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Everything posted by keepitontop

  1. I'm with Kingsley Zissou...revita is great I get it for 10% off at http://www.aikenskincare.us with a coupon: dsave makes it a bit cheaper and it does last awhile..
  2. What about that new stuff from DS Labs...its called Revita it is a shampoo...any one using it?
  3. I see that there is a new shampoo out from the makers of Spectral DNC it is called Revita the ingrediant list seems pretty interesting: * Apple Polyphenol * Copper Peptides * Spin Traps * Ketoconazole * Rooibus * Caffeine 4% * MSM * Biotin * Emu Oil * Carnitine Tartrate * Amino Acids: Ornitine, Taurine, Cysteine It seems to be a pretty powerful combination you think it is worth a try? What do you guys think? You can pre order it here it looks like: http://www.aikenskincare.us/index.php?main_page=product...h=44&products_id=177
  4. Yeah I like the alternative therapy idea... Step 1 - Shave what little hair you still have Step 2 - Take goofy pictures of your baldness Step 3 - whore yourself out on ebay for cash
  5. Saw the post for the rogaine coupon thought I would share a coupon for 15% off Spectral DNC & RS that I found on another forum. Go to http://www.aikenskincare.us/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=44 Use coupon code - grow15 at checkout. Takes 15% off your order for hairloss products. Hope it saves some of you some cash.
  6. Yeah I have heard of this before, Funny stuff....maybe this hairloss think could be a money maker
  7. I am just wondering what in nizoral is good for hairloss? I see it mentioned by multiple people.
  8. sorry to hear the minox maybe causing problems I know of another product out there called spectral RS that is a minox free topical maybe google it don't know to much about it.
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