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Posts posted by Brav989

  1. Originally posted by Gorpy:

    Brav, it's a little difficult to tell where the majority of your grafts were placed from the pictures. You show a side and front post op, but I don't see any grafts in the hairline. How long post op was this? Are these one year post ops also? Also, 2200 grafts is not much depending on how far back you went. It does look a little thin, but it depends on how much area you were trying to cover. How far back did you go. You said 3/4 on the front and hairline. Does that mean the entire front 1/2 of you head. That would be about 1600, which is not much.


    The post op was one year almost to the day.

  2. Do you mean Dr.Gabel or Gables? Curious because my mother worked for a Dr. Gabel (hair restoration). Though he refuses to perform procedure on anyone under the age of 26 ( and I'm under 26). As for a Gables..I have not heard of him at all.




    Is that him?


    Curious cause I remember my mother telling him about me and he offered to do procedures on me for just the cost of the anesthisea and other costs (no charge for the grafts involved icon_eek.gif). Though again not sure he'd touch me being only 21yo

  3. Anyway I went into my 1 year followup today. Doc said for the most part it looks like the growth is good, with a couple of tiny spots that may not have taken. About 1600 or so of the grafts that were placed were put in the frontal/hairline region of my hair. Doctor was saying the density was around 20-25 grafts per cm. Even so..I either had high expectation or i don't know but im just not satisfied with the way it was. I just thought the amount of grafts would have gone a longer ways.


    Anyways I'm going to try to get 1 year post op pictures to post on here to let you all look over them for some opinions/advice. icon_rolleyes.gif

  4. I had a procedure of approx 2200 grafts a year ago with (MHR). Went back in for my one year followup. Doc said the growth looks pretty good except for a few spots where a few grafts may not have taken here and there. Anyway I just haven't been pleased with it.. not sure if its my expectation or whether things just didnt go right. I had basically no hair at all in the frontal/hairline region and about 3/4 of the grafts were placed there..but still I don't like the coverage icon_frown.gif


    Anyway the fact i've heard so much bad about MHR etc. I was wondering if anyone knew of any good local surgeons from the procedure, that does not belong to a huge corporation. Thanks icon_rolleyes.gif

  5. I had a procedure of approx 2200 grafts a year ago with (MHR). Went back in for my one year followup. Doc said the growth looks pretty good except for a few spots where a few grafts may not have taken here and there. Anyway I just haven't been pleased with it.. not sure if its my expectation or whether things just didnt go right. I had basically no hair at all in the frontal/hairline region and about 3/4 of the grafts were placed there..but still I don't like the coverage icon_frown.gif


    Anyway the fact i've heard so much bad about MHR etc. I was wondering if anyone knew of any good local surgeons from the procedure, that does not belong to a huge corporation. Thanks icon_rolleyes.gif

  6. I'll have to do that when I can get the picture on the computer. But yea about 5 hair per cm sounds right..maybe around 10-15 at the better parts of the scalp. The right side of my scalp seemed to have taken the hair better..the left side, some parts only have 1 hair per cm icon_eek.gificon_frown.gif

  7. Dr. Niedbalski of MHR..Not sure how good of a doc he is but knowing what I know now about MHR and such I would have gone a diff route.. As for me figuring out 20% growth..it's an estimate based on my part. The place they were implanted had basically NO hair whatsoever (the frontal region and hairline). Doc said that between 30-40 grafts per cm were placed there. Sure doesn't look like it icon_frown.gif

  8. Hello..i've posted here before about the same issue. just sort of updating. Anyway i'm 11 months post op and so far I want to say maybe only 10%-20% of the hair transplanted has grown in..if even that much. My scalp is very much visible with almost no coverage really. I'm going to the doc next month for one year followup to see what is said. Has anyone else had an experience like this?

  9. Hello..i've posted here before about the same issue. just sort of updating. Anyway i'm 11 months post op and so far I want to say maybe only 10%-20% of the hair transplanted has grown in..if even that much. My scalp is very much visible with almost no coverage really. I'm going to the doc next month for one year followup to see what is said. Has anyone else had an experience like this?

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