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Everything posted by Electric

  1. Thanks. What have you used with success?
  2. Has anyone experienced any differences (results or side effects etc?) between taking the brand name or the generic?
  3. Freddie, After reading James Bond's post, I would lose money rather than get a botched job. You only have so many hairs to use for life and then that's it. I cannot imagine the emotional trauma James Bond is experiencing and he shared so no one else has to feel traumatized.
  4. Has anyone tried Saw Palmetto instead of Propecia. If so, did it work? Did it do anything? Any side effects?
  5. Could you guys please share your good and bad experiences with US or Canadian transplant Doctors. I've decided to stay In the US or Canada. Thanks.
  6. Thanks for responding. Could someone notice something is different who doesn't know you?
  7. When I asked the Doctor this question, he said adamantly "No" and "it was my imagination and that he has never heard of such a thing". He absolutely said there was not a chance. It seems worst but I really don't know if it is my imagination and anxiety.
  8. Would you possibly send a picture to see how they differ? Would really appreciate it. Thanks.
  9. As anyone ever used chest hair? I wonder if that would be similar to beard hair?
  10. Once you start on Propecia, can you stop at any time without side effects? Are there any issues after stopping?
  11. Thanks. That's really nice to hear. Can you talk a little about the surgery process?
  12. Thanks. Where is Cooley located please?
  13. Thank you. What was the difference in the approach?
  14. Thanks.. What do you feel is the best dosage to take?
  15. I've been prescribed Propecia and researching the best I can, if it's safe to use. I found a site, Propeciahlep.com. There are stories of horrible permanent side effects. I want to take it but am fearful of side effects that sound even worst than the balding. Any help and feedback would really be appreciated. I've been told that I'm not a candidate for surgery in the crown area which seems to be balding pretty fast all of a sudden. So the Dilemna is whether or not to get started on Propecia? What have people done who are in similar situations?
  16. Are results any different from name brand or from the generic?
  17. How long have you been taking it? Did your hair actually stop falling out?
  18. Can people share their experience with Propecia. Did anyone have side effects? Did it slow down the balding? Would you take it again?
  19. Thanks! I'm interpreting your response as you are not happy with Dr. Lindsey? Is that accurate and if so, could you possibly share why? Did people have poor results? So, if you go somewhere at a distance from work, are there many appointments required to continue with appointments continually and requires returning throughout the year?
  20. Has anyone had any recent experiences good or bad with William Lindsey in McClean Virginia? These reviews look a few years old. I found him on yelp and do not know anything other than what I read. Also does anyone have any great referrals that they or someone they know have used, in the DC, MD, VA area? If need be, other places as well. Thanks in advance.
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