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Dr Rajesh Rajput

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Posts posted by Dr Rajesh Rajput

  1. I am not sure if you are comfortable getting a reply from a surgeon himself. But see my website www.hairlossindia.com for hair medicine and transplant. Make your own openion.

    Originally posted by Pat - Publisher of this Community:

    I get so tired of seeing Dr. A and his minions hawking his services on this and other forums.


    Frankly, given that Dr. Poswal used another clinic's before and after photos on his website early on it should come as no surprise.


    If anyone has a suggestion for an ethical physician in India who does first rate hair transplantation, please private message me. It would be great to offer patients an ethical option free and clear of what in my opinion is deceptive and unethical online marketing.

  2. Dear Sahil,

    4 months is one hair growth cycle in the body. You need that time before you see improvement in hair growth. You have 1,00,000 hair on the head. Replacing any number will not make you look like before but give a good fullness. Medicines will work if you continue them for 3-4 cycles that means 1-2 years. 2400 grafts means each graft contains 1,2 or 3 hair as per your own natural follicular unit pattern. Surgeon has to maintain the same natural units as you have. Surgeon does not decide the number of hair to be contained in each unit. 3 months is too early to expect a change. Also note that the hair improves 1mm per day and if you look at yourself evreyday in the morror you cannot appriciate the small change. You need to compare your old pictures with the pictures now to know weather there is any change.

  3. Originally posted by Sahil:

    Dear Friends,


    First and formost I would thank all you guys for standing up for me.

    My special thanx to Jolly , Thank a lot brother.

    Dear Doctor ( Mr.Rajesh rajput) I was told by you that I don't require a transplant and only medicine alone will be sufficient to grow back the hair.

    But after two months of medicine you told me that the only way out is a Hair Transplant . Initially you told me that only 1600 grafts ( and not 1600 hair) is required and few days before the surgery you told me that I require 2400 grafts ( and not 2400 hair).

    I have paid you Rs 120000 for 2400 grafts and not for 2400 hair as mentioned by you. You also told me that each graft will have 3 hair which means 2400 grafts can give rise to 6000-7000 hair. And now you say its 2400 hairs ?????

    Then why did you charge Rs 12000 for 2400 hair as quoted by you.


    I am having my medicines religiously and its more than 3 months now but I find no change.


    Dear doctor please remember that every patient who come to you is not filthy rich .

    I come form a middle class family and it took 1 year for me to save Rs 80000 and Rs 40000 I had taken as loan which I am still repaying .

    For you I might be just another patient , but remember for me you were a only source of hope.


    I am here not to blame any one , May be I didn't do more research before finalizing my doctor. Well this could be a lesson to others .




  4. Dear Nilesh Shah,

    thanks for bringing this to my notice.

    1. It is essential to take medicines for 4 months before a transplat, to per condition your hair for a transplant. 2 months of medicine and rushing into a transplant with some pretex that you are leaving the place or you will not have leave again or so will coax the surgeon. I will refuse a transplant before completing 4 months of medicine.

    2. You have 1,20,000 hair on your head. If you lost everything on the top, you really need large numbe tof grafts. Patients expect evrything to get covered in a small number of grafts which is not possible. They srart by saying cover my front with 1000 grafts then little more on the top and slight cover on the back also. The grafts get laid out far apart and cannot give the new dense looks desired. It does not meet the dreams of the preson.

    3. No one counts the number of grafts while implanting. We count the density and the size of the strip to be harvested is decided accordingly to yeild the requiered number of grafts. While doing the surgery I am concentrating on the work I repeated querries at this time are difficult to answer. Best way to keep out of it is to say you can trust me on this issue.

    4. It is essential to take the hair growth medicine after the transplant. This will support the growth of the grafts. If not post surgical shock loss is unavoidable complication which will lead to loss of your original weak hair in the area of transplant. So you loose 3000 - 5000 wewak hair instead of strengthening or growing them and grow back only 2400 in place of these. Net gain is unimpressive.

    5. On reading the details it appears that this patient has opted for transplant without proper medicitions and not taken the medicines after the surgery.

    6. Medicine and transplant are not replacement for one another. You cannot have a transplant because you do not want to take medicines. Both go hand in hand and complement each other for the final outcome.

    However cases of shock loss are occassional, I had one student from Newzealand whom I could not see for follow up and he could not be emphasised enough to follow the medicines correctly, he had a shock loss. I sent him 4 months of medicine from India, to help him out. Otherwise I make sure this never happens to any of my cases.

  5. Originally posted by Sahil:

    Dear Friends,

    Sorry for not replying, I was out of Town.

    I am really upset with the way Dr.Rajesh Rajput has done HT. He promised me that he would transplant 2400 Grafts. When I contacted him and asked him how to find out the number of grafts transplanted by him, he blindly said "I am one of the Best doctor in Asia, Trust your Doctor".

    I spent Rs 120000 (For 2400 grafts) ,This was my hard earned money, wanted to cover the bald patch so that I can get married..Initially he use to say you dont need a HT , I can grow your hair with my medicens.

    I am totally lost , I wasted my money , now there is a huge scar on my head.

    I feel,I was better without a HT .




  6. Originally posted by L'Anonyme:

    Karan, I wouldn't be directing my questions exclusively to jagdish. I've been more of a lurker on this forum thus far than anything else, but I found this whole thread interesting b/c you really don't seem to have done your homework, and it also sounds like you are getting bad medical advice about the drugs you've started taking. DO NOT get a hair transplant in India, PERIOD. Forget about finding a HT doctor in India, and come to the United States or Canada for your procedure(s). Also, if your doctor there is telling you to take finasteride only twice a week, you are receiving very bad medical advice. You need to take finasteride **EVERY DAY** for it to work for you, and you should preferably be taking Propecia manufactured by Merck in the USA, not a generic equivalent manufactured in India.


    This is Dr Rajesh Rajput in reply. One hair growth cycle in the body is 3&1/2 to 4 months. Any medicine you take must show a change in 2 months and good effect at 4 months. Finasteride trial showed that a dose as less as 0.2mg can achieve over 60% DHT reduction. The drug has very good tissue binding. So much so that if discontinued after one or two cycles - 4 to 8 months- the effect is lost only after 4 to 6 months more. Taking finasteride twice a week works with clinical results that can be counted as improved number per sq cm and improved thickness in microns measured on a computerized Folliscope. Finasteride only stops the damage, works better if combined with minoxidil which improved the blood flow. HOw about building up the weak hair. Only stopping the damage does not add to the new hair. Hair needs aminoacids, antioxidants, iron, calcium, trace elements to grow. Or else you stop the minoxidil and all the hair disappeears, because it was just pushed to grow. Ir was never permenantly built up. A comprehensive treatment is required apart from just finasteride and minoxidil. This I have tried and achieved with Cyclical Medicine Program. See rationale on my site www.hairlossindia.com.

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