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  1. I had a few galeoplasties ("bald spot reductions") in the early 90s and it seems that grafts planted on the scars caused by those procedures don't grow! Is anyone familiar with this problem? Is there any way to overcome it? Thanks.
  2. I had a few galeoplasties ("bald spot reductions") in the early 90s and it seems that grafts planted on the scars caused by those procedures don't grow! Is anyone familiar with this problem? Is there any way to overcome it? Thanks.
  3. Thank you very much for your answers. I find them very encouraging. Following "brianf's" advice, I'll post this in "Hair Resoration Q & A.
  4. I had a few galeoplasties ("bald spot reductions") in the early 90s and it seems that grafts planted on the scars caused by those procedures don't grow! Is anyone familiar with this problem? Is there any way to overcome it? Thanks.
  5. Please excuse me. I'm new to this site and mah not be posting this message in the appropriate place. First, can you tell me what FUE and FUT stand for? Second, I am amazed that M&M can get a buzz-cut in the back down to a #2 and not have any scar showing. I had a pretty reputable surgeon to my grafts and my scar is visible using any buzzer with less than a #4-and-a-half. Can my scar be made less noticeable with some kind of new surgical procedure. Thank you.
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