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Honest Hairline

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Hair Loss Overview

  • Describe Your Hair Loss Pattern
    Receding Hairline (Genetic Baldness)
  • Norwood Level if Known
    Norwood III
  • What Best Describes Your Goals?
    Maintain and Regrow Hair
    Considering Surgical Hair Restoration

Hair Loss Treatments

  • Have you ever had a hair transplant?
  • Other hair restoration physicians
    Ilker Apaydin, Marwan Saifi
  • Current Non-Surgical Treatment Regime
    Propecia (Finasteride)

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  1. Hey y'all, it has been 5 and a half months since my surgery with Dr Marwan Saifi. Overall the recovery went well. I am very happy with the left temple. On the other hand, my right temple still hasn't grown that much. That's why I cut the hair with a clipper to better apply minoxidil and potentially speed up growth there. I contacted my doctor and he reassured me that there is still time to grow and uneven regrowth is quite normal. What do you think? Can I still be hopeful to have some better growth in my right temple?
  2. Sounds exactly like my experience with him. I did a repair surgery with him 2 months ago and I am quite confident. He seems like a great guy. Maybe you could provide some images? Best of luck to you and happy growing!
  3. Hey you all, I had a hair transplant about two months ago. Since the growing usually starts at around month four, I have plenty of time to worry about the potential success of my procedure. I was looking at post op pictures the other day and noticed small amounts of dried blood in the recipient area. This was the day after the procedure. If you browse the internet there are people that claim that there shouldn't be any bleeding at all. I thought small amounts after the surgery are common, especially since my immediate post op pictures at the surgeons clinic also. contained small amounts of blood. However now I'm worrying and I hope somebody can answer the question above. Also, is a lost graft always associated with some amount of bleeding or can they be lost without it? Thank you so much!
  4. Hey, just wanted to post a quick update 6 weeks post op. The transplanted hair has fallen off and now I am left with the hair of the prior transplant. I think here you can really see the density or lack their of in the right temple. I really hope this goes well and I am not just a candidate whose grafts can't handle transplantation. On the other hand, Dr Saifi ensured me that everything looks good. Also thinking about implementing dutasteride to my medical therapy in order for some extra protection. But that's something I'm gonna discuss with my doctor. I also included a picture of my donor area. I'll have a haircut later this day and I'm planning on posting a comparison picture.
  5. When can you play without a hat? It is hard to find any reasoning online for those timelines. Dr Feller commented in a forum that contact sports could induce hematomas, however this would be unlikely.
  6. Hey guys, just wanted to ask about when you can start to play football after a hair transplant. Many clinics have different post operative instructions and the time you can go back to playing football ranges from 3 weeks to 3 months. I am now 4 weeks post op and my surgeon told me it would be okay. So yesterday we played just for fun and a ball with moderat velocity hit my head. Unfortunately I went to some forums where people claimed that the grafts could die and you ll have to wait 3 months in order for the transplant to be succesful. Has anybody had any ecperience with that? And is there a way to tell if you lost a graft?
  7. That’s right. He told me it looks quite unnatural and he would advise me to remove them. It was up to me and I am glad i trusted him. Hopefully you‘re correct and I‘ll be satisfied with the result.
  8. Thanks mate. I agree, my first procedure wasn’t good at all. Hope I didn’t ruin my hair transplant path by falling for his marketing.
  9. Hey everyone, throughout my hair loss journey I didn't know from the get go about this forum. However, after my first transplant and the not so great results I researched a lot and this forum was a helping hand. That's why I want to tell you about my experience and also keep you updated with the results of my second hair transplant. I was a Norwood 2-3 when I did my first surgery in Turkey. I did my research mainly via ISHRS and discovered Ilker Apaydin. I contacted the clinic and had a good feeling, since they were quite serious about medical therapy and so am I (started finasteride at the age of 19). In my opinion this was a good sign and also the reviews online, particularly this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo41O8qUaj0. ) So I set up the date flew over and had my procedure. All in all the experience was good, however, contrary to my prior belief, only the recipient sites were done by the doctor himself. The other parts were carried out by technicians. I would have hoped for more participation or supervision by Ilker Apaydin. 2050 grafts were extracted and it cost me 3000 €. After one year, I was disappointed by the results. 2050 grafts is quite a lot and the density in my right temple isn't compelling. On the other hand, I don't think it was a complete failure, but I would love to hear your opinion on this. Long story short I wanted to improve my density especially in my right temple and I chose Dr Marwan Saifi. The consultation was very nice and the whole procedure went way more smoothly compared to my first one. The doctor discussed every step and the whole team seemed very experienced. He also carried out the extraction and the team did the implantation during which he checked on me. We ended up doing 900 grafts. I really hope that this will be enough to achieve my goals and I am interested in what you all think. My biggest worry is my donor supply, since I now "wasted" 3000 grafts only for my hairline. I hope my "good" hair genetics come into play. Baldness doesn't really run in my family on both sides, most men are Norwood 2's with thick hair into their 70s. And again I take finasteride on top, but time will tell.
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