I just had a personal phone call from Dr Jen and she has laid any concerns i may have to rest. She has said I have had an exception above average transplant and if im not happy with the results she will be the first to fix it...she also said my breakdown in hair count was 15% 1s, 20% 2s and 35% 3s and 4s , which was very good and 2000 follicles were transplanted...she went on to discuss the method she uses is not practiced by alot of doctors on this site...she uses coronal instead off sagital...this is the last post i am going to post for now, and will let the results speak for itself...she has urged me to post the results on the net once it has grown out...thanks for all concerned.


    Dr Jen has written so many papers on new techniques and I have no doubt i am in good hands....


    just something i googled on coronal methods...


    Coronal (horizontal) vs. Sagittal (vertical) Incisions

    Follicular units emerge from the scalp in either a bundle or in a linear array. When in a linear configuration, the orientation is generally in a coronal (horizontal) plane, allowing the follicular units to shingle and provide more coverage than if they were sagittal or random. It has been argued that during a hair transplant there is less scar contraction with a coronal incision compared to a sagittal one. This would allow follicular units to remain linear after they have been transplanted and provide the rational for using coronally angled grafting (CAG) to best approximate the way hair grows in nature. [36]


    The main advantage of CAG is that it would provide a fuller look to the transplant compared to traditional (sagittal) incisions. Another advantage is that grafts may be positioned at a more acute angle with the surface of the scalp and there may be less tendency of the growing hair to elevate in the vertical plane. This is particularly important at the temple/sideburn area where the hair lies very flat to the scalp surface. It is also felt by some practitioners that CAG exhibits less popping and that the wounds cause less damage to the vascular bed.


    Hair restoration doctors using sagittally angled grafts (SAG) feel that the pre-made vertical recipient sites are easier to see and that grafts are easier to place in these sites, minimizing injury to the follicular unit grafts. This may be particularly relevant in areas where there are significant amounts of hair present and the hair transplant surgeon does not have the luxury of shaving the scalp before the procedure. It has also been pointed out that coronal incisions (which cross Langer's lines) potentially cause more damage to collagen and the cutaneous vasculature, than sagittal incisions. An additional concern is that, although there is possibly more hair elevation with sagittal than coronal incisions, there is less lateral (radial) splay of hair when the former is used. Al with minimizing lift, minimizing lateral splay is also an issue of significant cosmetic importance. Finally, if one considers that many follicular units are not linear and that many linear units may indeed contract during the healing process and lose their linear orientation, CAG may offer only a theoretical advantage. [36-38]


    At the time of this writing, there is no consensus on which method is best and if the differences are even significant for most patients, although there is a general trend towards CAG. As with many techniques used in surgical hair restoration, the advantage of one over the other may ultimately depend upon the particular patient, a particular transplant session, or the skills and preferences of a particular surgeon. A number of researchers are currently examining these issues; however, regardless of the outcome, considering the rotational orientation of follicular unit graft adds an important new dimension to follicular unit hair transplantation. (Figures 17 and 18)

  2. Guys


    i understand where you guys are coming from, and thanks for the concern, but apart from the negatives at all can you spot anything positive, apart from having another HT ?, i hear people say it will have no cosmetic affect at all...i will have to disagree here, i think it will make a big difference...reasoning.


    can i ask you to examine the


    pre op photos and answer this


    1. Considering i have had a HT before with Dr Molton @ 500 grafts but he said 1200...which i doubt, however poorly that one was done, he did leave me with those transplanted hairs in the middle, I think with these additional hairs from this surgery, when everything settles down and the hairs start growing it will blend it nicely, what do you think?


    2. Bill/Pat can you tell me if Dr Jen has ever replied or made any post on this site ever ? if she has never i doubt she will, and this thread is cause for my concern enough to ring her personally


    3. For Jagish i saw your corn rows and i have to say it did turn out better than it looked, im just hoping mine will also get me over the line...for several reasons diferent to yours, 1. my procedure is on the top and you were saying it would look funny from the left or right, however i have existing hairs there which will blend this in , would you agree?


    4. If I was to have a HT in the future what would you recommend , how many grafts and roughly where and how much it would cost, my goal is just have healthy hair which i can comb up,

    my frontal is all my own hair, I think i am a norwood 4a from memory...I see difficulty in doing the frontal area when there is so many existing hairs there.


    5. Can i ask Bill and anyone which have transplanted most of the hairs if you take any meds still, technically speaking these are now all HT hairs so you wouldnt need rogiane, proscar ?



  3. ^ i dont understand what you guys are on about. are you implying that im an alias off someone else?


    josh b - this is her work so i dont have a clue what you are on about...why do you need pat or Bill to verify this is her work when im the guy that had the surgery ...you are wacko ! you havent seen yet how it will turn out...the picture you are looking at is post 1 hr the surgery, do you think you have better judgement than a doctor that is held in high regard, thousands off patients yearly...and ive read davidjosephs post, to me he had his surgery at 23 years old, 800 grafts , he truely sounds very immature and didnt post any pics to back it up..

    i have research other sites and there are no bad reviews about Dr Jen..


    im just wondering if Dr Jen has ever given her take here as i will be curious to her explanation for this technique, but to blatantly say ban her etc, from recommendations it is just silly..


    like i told you before the reason there is a gap in between the grafts is as they grow horizontally they provide more coverage than grafts that stand up...so for 1126 grafts although it wont be as dense as 2500 grafts it will do the best job possible for what is there..


    balody - you sound like this work on me is horrible and it needs to give an explanation, to her that must sound like an utter insult and also to me....i myself know how to judge character and believe she did a good job, if it wasnt the best, she by no means ''butchered'' me by any means..it may be lacking in density but then again it may be ok, only the end results can tell...

  4. i think advance hair preys on the very young and desperate, like myself, damn that strand by strand advertising was remarkable well done!!! i ended up spending a few thousand as well as constant hair cuts which cost a bit....


    after i had got the system and it wasnt fitted on yet, i pondered how can growing your hair be possible ...so i was pretty shocked that the idea fell upon me it was a wig..but at that time begin 20, i went ahead and did it...


    the positive was i actually looked good in it and wore the same piece for about a year and a half, use to have to glue it back every once in a while but most of the time it behaved....the girls also really liked it and i was pretty confident in it...they didnt know it was fake, except a serious girl i went out with, after i decided not to wear it due to cost reasons,i went back to being my thinning self!!! so embarked on the journey off HT, and proscar...i cant say advanced hair was a bad experience as i did enjoy the confidence of a hair and i went out with girls that obviously liked the look...

    but the cost and constant maintennance was a pain..the marketing is disgusting as well, uneithical i would say..to someone first time losing their hair, throw in a discount from 3000$ too 2000$ ...easy targets...

    they do however have very life like wigs with scalps etc and very hard to find notice to the naked eye when blended in with your natural hair (sides and back) it sits on top...but im glad that is behind me now...less to worry about..like the time i was getting it on and the wig at the back came off, luckily the room was dark and the girl didnt notice!!!

  5. What i didnt mention is Ive have had a procedure done with Dr Molton 3 years ago, atm im 31...the surgery with dr moton was supposely 1200 grafts but he was utter shit and turned out to be 500 grafts...so in the pictures pre op those hairs in the middle area are mainly his handy work, so they will remian there when these others grow in...i guess the best thing to do is to look at the results when it grows out

    To answer your question pat


    1. the look i wanted to acheive was not the entire head but mainly the part above the crown and around it, she told me she couldnt do the bottom area, to leave room for future loss, she said if i can live with the top part done it would be 1000 grafts

    2. my long term was this is the final procedure but i might decide on more since this experience has been no way bad for me


    3. yes , but not how it was to be spaced etc, she knows what she is doing , but did mention layering etc, which i think she is trying to achieve here


    4. seeno 1


    5. this was a strip and she cut out the old scar.


    let me know what Dr Jens reasoning is but im sure she knows what she is doing, and dont grill her cos i thought she did a great job...

  6. thanks for the feedback...i too notice it is in rows with 6 holes per graft...i think her theory is that they will overlap one another in a sagital way or something or rather, giving a more denser look from less hair, im quite happy with the results myself, i think when it grows in it will be unnoticable...my major work wasnt the actual crown itself but the region just above the crown which im not sure what it is called the vertex perhaps..


    also maybe it is to provide the best coverage from only what was harvested...anyone else have any theories?, i also had some existing hairs there which seems to have disappeared in this picture , so maybe she is working around the existing hairs and once everything is grown in it will look rite? looking at it again i think it is a job well done and wont even be noticable

  7. thanks for the positive feedback, i can say that the cost of the procedure was just over 10k works out to be about considering i got 1126 and not 1000 graft about 9.2$ a graft...she also uses a method for sagital slits, didnt understand it fully but i think it is the angle of the hair making it a more fuller look with less hairs, she also packs 2-3 follicles in each graft, i think for the level of expertise 10k is best money i spent, i rather pay for quality than get something which isnt...i have posted pictures in the gallery and will update it as time goes by.

  8. I arrived at 8.30am


    then was taken into a room for pictures and some medical questions,given antibotics, had my hair cleaned,

    was shifted to the main room where i was greeted by a highly professional and friendly nurse

    at 9.00am the doctor arrived, i was given a briefing off what was to happen.


    intially i was booked in for 1000 grafts to the top area, abit above the crown...Ill post pics of it in the other area...

    i was given some sedative and was out for awhile, woke up maybe 1 hr into the HT, i can hear, alot of hair talk about 3 follicles, 19 , 19s, single and double where here and there,

    there was 5 people in the room 2 well trained nurses and the other 2 less experienced and the doctor most of the time dr jen and her two experienced nurses did the job off placing the grafts simultaneously working in different areas,sometimes the 2 less experinced were in training and got to place in a few grafts under the supervision of Dr Jen but most of the time they cut the grafts, switching with the expereinced nurses, this did scare me abit but Dr jen was there to sort out any thing that went wrong...shes very professional and i knew i was in the right hands...from what i can tell she is committed to providing a good job in everything she does and not in it to make a quick buck.


    the HT took until about 1.30-2pm and in the end i got 1126 grafts with about 2000 hair follicles...and she said she made a nice swirl on top, afterwards i was given lunch and taken to a different room where i ws given pain killers, and antibotics and sleeping pills and a pillow cover and detailed aftercare instructions to take home...


    i had a look at the handy work and i am highly pleased, densely packed and small sagitial slits or something like that...Dr Martinick went above her call off duty by using all the grafts and is a real genius the way she talks to her staff and performs her work...i cant wait till i an take this bandage off and in a few weeks give my hair a good wash !!!!!!! she rocks !!!

  9. I have been on proscar and rogaine since i was 24....i am now 31 and used the brush since the end off last year....prior to that i have tried every possible treatment out there


    advanced hair

    ashley and martins

    new hair clinic

    hair restoration


    i even wore a 'advanced hair piece' from advanced hair for two years....my experiences alone with what works and what doesnt i feel is more valuable than any scientific proof..or a doctor that deals in scientific fact that proby doesnt know anything about what it feels like to lose your hair....


    my take on the laser brush is it works in some cases but not all.....whatever it does it should be used in one off the following situations, if one is suffering from

    1. limp lifeless hair,

    2. thinning hair


    i feel it gives much better results than using proscar and rogaine alone...


    i am not advocating it and saying you should go and buy one, im just letting people know that i really think it works...the proof is in the pudding and like i said i shave my head with a 18mm instead off 12 mm and it still looks healthy, as you know the shorter you shave the better it looks...but with the laser treatment i shave at a number 18mm....my hair is just so much healthier...if it doesnt regrow hair just for this effect alone, having stronger not frizzy limp hair is good enuff on its own.....dont believe me i just urge you to try it and judge for yourself....either way it doesnt really effect me in anyway...im just sharing my experience with you....and no this is not like claiming cow dung grows hair!

  10. what the laser comb does is help in the combination of the use of proscar and rogaine, it makes the existing hair there more healthy shiny....may i ask mrjb have you ever bought one and tried it b4? im not talking abt the rip off hairmax but the 129$ one from the website above?

    i wonder why you need so much scentific evidence when there are people out there telling you it works for them, it isnt a placebo...in a way i wish it didnt work so my hair is like this on its own but i doubt it...there is a pic on that site with the guy with lack lustre hair which went all shiny and healthy...same thing happened to me...

  11. I have a amazing laser brush and lets just say im still using it 5 mths after i bought it....i didnt take b4 and after photos off my hair but i do feel that i need to use it everyday after i have a shower or every other day...it has just become a very easy routine....


    the amazing laser brush is 99$ which is not expensive at all and yes i would buy it again in an instant.....anyone that knocks this product is an idiot and that is the honest truth !!!! it really works....i know i am getting the benefits of it, i actually see some photos off a few years back when i was only on finisteride and rogaine and my hair was lacklustre and pretty shit...the brush has actually made it pretty healthy....when i first bought it i was very excited ...naturally as time goes by the routine of using it becomes normal and the benefits tend to get overlooked....but trust me it works as i use to shave my hair a number 12mm now i only use the 18mm clip ever since using the brush...coinidence...maybe but im pretty sure it has to do with this excellent product....like i said anyone that knocks it without trying it is really ignorant !!!!!

  12. Hi Guys,


    4 years ago I went to doctor Michael Molton, he said he would so 1500 grafts from a scar measuring 12 cms long...today the work is mildly satisfactory ...very disappointed with his work ethic....

    so 4 years later and wiser 31 years old Ive booked a HT with Dr Jenny Martinick...1000 grafts to the upper vertex area which is the oval part just abit before the crown...from my interview with Jennifer I can tell she will do a great job and deliver what she says...she is more passioante and knows abt the techniques which make all the difference

    My questions are...which i forgot to ask her are


    1. I have a few hairs from the previous HT which are in the wrong angle/direction etc...is it easy for her to correct this for me? how would one go abt correcting this..will she take it out and discard it or replant it?


    2. she said she would cut a new scar over my existing one , will this make my skin more taut at this area and the donor area more visible?



  13. Hi Guys,


    4 years ago I went to doctor Michael Molton, he said he would so 1500 grafts from a scar measuring 12 cms long...today the work is mildly satisfactory ...very disappointed with his work ethic....

    so 4 years later and wiser 31 years old Ive booked a HT with Dr Jenny Martinick...1000 grafts to the upper vertex area which is the oval part just abit before the crown...from my interview with Jennifer I can tell she will do a great job and deliver what she says...she is more passioante and knows abt the techniques which make all the difference

    My questions are...which i forgot to ask her are


    1. I have a few hairs from the previous HT which are in the wrong angle/direction etc...is it easy for her to correct this for me? how would one go abt correcting this..will she take it out and discard it or replant it?


    2. she said she would cut a new scar over my existing one , will this make my skin more taut at this area and the donor area more visible?



  14. Guys,


    Im back , 2007 to give you an update on Michael Molton, 5 years wiser and i have to say DONT GO TO HIM.....i was abit niave and desperate 4 years ago...as i did go to Jennifer Martinick and she said i was abit young to get grafts done and didnt want to do my crown area...so Michael Molton it was...I dont exactly regret but in a way I do as his work wasnt the best and it is very light in density...but although it wasnt the best it has got me through for the past 4 years...I am due for a op with Jennifer Martinick begining off nov this year and just speaking with her i can tell she is so much more passionate abt her work and much more skilled and refined than Michael...I would go so far as to say Michael Molton really is a semi butcher...I feel very let down by him but am grateful I have come thru wat was a silly mistake....1. for the money i paid him 8k i dont think i got the denisty or the coverage and what really is the one that killed me is that i did not get any concern follow up on myself after the HT...in fact I havent heard from MM since the HT 4 years ago, its like wham bam thanks for your money....he seemed like he was in a rush to attecnd his christmas dinner or something....I will never go to him again and I just thank god there is a doctor like Jennifer around in Perth....I am looking forward to my HT with her alot...

  15. Thanks for the encouraging words icon_smile.gif It 2 weeks post op now and what was the graft as actually dead skin and scab which Im really glad. Most of my graft hairs are still there....and all the scabs have fallen off...The area still looks thin although there is a better coverage, Im afraid this is the best that is will get!!! anyone actually feel like the HT was very thin and grafts didnt seem enough judging by the scabs you can actually estimate the density. Anyone have an experience here you thought this density was lacking but was pleasantly surprised by the results?

  16. Is it possible for half the graft to come out..I am 5 days post op and I notice one of the grafts is sorta about 2.5mm sticking seated out of my head..if I pull it Im sure the whole graft will come out. I cant push it back in..Im not even really sure if it is the graft but it looks like the implanted graft. If I leave it will this still grow and watever part of the graft sticking out will dry up and fall off leaving the rest growing....



  17. Is it possible for half the graft to come out..I am 5 days post op and I notice one of the grafts is sorta about 2.5mm sticking seated out of my head..if I pull it Im sure the whole graft will come out. I cant push it back in..Im not even really sure if it is the graft but it looks like the implanted graft. If I leave it will this still grow and watever part of the graft sticking out will dry up and fall off leaving the rest growing....



  18. After my procedure I have learnt what too expect from my doctor..please read and remember these questions..everything is different in hindsight and this is my best effort of things I SHOULD off done to make my experience better.

    I went for gut instinct and price of the surgery...and wanting to have my head of hair i guess i rushed things abit..the experince i had could of been better if not perfect.



    1. Make sure you ask the doctor how many grafts you will get as opposed to the number of hairs...there is a difference and may determine the prices compared to other places. say 500 grafts will give you 1500 hairs and 1500 grafts alot more. Dont get confused.


    2. Make sure you point out specific places as the doctor may miss some areas..which are more noticable to you..its your head afterall.


    3. Make sure you tell the doctor specificly your expectations for him..and how long the operation will take...what time to what time. this way he will not rush things like in my experience. Make sure you let him know that you expect him to be there from start to finish before he starts..my doctor finished and then left...this left a lot of doubt in his work to me, it could be the best procedure he gave you but if the doctor is not there to finish the job 100% its all for nought and makes a good experience pretty nerve racking


    4. Always talk to the doctor and not the sales manager...what the sales manager tells you about his skills are totally different. Make the booking with the doctor directly if possible and expectations etc. And ask about his staff..in my experience the people cutting my hair were students from Tafe and a nurse...whom didnt get on with the doctor too well...I also had a different doc operating on me the first couple of hours I can tell this guy wasnt that good. a bad mistake but when faced with this situation its hard to go back.


    5. Always make sure the doctor explains things clearly and really examines your head...instead of looking at it and saying it will be fine...ask him what he intends to do..what density he will expect to get at the consultation.


    6. Ask him specifically how much it will cost to do the best job for the area which you need work on and not just for a planned megasession.


    7. Ask him if he reaches his quota will he implant the rest of the hairs for you...usually more grafts are taken then required.


    8. I think this is quite important..when he is finished make sure you get a mirror and take a thorough look ask him if any places can do with a graft here or there...from any spare grafts left over.


    9. Ensure he goes through what he did with you on the day and after the procedure.


    10. Always have high expectations...and expect for a certain amount of information and answers which are not vague. Some may disagree but I feel a HT will be very succefully given a good surgeon...no matter what the norwood class..especially after doing this procedure myself...I feel my surgeon could off done better.


    Sometime the situation makes us more timid than we would like and also trust in doctors, however you have to remember there are good doctors and great doctors so make sure you ask these questions to make the good doctors better.

    Know you are the patient and you have a right to ask questions and expect personal time, attention and dedication, also ensure you will get this before doing the surgery.


    Thats all I can think off, although I thought I was fully prepared...some doctors are just not adept to patient care and they dont understand the stress of a procedure on the patient, they are so use to doing the procedure they are more likely to rush and not finish things off properly...this is just my opinion and please learn from my mistakes. If anybody has anything else to add please feel free.


    Moderators it would be nice if you have a Essential Frequent Asked Questions You must ask a doctor...permanetly on the board in a easy to see place.

  19. After my procedure I have learnt what too expect from my doctor..please read and remember these questions..everything is different in hindsight and this is my best effort of things I SHOULD off done to make my experience better.

    I went for gut instinct and price of the surgery...and wanting to have my head of hair i guess i rushed things abit..the experince i had could of been better if not perfect.



    1. Make sure you ask the doctor how many grafts you will get as opposed to the number of hairs...there is a difference and may determine the prices compared to other places. say 500 grafts will give you 1500 hairs and 1500 grafts alot more. Dont get confused.


    2. Make sure you point out specific places as the doctor may miss some areas..which are more noticable to you..its your head afterall.


    3. Make sure you tell the doctor specificly your expectations for him..and how long the operation will take...what time to what time. this way he will not rush things like in my experience. Make sure you let him know that you expect him to be there from start to finish before he starts..my doctor finished and then left...this left a lot of doubt in his work to me, it could be the best procedure he gave you but if the doctor is not there to finish the job 100% its all for nought and makes a good experience pretty nerve racking


    4. Always talk to the doctor and not the sales manager...what the sales manager tells you about his skills are totally different. Make the booking with the doctor directly if possible and expectations etc. And ask about his staff..in my experience the people cutting my hair were students from Tafe and a nurse...whom didnt get on with the doctor too well...I also had a different doc operating on me the first couple of hours I can tell this guy wasnt that good. a bad mistake but when faced with this situation its hard to go back.


    5. Always make sure the doctor explains things clearly and really examines your head...instead of looking at it and saying it will be fine...ask him what he intends to do..what density he will expect to get at the consultation.


    6. Ask him specifically how much it will cost to do the best job for the area which you need work on and not just for a planned megasession.


    7. Ask him if he reaches his quota will he implant the rest of the hairs for you...usually more grafts are taken then required.


    8. I think this is quite important..when he is finished make sure you get a mirror and take a thorough look ask him if any places can do with a graft here or there...from any spare grafts left over.


    9. Ensure he goes through what he did with you on the day and after the procedure.


    10. Always have high expectations...and expect for a certain amount of information and answers which are not vague. Some may disagree but I feel a HT will be very succefully given a good surgeon...no matter what the norwood class..especially after doing this procedure myself...I feel my surgeon could off done better.


    Sometime the situation makes us more timid than we would like and also trust in doctors, however you have to remember there are good doctors and great doctors so make sure you ask these questions to make the good doctors better.

    Know you are the patient and you have a right to ask questions and expect personal time, attention and dedication, also ensure you will get this before doing the surgery.


    Thats all I can think off, although I thought I was fully prepared...some doctors are just not adept to patient care and they dont understand the stress of a procedure on the patient, they are so use to doing the procedure they are more likely to rush and not finish things off properly...this is just my opinion and please learn from my mistakes. If anybody has anything else to add please feel free.


    Moderators it would be nice if you have a Essential Frequent Asked Questions You must ask a doctor...permanetly on the board in a easy to see place.

  20. Parable,


    To answer your question I went to Dr Molton because he charged much less than Dr Martinick...I saw him three years ago and only decided to go with him after alot of research and speaking to Dr Martinik as well. I know Dr Jennifer would of been an ideal choice but she charged over 5000$ more which i guess is too high for me.


    I trusted Dr Molton to do a good job and from what I can see he is highly skilled yet lacks abit of patience...he does do other surgery but hair is his specialty.


    From what I can see the grafts he implanted are okay..but I feel i was rushed abit at the end.


    and as for the left over grafts there was only about 5 clumps left...


    I do feel that I could of asked more questions and been more assertive in getting my answers.


    I will have to wait to see if I made a right choice, which I feel I did yet it could off been a little better. Its too late to have regrets now....


    If I had a camera I would post a pic but unfortunately not.

  21. Just had 1500 grafts to the crown area. My question is am I suppose to keep this area moist with a spray of somesort? my doctor didnt give me anything.


    Also I have dried blood etc in my hair and have not washed it yet due to its placement near the grafts...when is a safe time to wash this.



  22. Just had 1500 grafts to the crown area. My question is am I suppose to keep this area moist with a spray of somesort? my doctor didnt give me anything.


    Also I have dried blood etc in my hair and have not washed it yet due to its placement near the grafts...when is a safe time to wash this.



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