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Posts posted by HTinthefuture

  1. looks awesome. I am so jealous, and am confident about my HT in the future with rahal after seeing your pics. Man, IMO you can get away with 1 transplant depending on whether you loose anymore...


    about the product thing. I use something called mark anthony hair thickener. works really well I find. the wife suggested it as she is all into those products and tv shows that showcase them.

    I think he is a canadian hair stylist, so might not be available in the us?

    anyway, it has the hair thickener ingredient phytokeratin that really good high end hair stylists swear by. anyway, do a google on it and try it out and see what happens.

    And no, I dont work for mark anthony or any salon selling the stuff icon_smile.gif

  2. every guy with hairloss, no matter what they say, are feeling its effects in some manner. some more than others.

    just remember there are solutions, and there are litterally millions of guys going through the same thing. also, things could be worse.

    I have a friend who seriously dated a girl, who was very pretty, and she was born without hair, she wore a wig. he is handsome and successful, and he did not care.

    anyway, it is possible you are more genetically swayed towards having depression on the best of days, and the hairloss just triggered it.

    either way, you only live once, like a friend of mine put it, I would rather drive a honda, and have a head of hair, than a bmw and be bald.

    Napolean was quoted as saying he would give up all his power to have his hair back. so, you are not the only one that this effects icon_smile.gif

  3. yeah, there is no way to tell.

    my brother, dad, uncles, grandparents on both sides all had more hair, even at 75, and I am only 35. so, goes to show that genetics are still not totally understood as far as hair goes, but it definately plays a part (ie if you dad is a bald eagle, you will be too).

    my advice, wait a few years, within that time anything can happen. no point getting a HT early and needing another and another, might as well do 1 or 2 instead of 3...

  4. Eman,

    Just tuning in.

    I find this discussion very interesting as I have very similar (almost identical) loss pattern.

    My hair color, and weight is also very similar.

    My main two fears are the same.

    One being the scar, because I like my hair short and quite honestly it is easier to deal with hairloss when you keep it shorter, and the second being the thought of having to go back again for a second surgery.

    I dont think I will ever be a NW7 as my family history does not point in that direction, but then again as others have mentioned, who knows how far your loss will go as it can skip generations. It is very frustrating to look at my dad at 60+ and see him with more hair, to see my brother looking like a freaking chia pet with so much hair, knowing all grandparents dies with fuller than full hair, and my mom's brothers have elvis type thick hair. What happened to me?. I think this points to a conclusion that genetics do play a role but there may be quite a few other factors that just arent known. I am about a year or so away from where you are now. I am not on propecia or minox as I didn't like the side effects. Using nizoral and vitamins with decent results. I too am curious about FUE.

  5. stratman, thanks for the info.

    I wish you good luck on your journey with rahal.

    Keep us posted. I have not met rahal yet, but always hear good comments.

    It pays to offer a good product a decent price and offer good personal attention. those who don't, regardless of what business they are in, dont last long.

  6. yeah, I realize that a lot of herbs are not up to par or dont do what they say they do, but a lot of them do. you are forgetting that a lot of drugs come from plants and herbs, and many are synthetic of course nowadays as we have the means to create them and manipulate them easier than ever before.

    there isn't a doctor on the planet (unless he or she is a herbal doctor) that will prescribe a herb. why? if you have to ask that, you should do some research on your own. And nothing agains Dr. Mejia, but honestly you and i both know even if there was a study that proved without doubt that saw palmetto works, you still would not prescribe it. Brand name drugs provide better revenue to pharma companies, and it pays to maintain good relationships between pharma companies and doctors who prescribe the drugs.


    Its been proven that vit D fights cancer by researchers all over the world, for years actually.

    Ever hear of a doctor prescribing Vitamin D to anybody? Its a known fact that health organizations lead by doctors rallied to have Vit D supplements made available only by presecription. In other words, they wanted pharma companies to take it on as a prescribed drug only. Why would that be?

    The chinese and others have been using herbs etc for hundreds of years for healing, with good results, and they live longer than anyone...maybe due to genetics?.

    Just positive thinking alone and the power of the mind have been known to make huge positive affects in various illnesses.

    Broccoli has been proven to contain chemicals that actually prevent and fight cancer as good as or better than many new 'state of the art drugs'. have you checked the price of brocoli lately? You can get a grocery cart full for less than the cost of a few starbucks lattes.

    I am no new age, tree hugging, pot smoking herbavore, but good grief, just because there is no proof that something does not work, does not mean it doesn't. There are studies that show that nizoral has the same affect at Rogaine. yet there are doctors and 'professionals' that say this is bunk. why? just look on the shelf, nizoral 2% costs me $9 canadian for a large bottle. Rogaine is quite a bit more, and a lot more difficult to deal with.

    I suppose everyone who thinks herbs are complete bunk also think that the american cancer society are there to help cure cancer. Try reading the well respected book 'cancer gate'. Its all about money and politics.

    There is more money in meds than herbs, and there is more money in treatment, than cures....and that is a fact.

    I appreciate the opinion of professionals, but after having my sister released from a large reputable hospital because a 'top doctor' determined there was nothing wrong with her (she had a broken pelvis and had to be carried in and out), I realized that professional health workers do not necessarily know everything.

  7. hey rahul thanks for posting. I think people are interested, they just dont like getting their hopes of over some wonder drug that should be available soon, but never ends up materializing.

    it is ok to be skeptical I suppose.

    in regards to mars, yeah, could never understand wanting to put a man there. even if we could, it would take trillions upon trillions to make something livable there. lets fix earth first, and put the money into folicle research icon_smile.gif

  8. this is bunk.

    if they had any credibility you would hear about it on CNN, CNBC etc etc.

    take it with a grain of salt. viagara was in the news long before pfizer released it. why, because people go on a spending spree driving up thier stock prices, which makes people and analysts following the company rich. trust me, this is completely nothing. I follow the pharma sector in my stock trading and if this were legit, everyone with lots of hair would have heard about it too.

  9. thanks, that is good news as I had early shedding and lots of it. so hopefully i will have similar results this time around. I know I should have stayed on it, but I was lucky my hairloss wasn't drastic over the past 5 years or so.


    another question. many people are getting proscar and dividing into 4 for much less cost. This gives you 1.25 mg, which is more than the 1 mg in propecia. Would this cause more shedding as well due to the larger amount? when I did this I had a hard time getting equal 1/4 amounts so I think one day it could have been 1mg, the next 1.5, next 1.25...and so on. in this case, would it be best to just discard the ones that aren't equal? as you are varying the dose up and down if they are not as close in size as possible, or do 1/4 every other day as that would translate to roughly .75mg everyday? thanks!

  10. Originally posted by Ringo:

    Hi Tuscansun,


    They will provide you with the generic 'Finpecia' for 100 tabs for $77. I have seen it for less, but that's what I am currently using. Same drug, but without the US pharmaceutical company mark-ups. It works just fine. I have been on it for about 8 months and my shedding stopped quickly. I did need a prescription to get the drug, and I assume they verified it, as they are a legitimate business. Good Luck!


    Ringo, I searched that site and could not come up with Finpicia, just propecia and proscar. Are they sending you finpicia instead of propecia? Just curious as I am interested in ordering.


  11. yeah, I agree with you. Loosing hair sucks, but I remind myself it happens to millions of guys. not that that makes it easier because everyone deals with it differently. but I find it eats at my confidence more the more I let it. not sure that makes sense. anyway, I have my priorities too. just got married, bought a house, a car, trying to save for future, maybe kids...so a hair transplant is a little down the list, but important as well because I am a firm believer in 'you only live once'. everything does happen for a reason.

    just a few years back I recently laid off a job I loved, in debt, recently single and loosing my hair, and becoming quite depressed due to all those things....things have really turned around, but still loosing my hair haha. in other words, there are many more things in life that bring happiness. I put a lot of the credit for me getting out of the dumps on the book 'The power of positive thinking' by Norman Vincent Peale. It really got me out of my slump, that seemed to me like it would last forever.

  12. Originally posted by hairbank:



    Thanks for the note on Ketoconazole...........I had not heard that it may have anti-DHT properties. I supposed time (or studies) will tell whether or not it really does. icon_smile.gif


    HTinthefuture -


    Interesting about your bottle of Nioxin........... mine does not say that. Maybe changes have been made and it now can make that claim??


    Anyone else have any info on this?? I've never seen any information on Nioxin products claiming to regrow hair or halt loss.


    hairbank.... perhaps the wording is different on bottles sold in Canada? the land where you can get Nizoral without a prescription icon_smile.gif. I will try and snap a close up pic of the back of the bottle.

  13. I am confused. If 10-15% of patients see shedding, and shedding is a sign of it working, does that not point towards the fact that this drug is only working well with 10-15% of people using it (on average). asking because I was on propecia and went off due to shedding that did not seem to want to stop and other side effects that I kept hoping would go away. Now I am contemplating going on it again, but worry the side effects are more common than not. I am not putting down the drug, because I feel it truely does work for some/many....but with any drugs often the side effects are somewhat downplayed.

  14. hey man,

    the shaved head looks pretty good on you actually. I am like you and am lucky to have a pretty angular face and jaw (like Canadian ufc champ St Pierre, so my wife tells me...haha). meaning we have the face/head for shaving. a buddy of mine is loosing his hair and he does not have the head for shaving to say the least, so he will never have the option in his opinion to shave his head.

    anyway, I am pretty confident your situation can be improved with the right doc.

  15. Originally posted by chucky:

    the results and patient feedback for dr rahal are outstanding and if i hadn`t of made my mind up about my ht i would definately let this dr loose on my head.also canada is a wonderfull place for a holiday.


    if you like to ski! icon_smile.gif

    seriously, I am glad to be living in the same town as a top notch surgeon such as him. looking forward to talking to him about my HL soon.

  16. I think so too. there are a couple of pics on his site that match my loss or worse actually, and the results look great. I am still too shy to post pics, but maybe I will do so in the near future. my loss seems to be slow and gradual, but picking up lately. I also have fair skin and mousey blonde hair, so there is less contrast per say as someone with dark hair and fair skin.

    good luck with everything. I cant wait to see your pics. we are lucky to be living near a great surgeon like Rahal. He is only 10 minutes from my work! people fly in from other countries to see him, so you know you are making a good choice. the results speak for themselves.

  17. Originally posted by stratman:



    I will be doing a strip procedure as I am in need of many , many grafts(4000 to start). Fue would be too costly and the results are not proven yet when it comes to mega sessions. Where ar e you on the Norwood scale? I am a NW5a and counting.


    hey stratman. I am between the 3 and 4 but closer to 4. 5 is around the corner. been thinning since mid 20s and 35 now. so its been slow, but like anohter said, it doesn't get any easier no matter how old you are.

  18. thanks for the info. good to know. my new years resolution will be to do something about my hairloss and meet with him regarding an HT in the future.

    I share the same feelings as you. He seems to be one of the best, but I fear dissappointment as well, not from Rahal, but from HT in general as they stand right now. also thinking of the closure scar in particular and it being visible should I want to shave my head down the road if I dont want to do any other HTs. Will you be going with FUE or FUT?

    good luck.

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