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Posts posted by Broni

  1. 8 hours ago, xXFOLICILEDOMINIONXx said:

    I have. I did feel a slight libido drop and watery you-know what. For me, the libido drop is welcome..it's amazing what I can accomplish without that monkey on my shoulder all the time. No impotence though. I have remained on finasteride even with sides because the sides are welcome. lol.

    Can you be more specific as to "slight"? How much time was needed to actually grasp whether Fin is working to stop the hair loss?

  2. 5 hours ago, Jaz159 said:

    Hey everyone, it’s not coming up to 8 months since my surgery with Dr Bicer.

    Quite happy with the result so far. In some areas at the front I hoped for more density but I’m hoping that this can be addressed alongside the crown in a second surgery, should I have sufficient donor.

    Let me know your thoughts









    Wow, that's impressive. You seem to have a good donor for the crown intervention...

  3. On 3/27/2024 at 6:14 PM, MAL87 said:

    8 month update

    I feel like things are starting to plateau. If that's the case, I already consider this a success and am happy with the results. At this point, I'm starting think about going back and seeing how many more grafts I can use to fill my hairline in more and close the thinning hole in the back of my head. image.thumb.jpeg.ed223df8b1a5058a52f603667b4e86ed.jpegimage.thumb.jpeg.90066719903d975b57a8f6ac5279a4fa.jpegimage.thumb.jpeg.c5cbf5b718419cbdd7765e4183d29083.jpeg








    I don't know if I already commented, but make no mistake - your result is fantastic.

  4. On 5/4/2024 at 11:35 AM, Rawkerboi said:

    Your hair line and mid scalp look very natural in these pictures. 

    The pictures which you have shared are close up shots, I bet your hair looks great from distance. 

    Yes things can improve if you really want to, a minor touch up can give you desire density but I wont pull the trigger immediately. 



    I also find it's very good all things considered. There's always the issue of lighting, good hair day-bad hair day, length... It looks great in my opinion. Nobody notices these things except for us, the people experts in transplants:)

    • Like 1
  5. On 5/25/2023 at 9:07 PM, Mr.potato said:

    Hair Transplant #1

    Surgery Date: June 27 2022

    Clinic: Efeito Harmonie Clinic (Brazil)


    Cost of surgery: $3300 USD

    surgery Duration: 12pm-7:30pm


    Norwood scale 6

    grafts: 6240 (all from Donair hair)


    post surgery 

    post scab removal 


    Hair Transplant #2


    Surgery Date: May 10&11 2023

    surgery Duration: 

    - May 10 (11am - 5:30pm) 

    - May 11 (10:30am - 6:30pm)

    clinic: Resul Yaman clinic (Turkey)


    5650 Grafts extracted

    4360 Hair ;1290 beard 

    5100 grafts were used for the hair transplant.

    550 grafts where used for beard transplant. 
































    Do you have any idea how many grafts were extracted from your mustach and cheeks?

  6. 8 hours ago, patronovski said:

    It was a Turkish clinic called Gold City.

    I also doubt it, even from the beginning. Most people said its shockloss and needs time. But the truth is that i am entering my fifth month and up until now no improvement at all.
    My sides were never dense so there was already less hairs per cm2. Thats why i told the doctor that i dont think its a good idea to use the sides as donor. He said nothing will be noticeable. Now, i am left with a even worse situation then before. I cannot wear my hair short or long on the sides. The patchiness is always visible. I wish i ve never done this "correction" surgery.

    From your photos it does not seem it's a large patchy area. You could resupply that part of the donor from other parts to even it out at some point...

  7. On 6/14/2021 at 9:08 PM, Bailey99 said:

    Hi all,

    Update, thankfully I did make it over to Brussels last week for my second procedure with Dr Bisanga and his team. 

    In total 3300 graphs made up of 2300 from scalp and 1000 beard. 

    Breakdown as follows:


    Ones = 231

    Twos = 1013

    Threes = 934

    Fours = 122



    Ones = 813

    Twos = 187

    Had a pre op consultation on Wednesday where Dr Bisanga was able to examine in detail how the first procedure was progressing and make a detailed plan for the second. The second procedure is to tackle the crown but we agreed that some of the mid scalp could be further reinforced. Head was then shaved and  photos taken. The good news was that the density of the donor was the same at the sides but had improved at the back since the first procedure (fin must be working). I was then back in the clinic on Thursday and Friday for the procedure, neither were full days which left things more comfortable. 

    Early days with only being on day 3 post surgery but everything going as expected so far. The beard is also healing well like last time. 

    I will give another update in two weeks. 20210614_200316.thumb.jpg.9847d941b2d5d6a052133bd9a4b987e9.jpg20210614_192108.thumb.jpg.31fc9c3ebbf2b285047356d929e062c3.jpg


    Photos attached. 





    Great result overall!

  8. On 12/1/2021 at 10:51 PM, Ricardo Pizzolatto said:

    Hello my friend @Mr Sinister I did FUE 24 april 2021  and I have a simmilar case of yours in my donor area after 7 months righ now. In my case 4.200 grafts.

    I could see you post this in march 2020 right?

    I'm feeling like my donor area will not recovery anymore. 3,5 months I can't see donor improvement. 

    Do you have your final result after 1 year? 

    Did you decide for MMP or some reparation with hair in the harvest area?

    Please let me know! if you can share your contact also to help me to reach the best result.

    I'm worried about my case but the doctor now in 7 months told me I have to wait more 7 months - 14 months total to see that will recover perfect theses areas





    At this length it is not that bad I think. Nobody would notice but us who are into the minutiae of hair transplantation.

  9. On 5/20/2023 at 2:34 PM, JDilla said:

    So this is the month 4 update. 
    Looking at the previous pictures there has been a good jump in the temples, crown seems to have slowed down. But it really depends on the angle and lightning. 
    My right temple is also growing slower than the left one, so I changed my hairstyle to temporarily ‚cover‘ this up. 
    I also believe that the minoxidil (which I only started after the procedure) has a positive impact on the midscalp which hasn‘t gotten any work. Compared to the pre-OP pictures it looks much denser even with a short cut. 
    Bottom line: For 4 month I got a solid result and it feels already much better!





    Did you experienced any initial shedding of native hair due to minoxidil?

  10. On 12/1/2023 at 1:14 AM, MatthewDM111 said:

    I am near the 8 month mark for surgery #2. Very happy with the results. Keeping my fingers crossed for a little bit more density in the crown. 



    This is an unbelievable transformation. Bear in mind that the photos you are making are the most unforgiving possible visually. Neither ourselves, nor other people EVER see us from this angle and rarely under such light. Your outcome is amazing, you've made the most of your hair and it's remarkable.

  11. On 11/29/2017 at 4:15 PM, Sensorite said:

    Top view from months 2,3,4 & 5. Any questions; feel free to fire away!





    This is very impressive... When did your growth start? I am at 13 weeks for a similar surgery and it is yet to start. But I've been told the crown growth is typically slower to start?

  12. 13 hours ago, omarca said:

    @Broni the following photo is 3wks after procedure…my skin is quite sensitive…

    harvesting the grafts in my case took longuer than scalp…dr wanted to extract the most black hairs as possible since i have a lot of whites. Hope this helps


    Sorry, just this one last question - was the possibility of taking beard grafts from the chin and/or cheeks and moustache ever mentioned as a possibility? I am thinking about using beard grafts as a last resort and I seem to have the most of my beard on the chin and in the moustache, but I fear there might be scarring issues to be considered for this region...

  13. On 1/3/2024 at 2:46 PM, omarca said:

    Hello @pako a total of 2677 grafts where BHT. More or less 1200-1300 from chest and 1400ish rrom beard. Not all where placed on crown. They where placed all over…i can see some white hairs all over my head now and those are from the beard since my beard is mostly white (i dye it). Here are photos of chest and beard today after a year+ of the procedure:

    hope this helps



    Are beard grafts slower or quicker to harvest in your experience? How fast did you beard heal after the surgery?

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