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Posts posted by Drumnjake

  1. I just saw Dr. Nader. Originally, my appointment was scheduled for next year, but I managed to take a canceled slot. I never felt unsafe in Reynosa; it seemed like a typical, bustling town. Dr. Nader's pricing breaks down to $3 per graft after accounting for the 10% discount and $300 hotel reimbursement. I chose Dr. Nader because of his excellent donor management and track record of successful outcomes. Both he and his wife, who is also a doctor, performed the extractions and implantation themselves. They have a team dedicated to preparing the grafts. Dr. Nader is an ethical practitioner who genuinely cares about his patients and delivers great results. If necessary, I wouldn't hesitate to seek treatment from him again. I hope this helps. 

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Rawkerboi said:

    As you already had your second HT i think its time to change the title.

    Was it difficult to opt for no shave procedure? It's kinda mess to spray saline after HT and it look's quite funny with that uneven hair cut.

    How did you manage?

    Please do keep us updated with your journey

    He just wanted to shave up the hairline a bit. It definitely looks funny but I can wear a hat at work and will be able to style it probably in a week. Also, it’s not letting me change that title for whatever reason. 

  3. 44 minutes ago, Dobranich said:

    How did you experience with Dr. Nader go? Drive into and out of Reynosa was good? Nice to see that he allowed you to keep your recipient area unshaved. My appointment with him is in 2 weeks and this is exactly what I'm hoping to have done (ushaved recipient/hairline/frontal work).

    As for your repair case, I hope it turns out great! He seems to be very ethical and does a good job. I'll be following your case as I'll be almost on the same timeline as you. What density did he operate at for you?

     Everything went smoothly except for a couple of flight delays, so plan to get there early. The drive into Reynosa was about 30 minutes. Took probably an hour to get back because of the long line at the border. 

    I believe the density came out to between 36 - 40 per cm².


    Nader and his team are great. You are in good hands.



  4. 11 hours ago, A_4_Archan said:
    11 hours ago, A_4_Archan said:

    The current outcome of your hair transplant is suboptimal, but not a disaster or irreparable, so i would say this is fixable.

    Different doctors may suggest varying approaches to fix this. Some might propose implanting a few fine single hairs to blend with your existing hair, while others might recommend removing and re-implanting some grafts for better placement. So i would ask you to consult with several doctors, look at their results portfolio to find cases similar to yours, and then choose the one you feel most confident in.

    Dr. Nader is a reputable option, although be aware that he may take some time to respond to your consultation request, so keep buzzing him.

    Considering your current situation, HDC Clinic and Dr. Laorwong are budget-friendly surgeons I recommend looking into.

    I advise against limiting your search to surgeons based solely on location preference, as this could limit your options. There are many skilled surgeons around the world, and focusing only on local options might cause you to overlook other highly qualified professionals.

    I hope this helps you. Good Luck.

    I am indeed broadening my searches. Canada, US, and Mexico (as of now nader is the only person in Mexico I would feel comfortable seeing). 

    I appreciate the response.  

  5. 10 hours ago, Raphael84 said:


    Some great advice has been shared with you above.

    I have read through your thread, and apologies if I have missed it but I dont see your age mentioned?

    Good to hear that you are on meds and you feel things have stabilised.

    From your images, a few considerations are that there appears to be some thinning behind the initial cms of your hairline.



    Photos are not always completely accurate but depending on your age and stability, these areas may experience some further decline and as you are considering a repair surgery, depending on all specifics, it may be required and in your best interests to reinforce throughout this area to avoid any disparity or need for further surgery in the shorter term.

    Whilst your rear donor was the only area of your donor that was harvested, with your hair at length, it is hard to get an idea of status of the area.
    In your pre surgery photos where you back and sides are shorter, you can see that the side donor presents a lower density than the rear (below).


    It is quite common to have a drop in density in comparison to your rear occipital, but it would be in your interests to get a thorough assessment before jumping in to any additional surgery. These parietal areas generally present the most appropriate finer single hair grafts for hairline work and so with any drop in density in these areas, it really highlights the importance of getting it right this time and to ensure to have appropriate long term planning.

    I wish you the best moving forward.

    I’m going to be 36 in a month. 
    I would say the back is/was probably denser than the sides. Here’s a current pic of both. I do believe I need some hairs put behind the hairline as well.  

    I agree it’s hard to say the status of my donor. It looked pretty bad after the transplant but healed decently. Here is a pic a couple days after the transplant :/





  6. 22 hours ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    Nader is insanely popular right now and therefore can be very picky in who he wants to take on as a patient. 

    If you have already tried him multiple times and weeks/months have already passed, dont get your hopes up with him and keep on consulting with others

    Also please completely abandon (if you haven't already) the idea of getting a good surgery for 2 dollars/graft. Its just not going to happen. 

    For what its worth I personally don't consider you botched, if it makes you feel better. 

    Your surgery did have clear growth, its moreso that the growth yield was appallingly bad. But as long as all the hair that grew, grew in fine, I think you can consider this progress (although its somewhat small progress)

    Even if this 1st surgery went well, chances are youd still need a 2nd or even 3rd surgery just like most guys do. 

    It is unfortunate the 1st surgery was so lackluster, but this is far from being a trainwreck

    Yeah I know it will be more, just hoping I can find something reasonable.


    I appreciate the words. It’s definitely worth something. This has been a mental roller coaster for me. I feel a lot of shame for not doing my due diligence and just looking for a deal. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    I wonder if you went to this place @Sanjar41 look at his story, it’s similar. So is @Oxiborick

    That said, have you consulted with Dr. Laorwong in Thailand, or Dr. Espinosa Custodio? These are affordable alternatives. 

    Do you have any recommendations for US doctors that would be $8k or less. 

    Anyone have advise on getting ahold of Dr. Nader?

  8. 51 minutes ago, jjalay said:

    Please name the clinic you went to, this is really awful work. What did they do witht eh rest of the grafts they have extracted and what did they told you about this results?

    Can you share some more pictures of your donor area? Avoid turkey you have great options for a repair in usa and in europe. There are doctors like maras in cyprus, bruno ointo and bruno ferreira in portugal, couto in spain, bisanga and lupanzula in belgium that do such repairs. Do a research in this forum about this doctors.

    I wish I could. I agreed to not ‘out’ them in order to get half my money.

    • Face Palm 1
  9. Hello,

    I’ll start off by saying I wish I found this forum sooner; now is better than never though!

    I was suppose to receive 1800 grafts to fill in my receding hairline but was lied to.  

    (It looks like I received about 500 grafts on the hairline and they took at least 1,000 from the donor, see pictures)



    About a year and a half ago, I saw an ad for $2/grafts and pics of good transplant ‘results’. On top of that the place was sending me pictures of people who received bad turkey hair transplants, who were going to them to get fixed. I now believe the pictures he was showing me were results from their terrible work. I wish I did more research   


    Anyways, I don’t want to dwell too much on the past, so I’m trying to move forward and want to get a 2nd transplant.  


    I’ve been on .5 mg/day finasteride for a couple years and I’m not loosing anymore hair (besides a few a day). 


    I’m wondering if you guys can guide me in the right direction to get my hair line density thickened along with a small amount of density in the crown area and some throughout the middle part.

    I’ve contacted Dr.Nader several times without any luck. He’s in my price range and seems to do amazing work. I’d rather not go to Turkey but I can’t seem to find any other options without spending a ton.

    The ‘keeps’ hair team (Dr. Farhan Contractor)said this:  “we are recommending up to 2000 grafts for your hairline, front, and mid-scalp” for $8k but they’re another place that I don’t really trust.


    This seems like a supportive community, so thank you to anyone who takes time to respond!




















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