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Posts posted by nobuzz4me

  1. Originally posted by jackkelly:

    oh and by the way,i didnt even mention a doctor.now to say just said doctor is indian,or how about brown,they are not capable??how about they must be corrupt??the equiptment is obviously there,so just what is it that makes it impossible?? racisim???because when you respond like that when i didnt even mention a specific doctor,racism is the only answer i can come up with for your responce.



    I think you throwing out the "Race card" is typical. When you have no facts on your side, accuse your opponent of racisim. Cousin_It never said Indian doctors were not capable and where did the brown come from? Seems like your the hater here so take your race card and shove it!


    Who the hell would fly half way around the world and take a chance on a unregulated doctor unless price was there only concern. What if you did go to India and then had a complication, fly back again????? Ask some guys who got butchered and now have to face expensive repair work about price!!!


    Feel free to attack this forum, you will end up showing further your ignorance.

  2. Dopey,


    Good point on body hair as a possibility down the road. From what I hear and this is still somewhat controversial, body hair is better to fill in the crown so any scalp hair which is used to transplant would be best suited for the hairline.


    A HT via strip with your scalp donor would leave a scar which is easily covered unless you shave it down real close.


    Your crown pic looks a bit better than I thought it would, I hope the propecia helps you keep what you have now.


    I would proceed with caution on the Body hair route, wait awhile and see what new technology develops. Again, time is on your side!

  3. Pat and All,


    Thanks for making this forum what it is: a civilized community of caring individuals who are willing to share their knowledge and help each other with support, information and a few laughs to go along the way.


    Hoping everyone gets what they wish for this year (like a couple thousand grafts)! icon_wink.gif

  4. Dopey,


    All advice above is great and you need to take heed. I am sorry your hairloss looks very aggressive and in ten or twenty years you could very easily end up a Norwood scale 7, I would say Norwood 6 at the very least if you are lucky. IMO you do not look like a good candidate for HT since you are only 19 and you have this much loss. This is just my opinion and I am no expert so check in with a ethical doctor first and do not commit to anything, just see what he thinks your hairloss future holds.


    I am sorry to be this blunt, but I know the trauma you are experiencing and do not want you to make a bad decision based on emotion.


    OK, now the good thing you have going for you is that you are only 19, (most of us woud love to be your age again) this means any cures for baldness via cloning, better drugs, etc., you will not be too old to take advantage of the new technoligies which may be 5-10 yrs away, who knows?.


    You may want to consider a hair piece system for the time being until such time for a cure hopefully comes. It is a option that I think most NW 6-7 cases are left to consider since HT rarely gives enough coverage that one is happy with. Please do a lot of research on this option as it requires a lot of maintenance/cost to look natural.


    Stay patient you have time.

  5. Bill,


    Thanks for all of your valuable input, having had three HT and all those sweet grafts has given you a lot of experience to share.


    The sharing of these experiences are extremely valuble to the newbies.


    We need a new karma title for you:


    Any suggestions out there?


    Here are mine for you Bill, icon_wink.gif


    Really, really, really Hard Core Hair Club Member.


    Have No Life Hair Club Member.


    Extreme Hair Club Member.


    Addicted Hair Club Member.


    Gentlemen, any others out suggestions for Bill I missed? All in fun Bill of course icon_biggrin.gif

  6. Grateful,


    Good luck with round #3, would love to see your pics if you can post. Thats great that your head did not swell too badly like it sounds happened in your earlier jobs.


    Yea, the buzz look is not for me either (note my alias), It sounds like you are prepared with your camo plan so I am sure you will pull it off. I will go for the hat myself for as long as possible. I go in for #3 in a few weeks and can't wait.


    I am sure in good hands with Feller, he is very highly regarded. Do you have any donor left in case the greed factor arises?

  7. Thanks guys, I knew I wasn't the only one who worries about this crap. Maybe I will lock myself up in my room for a month post op! LOL.


    For me, I guess the hat is my only way to go. I have never had a buzz cut short, so if I were to shave it all off, I may as well put a sign on my head that says: "Look at me, I just had a HT, no comments please"! or maybe: "Area under construction"! or maybe: "Chemo patient, back off, radioactive"! icon_biggrin.gif

  8. I loved this guy, his role as the Father in one of my favorite shows, "Everybody Loves Raymond", was just hilarious.


    Don't you admire how his extreme baldness never held back his career as it does to many other balding guys?


    He was 71 and died of heart disease and multiple myeloma. He had survived a stroke and a heart attack in his later years.

  9. I loved this guy, his role as the Father in one of my favorite shows, "Everybody Loves Raymond", was just hilarious.


    Don't you admire how his extreme baldness never held back his career as it does to many other balding guys?


    He was 71 and died of heart disease and multiple myeloma. He had survived a stroke and a heart attack in his later years.

  10. H_T,


    Salt N Peppa has given you good advice, do a search on Hassong and Wong scalp exercises and you will find it. It may even be on You Tube as well, Jotronic is a rep who does the video.


    I am sure you have made a great decision to go with Hassong, many on here have so they can expand on their experiences for you.


    Good Luck

  11. B,


    Good luck!! Round 2 is less stressful since you know what to expect. Neverless, it is still a long day of surgery and recovery days which suck, but it is absolutely worth it.


    You obviously, are in great hands with Shapiro. You are wise to strengthen the lateral humps and frontal area, but I would leave some for a start in the crown. You don't want the "Monk" look!


    If you ever grow your hair longer and comb it back, the hair in the crown, although thin, will help serve to "tack" the hair from the front so it lays/holds better. I also have that big spot to cover but I am waiting to see what my regimen will do for that area for a year before I attack it.


    I know some like to dense pack the front, which is fine. If, however, you are NW6, that may look funny IMO if you have a bird nest in front and slick in the crown, it draws too much attention, just my opinion.


    If you have any donor (and money!) left, you can spread it around again in different areas in round 3 if you wish.


    I believe if you are going to restore your hair, why not go all the way and max out the donor?


    You will be looking awesome this Summer! Keep us updated.

  12. OK B-Spot, first wise ass comment. Turn in your hair advice card, you need to get out more often! icon_wink.gif






    Your hair looks pretty good for a man! Sorry, just kidding. Actually, it does look pretty good and you are in no need of a HT right now. Just educate yourself on the option though in case you need it down the road. Might look into propecia to control any more loss.


    Just curious, what hairstyle would have caused the traction alopecia, braids, cornrows or something?

  13. Originally posted by hairbank:



    if $$ was no object, I'd probably "dense up" everywhere and lower the hairline slightly.




    HB, Money is no object when it comes to more hair! How else can you explain the fact we could all probably have bought another car instead of being bald? icon_wink.gif Its tough to explain that one to the wife!



    Glad you have plenty in the bank, just in case you come down with a case of hairgreedoma, a serious disease which afflicts many of us and there appears to be no cure! look forward to seeing your pics and your progress.

  14. Tito,


    I agree with B-Spot, it appears you have a lot of thinning both in the front and crown. You look young and the propecia is definately something to consider starting if you want to keep what you have.


    I do not think you should consider a HT until your hairloss stops or slows down significantly. Do your research many of us here looked like you at your age and went with a HT because we were desperate, bad mistake.


    What you need to do is be patient, gather info, start a hair saving regimen. But I repeat, NO HT YET. Good luck and hope the Propecia works for you,

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