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Bill - Seemiller

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Posts posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1. Thanks AB. I too would like to hear if anyone has had any success with revivogen. I just know that I personally did not have any luck with it and tried it for about a year. I liked the revivogen shampoo though. Washing twice with it gave a nice tingly feeling on the scalp, cooling it down. Nice stuff! Hair always was soft and healthy!



  2. Hey Hairbethere! Thanks again for the comment! I'm thinking that it may have just been irritated temporarily. Some of the redness has gone down and I think the redness gave the appearance of widening etc, although I am going to keep my eye on it. The one thing that still happens though...is the scar in various places itches a little more than every so often. Have you ever experienced this? Is this normal? It's irritating, because I want to scratch it, but then I irritate the scar. That may have been what happened with the redness on the left side.


    My daily routine includes propecia and rogaine. I have been lifting relatively heavily I suppose, not so much in the first month, but a little in the first month. I've heard varying opinions on the matter, and even docs have had varying opinions. My doc said no lifting at all for 10 days, and then start back slow, by 2-3 weeks, I should be able to work out at about 80% and after a month, normally.






  3. hairbethere,


    Yes, there is some difference in the lighting, which is why I tried to take a number of different photos. It still seems that a little more hair is missing, even from last week, which is weird, but again, maybe it's mostly mental...but that sounds strange....because last week I was thinking, "hmmm, it seems that there may already be a few new hairs popping through in the front", now it seems like I have less hair in the front. But I know I have to wait and see what happens.


    Also, while you are reading this post: Scaring concern: My scar looked so awesome about 2 weeks ago, and for some reason, on one side of my scalp, the scar looks a little more red and tender than it did before, and maybe even a little wider! What do you recommend?



  4. Hi Tara!


    First of all, welcome to the forum and thanks for posting. I can understand your nerves about posting. I'm a male and I was already nervous about posting etc. I agree with everyone above to do the research, but I do know that from what I've researched that HTs have been done on females and done very successfully at that.


    BUT, I would definately check with a few medical doctors before even thinking of this, just to make sure the hair loss is coming from something natural, etc...I know hair loss happens in women, I just know it's not as common, so it's important that you get checked out by an MD to make sure everything else is in good health. Once that is ruled out, start looking into this more. I hope all goes well and wish you luck and prayers!



  5. Hi! I used Revivogen for about a year. The stuff didn't smell all that awful, but it was a pain trying to juggle that with the minoxodil. Did it work? That's the important question I suppose eh? Well, I used it for a year, and when I compared before pics to after 1 year pics, I had less hair in the later pics...so it didn't work for me. I am now trying minoxodil with Propecia...the only 2 FDA approved drugs. That combined with a HT, I am hoping to have more hair in a year...hopefully!

  6. Thanks Smoothy! Yes, I am pretty happy with the scarline so far! I'm just in waiting process right now....6.5 weeks in counting. I guess the average seems to be that I will start to see some hair coming in by about 12 weeks...so I guess all I can do now is count down the weeks. I have been using minoxidil 2% (because 5% is too itchy) and I started using propecia at 2 weeks after surgery....so I am hoping those two things combined will help keep the existing hair and maybe "encourage" some of the hair to grow a little faster =)



  7. side shot of scar....


    What do you all think? I'm pretty happy with the way it's healing. Looks like Doc Katz did a great job on the scarring in my opinion...but I don't have much to compare it to.


    Opinions or thoughts?


    I'll keep you all posted too over the next couple months.


  8. Hi Brando,


    Thanks for the comments! Actually, Dr. Katz from Washington Crossing, PA performed the surgery. I can't tell how the top will look as of yet, since obviously I'm only 4.5 weeks out and just like most people, it looks like I didn't get surgery on top.


    But yes, he did an awesome job on the back. I can barely see the scar even when I pull up the hair, but it is obviously there...not white yet...still a little red. I will get my wife to take some pics of the actual scar either later tonight or over the next couple days!


    All responses welcome! Support is always appreciated...we all need to stick together =)



  9. Robert,


    I'll tell you brother, that story of yours brought some tears to my eyes, and I'm not one of those over sensitive types either. But in all truthfulness, I feel that I've been guilty of that recently, and probably for all the wrong reasons as well. I happen to be a married man with a beautiful wife, but feel that in a lot of ways I've been putting my life on hold too because of consuming thoughts...feeling less attractive than I used to be with a balding head, feeling old, and undesirable, I feel I've been searching to feel desirable in all the wrong places. This doesn't mean that I regret getting my HT (as it's still new and I see no results of course cine I'm only 1 month post op), but it does mean that I have been focusing a lot of my energy in things that I shouldn't be worrying about. I am constantly wearing a hat because I am worried about how the rest of the world will see me with little to no hair.


    It is true what you say...get busy living and not let these thoughts consume us. It's funny, sometimes you find wisdom in the strangest places...and you have surely instilled some wisdom in me today...so thank you!!!



  10. Hairbethere,


    Thanks for the input. I was pretty certain that this was supposed to happen, but I rather have had the grafts just start growing right away...don't we all icon_cool.gif


    So heavy lifting eh? This is the first I heard of this. Unfortunately, I've been heavy lifting since about 2.5 weeks, but I guess it depends how you define heavy. How will this effect the donor scar? Thanks!



  11. I am certain many others have asked this question before, but being the paranoid person that I am, I am not a little over a month post op, and basicaly it doesn't even look like I have had an HT with the exception with maybe a few tiny grafts that remained. This truly is normal right? I started using Propecia about 2 weeks post op and am also using minoxidil (2% because of scalp irritation of the 5%). I hope I am just being over paranoid. Also, basically, should I be able to live my life relatively normally now? Meaning, how gentle/delicate should I be with the top of my head now? I am shampooing normally, however, I must admit, I am not going (full force) on top of my head or anything. Thanks!



  12. I am certain many others have asked this question before, but being the paranoid person that I am, I am not a little over a month post op, and basicaly it doesn't even look like I have had an HT with the exception with maybe a few tiny grafts that remained. This truly is normal right? I started using Propecia about 2 weeks post op and am also using minoxidil (2% because of scalp irritation of the 5%). I hope I am just being over paranoid. Also, basically, should I be able to live my life relatively normally now? Meaning, how gentle/delicate should I be with the top of my head now? I am shampooing normally, however, I must admit, I am not going (full force) on top of my head or anything. Thanks!



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