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Everything posted by Drumnjake

  1. Similar to mine except I was told I was getting 1800, which I definitely didn’t. @Melvin- Admin @Al - Moderator Thoughts?
  2. How many grafts were you suppose to receive? Do you have pictures of the donor right after?
  3. First look at recipient and donor after first wash. Donor actually looks better than I anticipated .
  4. Thank you. Apparently I always had a small one. I also showed him a hairline from this forum I really like, which my have had some influence.
  5. Everything went smoothly except for a couple of flight delays, so plan to get there early. The drive into Reynosa was about 30 minutes. Took probably an hour to get back because of the long line at the border. I believe the density came out to between 36 - 40 per cm². Nader and his team are great. You are in good hands.
  6. *****Update**** I ended up seeing Dr. Nader yesterday. 2572 grafts total to rebuild and reinforce hair line, as well as center part. Here’s some pics. (Donor is still bandaged till tomorrow)
  7. I am indeed broadening my searches. Canada, US, and Mexico (as of now nader is the only person in Mexico I would feel comfortable seeing). I appreciate the response.
  8. I’m going to be 36 in a month. I would say the back is/was probably denser than the sides. Here’s a current pic of both. I do believe I need some hairs put behind the hairline as well. I agree it’s hard to say the status of my donor. It looked pretty bad after the transplant but healed decently. Here is a pic a couple days after the transplant
  9. Yeah I know it will be more, just hoping I can find something reasonable. I appreciate the words. It’s definitely worth something. This has been a mental roller coaster for me. I feel a lot of shame for not doing my due diligence and just looking for a deal.
  10. Do you have any recommendations for US doctors that would be $8k or less. Anyone have advise on getting ahold of Dr. Nader?
  11. I’m haven’t heard of them. I was hoping to stay in US or at least close, but it seems impossible.
  12. What was the outcome of your cases if you don’t mind me asking. Did you hire an attorney?
  13. I wish I could. I agreed to not ‘out’ them in order to get half my money.
  14. Hello, I’ll start off by saying I wish I found this forum sooner; now is better than never though! I was suppose to receive 1800 grafts to fill in my receding hairline but was lied to. (It looks like I received about 500 grafts on the hairline and they took at least 1,000 from the donor, see pictures) Backstory: About a year and a half ago, I saw an ad for $2/grafts and pics of good transplant ‘results’. On top of that the place was sending me pictures of people who received bad turkey hair transplants, who were going to them to get fixed. I now believe the pictures he was showing me were results from their terrible work. I wish I did more research Anyways, I don’t want to dwell too much on the past, so I’m trying to move forward and want to get a 2nd transplant. I’ve been on .5 mg/day finasteride for a couple years and I’m not loosing anymore hair (besides a few a day). I’m wondering if you guys can guide me in the right direction to get my hair line density thickened along with a small amount of density in the crown area and some throughout the middle part. I’ve contacted Dr.Nader several times without any luck. He’s in my price range and seems to do amazing work. I’d rather not go to Turkey but I can’t seem to find any other options without spending a ton. The ‘keeps’ hair team (Dr. Farhan Contractor)said this: “we are recommending up to 2000 grafts for your hairline, front, and mid-scalp” for $8k but they’re another place that I don’t really trust. This seems like a supportive community, so thank you to anyone who takes time to respond!
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