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Posts posted by Heliboy

  1. Hairbank,

    This was actually my 5th trip to Dr Umar over the past 1 year since Sept 2005. I was left with extensive scarring from strip surgeries over many years and poor yield on a Norwood 6 area so body hair transplants were my only option/hope .


    Due to scalp donor depletion Dr Umar has used all body hair in my work . Leg hair was chosen as the best option for my hairline due to its characteristics versus other body hair. My chest abdomen hair is much to thick for total hairline work and my arm hair is much too fine . The leg hair offered the best of both worlds. The choice of body hair for hairline selection is variable between patients but in most cases leg hair provides a good caliber/thickness and a good blend . I previously had 1000 leg/chest hair in my hairline 1 year ago but I wanted to further refine my hairline break it up with peaks. I have seen this same hairline design grown out on one of Dr Umar's patients that used leg hair and I felt it would work well for me .As you know the vision of the performing M.D is crucial in all cases and especially in the use of body hair. They must be able to see how the characteristic of the body hair (curly/straight/thick) etc will play out when growth begins.


    I have found in my case that body hair provides a very natural blend for the hairline /temporal areas . This option can be especially important for those who have scalp donor depletion and want further refinement in their hairlines .


    If the attachment pics do not turn out well (too large) you can also see my recent pics on my personal blog:



  2. Hi all-

    I returned yesterday from a trip out to California where Dr Umar placed 1600 leg hair grafts into my hairline to square up my face a bit more and work to lessen side/temporal recession. Dr Umar felt that leg hair was most appropriate for this work so hair was taken from the front and back sides . Dr Umar has given my previous visits so much effort into simply fixing the scars /botched work from years past that on this trip it felt a great relief to work on nothing but perfecting the hairline and nothing more . A great feeling to finally be able to move away from feeling so much like I was 'repairing myself' and moving on to adding finishing touches to the areas that we have avoided due to time needed for extensive repair work .

  3. Helmet,

    I enjoyed discussing my experience with you many months ago and and anwering questions that you had. It is always very gratifying for me to know that my experience has helped another with any questions regarding BHT and what is now a very new and unknowing field to most. In general the entire field of BHT is bringing about many questions about what its role will play . I really like the descriptions of your expectations from BHT. After 1 full year now follwing my first procedure in Sept 2005 I have learned alot about BHT expecations and what it will take to meet further expectations .


    I am VERY excited to see what your yield will be and also how far Dr Umar will further advance his S-FET methods in the next year . I cant imagine it getting any better but I thought the same thing only 1 year ago and it did. After 7900 grafts only 2 months ago - it looks like January and February will be exciting months for you. Just dont give up !!

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