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Baldie Hawn

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Posts posted by Baldie Hawn

  1. When I started dealing with the topic, I intuitively thought about scars. After reading a million pages of doctors talking about scarless surgery, I somehow forgot about my initial fears.

    In fact, scarring would be a problem and it would rule out the possibility of shaving me bald for the rest of my life. I have thin hair and if the transplant is not perfect (and I can't be sure it will be), I may have to make friends with the trimmer again.

    Are we talking about scarring everywhere or just in the donor area?

    After the message from @Gatsby, who also brought up the topic of scars, I thought about the scars are on both the donor and recipient areas, because both are punctured.
    @A_4_Archan however mentioned that it was about scarring in the donor area. Maybe it's because the punctures there are larger in diameter and that's why you can see scars in donor and not in the recipient area?

    Maybe you see scars in the donor area because there was hair there, now it is gone, but there is a trace on the skin. And are the traces lost in the recipient area because new hair is growing there and it is the center of attention?

    I realize that the topic is of little importance for people who have luscious hair after transplantation. I would like to have them too, but as I mentioned, you have to consider all the consequences.

    And anyway, do you think it is possible to do a transplant without scars?

  2. Hi and greeting to all,

    I’m closer and closer to make the hair transplant. I already made my mind to do it.

    For the time being, I shave my head completely as with the hair loss on the forehead and on the top area, I cannot think of any sensible hairstyle 😄
    I use a trimmer for shaving. Maybe it's not the best device, but I haven't overanalyzed it until today.

    The point is that after the surgery, I would like to keep shaving my head at least until hair is strong enough to look good.
    I realize that I should not use the trimmer too soon after a surgery, because using it involves moving it over the scalp and pressing it.

    Question #1:  How long would you recommend me to wait until I start shaving my head?

    Question #2: I assume that it does not matter to the regenerating hair that they are shaved to a length of 1 mm every two days?
                         (of course, this means shaving after the time defined in answer to question #1)



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